Poetry competition CLOSED 16th May 2013 5:49am
becsta (Bec)
View Profile Poems by becsta
RUNNER-UP: Deborahlee3313

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Make Me Cry

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 193


I touched my belly....
where that little life had been
no longer feeling that familiar thud...
that little kick I had grown accustom to
over the last 3 months...

just like it had never been.
empty ...and hollow
is all I feel now...

I even had a name for you...
as I breathe deep sharp painful
breaths... I think...

I even had a name for you...
and now...
You are gone.

I can only wonder what color
your eyes would have been

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I retract my previous vote...this entry is better than john's. I declare this as the winner!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

I retract my previous vote...this entry is better than john's!

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 91

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 51

MaY i HaVe ThiS LaSt DaNcE?  

a well dressed man (Stephen), approaches a well dressed woman (Karen) sitting at a table in a restaurant setting.

(leans forward and lightly taps KAREN on her shoulder)

excuse me Miss.. may i have this last dance?..

(pretending not to know the handsome man, though he is her husband.. they have enjoyed playing this game many times before)

pardon me sir.. there is no music being played.. if i say yes.. what are we to dance to?
(gracing her with a comforting smile)

pretty lady.. if you say yes to a single dance. i will hum a melody that you can keep pace with.. and so we both can measure our steps.. place your head on my chest and we can move to the rhythm of my heart..
(returning his smile, standing from her seated position)

those are very charming words.. how many times have you used such lines on unsuspecting women you don't know?..
(pulling KAREN closer to him)

only this one time.. though i have heard it said one time before.. the moment i saw you sitting there my heart screamed out each word.. and thought it only fitting to repeat what i heard.. being that you are the cause of such thoughts..
(placing her arms around STEPHEN's neck)

dear sir.. how can a lady resist such talk?.. lets dance..
(KAREN cuddles close to STEPHEN, laying her head on his chest as he hums a tune she remembers telling him she loved as a child, but strangely enough one could never get it right)
sweetheart.. you have never gotten this song right..
well.. tonight is a special occasion.. it is important that each moment is perfect.. just like your smile..
(picks her head up from his chest then asks)

special occasion?.. and what special occasion would this be?..
..i'd like to think of it as our most special of moments.. this is a night i found out exactly how much i love you.. how i can not live without you.. the night i found i would be willing to live a long happy life or even die young.. as long as i am in your arms..
(lifts her head from his chest then looks in his eyes)

that sounds sweet.. but whats this crazy talk about dieing young?.. we are both young and healthy.. we have a lifetime to look forward too..
(pulls her out at arms length with hands on her shoulders, begins to speak more spirited. seeming to want to change the mood and subject matter.)

you are so beautiful.. let's have a drink and talk about your day..
(he pulls out her chair as they take a seat at the table and ask the waiter over.)
Sir.. Madam.. my name is Michael.. welcome to the Last Stop.. i am your humbled servant for the evening.. what may i get for such a lovely couple?..
(looks up at the at the waiter)

please.. a bottle of your best wine..
The Last Stop?.. this is not the restaurant we had our reservations for.. did you change them without me knowing?.. how sweet and surprising..
(pausing for a moment.. seeming to be lost in thought)
strange.. i do not remember noticing that you brought me to a different restaurant.. and the more i think about it.. i can't seem to remember arriving at this place at all..
(grabbing hold of KAREN's hands)

..how was your day sweetheart?..
oh.. it was fine.. somewhat a normal day.. work was a bit slow but that probably had everything to with me wanting to get off so that you could take me on this wonderful date..
i like that when i made it home you had the house clean.. you drew me a bath and had my evening gown laid on the bed.. the way you washed my back and assisted me getting dressed..
in truth.. you make all those things simple to do.. you may not understand but you make loving you easy and enjoyable.. please continue..
(before rejoining on the details of her day she notices the a large spot on STEPHEN's shirt)

Honey.. what is that spot on your shirt?.. here.. let me get it for you..
(gently grabs hold of KAREN's wrist as she reaches over the wipe the red spot on his shirt)

