Poetry competition CLOSED 13th June 2013 10:57pm
View Profile Poems by PierreTheMad

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Lighten up!

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

In the spirit of pure, silly fun. Let's write some hilarious stuff!

OK. Here are the rules;

Make it a Short piece in whatever style you like

Make it as funny as you can possibly can

Be rude

Be crude

Don't be shy

If you are of a sensitive nature,
this comp is not for you.
There may be obscenities, innuendo
and terrible language

Let's have some bloody fun, damn it!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Good stuff!!


Fire of Insight
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 1348

My fingers smell like Pringles
my tounge is black as ink
I think I've got the shingles
boy do I fuckin stink

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212


One day I overheard across the room
asked a professor from his class,
"Ladies if you were held-up
what would you choose to give,
money or your virginity?"
I will give all my money,
replied one pretty lady
because I want my virginity
intact... when I get married.
I will offer my virginity
said the devilish, foxy lady
Not only will I enjoy it,
I'm going to lose nothing
except my bruised dick and ego!

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 209

One wily woman from Italia
Caught rolling gold coins with her labia.
Her rich income stream became much slighter
When one coin was heated with a lighter
And her cunt became even scabbier.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 9th May 2013
Forum Posts: 38

This buzzum is grand
The hugest in the land
Please insert your face
and suck on my nipple place
I want you inside me
not drinking your tea

Guardian of Shadows
United States 30awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2318

(This really happened about 25 years ago, in the lab where I work--it was one of the funniest highlights of my career:)

True Stories Of A Lab Tech

There once was a gay man, who at four a.m.,
Put a dildo in his ass, again and again.
It felt good, he thought
To really get off
But the suction turned ugly, just then.

Gone up too far, Nature’s forces reversed
With no warning given for him to rehearse
How to back it out,
Though it made him shout
‘Til his neighbors thought him perverse.

An ambulance ride, he then made,
For an ER visit, for how he had played.
Yes, it got stuck,
Doing an ass-fuck,
And the surgeon’s day was then made.

Off to the OR, our Hero went,
Writhing in pain, hunched over and bent.
The doc got it out
With some snickering about,
How to the lab it would then be sent.

For in surgery, whenever something’s cut free,
It’s sent to the lab for biopsy, you see,
Regardless of source,
All things of course,
Get labeled as specimens for histology.

But the funniest part, that I must say,
Was the pathologist working on duty that day;
A sour old poop,
World War II Vet, to boot—
He got the dildo to start off his day. . .

All of us lab techs giggled and laughed,
And mimicked the pathologist, behind his back.
‘Twas a fitting reward
For when during the War,
He took part in gay-bashing and called them all fags.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 25th May 2013
Forum Posts: 7

You don’t miss a trick, Mick
You look in good nick, Mick
As thin as a stick, Mick
To the gym did you go?

Still as thick as a brick, Mick?
Have you got a new chick, Mick?
Did she give you a lick, Mick?
You know, down there below

Did you give it a flick, Mick?
Was it over too quick, Mick?
You say you have sore dick, Mick
And it will no longer grow

Hey! Just hang on a tick, Mick
Don’t show me your prick. Mick
Whoa! I feel a bit sick, Mick
I don’t want to know

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 9th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 11

I bought it once
and used it n'once*
I am such a dunce.

* not once= n'once.  yeah poetic license!

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 21st May 2013
Forum Posts: 6

Once a month

Once a month, my mood changes
mega bitch is released
my eyes blaze with fire
but not in a good way
Once a month, chains won't hold me
mega bitch is released
internal demons spew
my hormones rage with fury




mega bitch is released




mega bitch is released

see you in a few days Sir...

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