Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd June 2013 7:23pm
becsta (Bec)
View Profile Poems by becsta


love and its ups andvdowns

love is all it took
Lost Thinker
Joined 7th July 2011
Forum Posts: 29

Poetry Contest

love is confusing right?
Happy sad mad love is confusing right

poet Anonymous

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love is all it took
Lost Thinker
Joined 7th July 2011
Forum Posts: 29

Wow good poem

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

My Lady Is Broken

I don't recall ever feeling this defeated
Heart, mind and soul depleted
Soaked by the tides of my desperation
Her love absent without explanation

The space between us no longer measured in distance
My heart fights back with endless persistence
This chill in the air survives a thousand fires
Suddenly a stranger to all her desires

If she would only show me the colour that began this decline
I would paint over it white, bright and divine
Silence that brings a deafening sound
My heart pumping fear with every pound

Love shows it's cruelty, refusing to hide
Every minute I stay I die more inside
All I can hear now are the words she can't say
Maybe this is a dream and i will wake one day

My lady is broken.

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Same Sky

In the dead of night when you are cold and alone
The sun shines through the windows of our home

When the distance between us compels me to cry
My only comfort is knowing we're under the same sky

Your absence grows louder, now a deafening sound
I took you for granted when I had you around

I would do anything just to walk down your street
Knock on your door and fall at your feet

If I had a boat I would sail the seas
Arrive at your port and fall to my knees

With the wings of a bird I could reach your side
Soar through the skies until it's time to glide

Misery reaches the heart when you're torn from your fate
My desperation grows with every second I wait  

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

One Perfect Day

Running for the bus as it's driving away  
You stopped the driver, began my perfect day  
Floored by a strangers face and inviting smile  
I came undone in less than a mile  
Our conversation flowed with beautiful ease  
My army defeated and down on their knees  
As we approach the station there is fear in my heart  
The end of the road is here, the moment we part  
We both step off the bus in perfect time  
I attempt to disguise my unraveling mind  
Every fibre of my being wants to ask you to stay  
I save my courage for another day  
As I walk away my heart threatens attack  
You reach out for my arm and gently pull me back  
Be mine for this day? forget these feelings are strange  
Tomorrow we return to our lives and nothing will change  
I think of that day as I am nearing my last  
More than the days of the thirty years passed
How can one day remain locked inside?  
Still longing for all the nights we denied  
The end lingers close and softly whispers I die tomorrow  
Nothing can take back the day you saved me from sorrow

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

8sophiarose8 said:[confused]

If only you could form a coherent paragraph, we could've had something of a writer out of you.

love is all it took
Lost Thinker
Joined 7th July 2011
Forum Posts: 29

Srry didnt realize it was hard to read

love is all it took
Lost Thinker
Joined 7th July 2011
Forum Posts: 29

Thanks for adding your poems

Paige Rider
Thought Provoker
United States 17awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 165

Mad Love

I love you.

We are in perfect harmony.
Both of us.
Holding hands.
You gazing down at the promise ring.
Asking me to never take it off again.
I'm smiling at you saying that I won't.

But then. . .

"I hate you!"
I scream and shove you away.
Tears streaming down my face.
I don't know what happened.
Why this happened.
I love you so much.
And I don't want you or I to walk away.
I just want you to treat me like you did before.
Treat me like your girlfriend.
Not something you can love one minute.
And than yell at the next.
I rip off the ring and put it on the table.
"I'll put it back on when you treat me like your girlfriend!"
You use to talk to me.
Not at me.
You use to love being with me.
Now you're always threatening to leave.
You use to be understanding of my problems.
Now you just yell at me when I freak out.
What happened to us?
Why are you acting like this?
Don't bring up my problems.
My anger.
And the times I yell.
Since when do you use those things against me?
I thought we were in love?

I'm going mad. . .

I'm bleeding again.
From my arms.
By my own hand.
You pull my into you.
And say let's never fight again.
The ring has returned to my hand.
I cuddle our son while you hold me close.
I'm sorry I'm broken.
I wish you would just leave.
So you don't have deal with my madness.
And pretend that you really love me.
I am undeserving of your love.
I want to be with you.
And I want our son to have his parents together.
Because I know what it's like to have them apart.
I just wish we would stop the fighting.
Stop my insanity.
Stop hating each other randomly.
Stop hurting each other.
Stop the screaming.
Just stop this madness.
Because. . .

I love you.

poet Anonymous

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