Poetry competition CLOSED 28th June 2013 12:23pm
lepperochan (CraicDealer)
View Profile Poems by lepperochan
RUNNERS-UP: Pravus and ElliotJBurns

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Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Poetry Contest

Write whatever this image compels you to write, any style or length

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Thank you for your entry and starting off the competition peacebeuntoyou.

Thought Provoker
Italy 1awards
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 121

"Missing People Lost In The Bubble"

Open the window
blinding potential
the infinite state of hope
a future life beyond the sun
picture perfect existence an opportunity to live

the gift of life
the award of death
the curse of immortality

forever hovering never reaching life's award...

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Wow thank you Gerard-Michael

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Amazing entry Indie thank you

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

Sacred Water

enclosed in the warmth of sacred water
floating beside the placenta of the deep
he is corded to its magical growth formula
his knuckles touch, he enjoys blissful sleep
for nine months he'll swim in the sacred water
float around safely in the life sustaining womb
contently dreaming, hearing bubbles and heartbeats
contained comfortably till he grows out of leg room

his little world became much too confined to stay
the sacred water flowed out, helped show him the path
he followed the sacred water out, and into the world
people poked and prodded him then gave him a bath
he had been cut from this magical growth formula
and from the womb that held him so snug and tight
he was cold, hungry, tired, and crying very loud
and his eyes had trouble adjusting to the light

he meets his mommy and his daddy now
as they smile they are crying tears of joy
he is loved and snuggled and fed a warm breast
and they will give a name to this baby boy
he will live a long life, grow to be strong
live his days outside of the sacred water
one day he will become a father himself
be a daddy to a beautiful little daughter

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 15th June 2013
Forum Posts: 13

I was once true to the world
Someone  wise, tall and strong
With visions of the future
That would last while I am gone

See I knew this wasn't it
The end of the line
I knew I would return
To the birthplace of my shrine

Now I am not a god to worship
I am not a man of peace
I am reincarnation
A boy of hope and dreams

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

All good entries thank you Matt, Elliot and Deborahlee

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

I would like to apologize in advance for how the writing may come across. I am in a very dark mood and the only thing that gets me out of this type of mood is writing or another dangerous release. When in this mood and I write it is usually dark and insensitive.

-The Truth-
Supposed to be the best gift we are given
A new life
A new beginning
A new story

But as it happens to be
We are chosen to fail
Forced to lead mundane lives
The laughing stock of the universe

We are set up to fail
There is nothing new
No new life
No new beginning
No new story

Merely a series of rediscoveries
A redo on life without knowledge of a second chance
A chapter rewritten
A series of unfortunate event that led to the truth

We are not what we seem
We do not have free will
Everything is predetermined
Nothing is as it seems

Twisted Dreamer
El Salvador
Joined 23rd May 2013
Forum Posts: 81

I'll swim faster next time...

There is a saying amongst the un born.
" at least we go to heaven"
Fuck that I say.
I wanna taste the flesh of other beings.
I wanna snort powder.
I wanna wage war.
I wanna have a Fenway frank.
I wanna fall in love.
I wanna write bad poetry.
I wanna have beautiful eyes.
I wanna die.
I wanna live.
I want.

& it'll be worth it.

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Pravus said:I would like to apologize in advance for how the writing may come across. I am in a very dark mood and the only thing that gets me out of this type of mood is writing or another dangerous release. When in this mood and I write it is usually dark and insensitive.

-The Truth-
Supposed to be the best gift we are given
A new life
A new beginning
A new story

But as it happens to be
We are chosen to fail
Forced to lead mundane lives
The laughing stock of the universe

We are set up to fail
There is nothing new
No new life
No new beginning
No new story

Merely a series of rediscoveries
A redo on life without knowledge of a second chance
A chapter rewritten
A series of unfortunate event that led to the truth

We are not what we seem
We do not have free will
Everything is predetermined
Nothing is as it seems

Great entry Pravus thank you.....it's cool you are free to write whatever you want, fuck apologising for it.

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Thank you for your entry Jr.

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