Sweetheart.. there is something i have to tell you..
(drawing her hand back)

please.. speak freely.. im listening..
there is a reason why you can not remember entering this restaurant.. can you remember what we did after getting dressed?..
yes.. we got in the car and made our way to our reservations at Salty's.. and for some strange reason that's all i can remember.. then you asking me for a dance..
what am i missing? talk to me!..
Sweetheart.. we were in a car wreck..
(quickly stands up and runs towards the restaurants window. while looking through the window she can see the smashed car that her husband and she drove.)
NO!.. we couldn't have! tell me this is a terrible dream..
(begins to cry. STEPHEN walks behind and holds her from behind.)
it was dark.. and the roads were slick.. there was no way you could have seen the downed tree in the middle of the road..
the impact knocked us both unconscious.. i am uncertain when you passed but when i woke.. i was able to see your gorgeous face one final time.. i couldn't feel any pain.. like i said before.. i knew then that i was exactly where i wanted to be.. and in what seem to be but fleeting seconds.. i saw you sitting at the table and my heart screamed for joy!..
so i had to ask.. and i ask you once again.. may i have this last dance?...

8^/ RH Peppers

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Firebyrd said:Gone

I touched my belly....
where that little life had been
no longer feeling that familiar thud...
that little kick I had grown accustom to
over the last 3 months...

just like it had never been.
empty ...and hollow
is all I feel now...

I even had a name for you...
as I breathe deep sharp painful
breaths... I think...

I even had a name for you...
and now...
You are gone.

I can only wonder what color
your eyes would have been

....Amazing write

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 331

My girlfriend died in a car accident. I had spoke to her the night before. The last words we said to each other, "I'll talk to you tomorrow". The next day, she got in the car. A friend of a friend, the driver. He had been drinking. The car swerved. My love and her friend were thrown from the car. The driver just walked away, to the nearest gas station, called his parents for a ride home. 15 minutes later, an elderly lady called and reported the accident. One car, yet the worst thing ever. Her friend died that night in the hospital, my baby died the next morning. I've spent so much time trying to comprehend, how does someone just walk away from a friend like that? She was 16, far too young to be lost. I loved her. A month or two from now, she'll be a tribute tattoo on my body. But she's always on my mind. I just will never forget the last thing we said..."I'll talk to you tomorrow"

R.I.P. baby. we all miss you so ♥

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 345


I'm sorry for the kids in magazines
Their sad faces peering from terrible scenes
I'm sorry for kids who can't be found
Or beg for food on the ground
I'm sorry for kids with parents in tears
Because some driver needed a few more beers
I'm sorry for kids in documentaries
Or kids looking miserable in cemeteries
I'm sorry for kids who have been abused
And whose lives have been misused
I'm sorry for kid whose hearts are pure
But are dying of disease we can cure
I'm sorry for these kids but also feel shame
For being glad these lists don't include my name

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 22nd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3

I wrote this just after Christmas year before last. Yes, it's true.

I have this friend 

He used to laugh SO HARD that milk would come out of his nose...even when he wasn't drinking any milk. 

He used to joke about everything.

 He used to do a lot of things. 

You know how sometimes, 
Sometimes there are things,
 usually the things that bug the shit out of you, that your friends keep doing even though you tell them to stop?

 Like leaving a mess or blowing his paycheck on payday 
Or maybe making fun of you in front of a pretty girl 
Or like when he acts stupid in front of the other folks you're trying to impress 
Like when he got on the phone with his daughter Saying "no I love YOU more" so many times I just want him to shut the hell up so I can finish my story, give instructions, or tell a bad joke 

Oh and then the telling and retelling and retelling and retelling the same damn story again and again because it was funny once. 

It really WAS hilarious. 


And I thought I would have to smack him if he EVER showed up on the jobsite just ONE MORE TIME in flip flops and shorts. 

And I TOLD him not to fall in love again. 

"Hell boy you ain't got shit settled from the last one...or two or twelve. "
Dammit I WISH you would listen to me!

 Why won't you soak up this wisdom?

 WHY can't you hear me?! 

You drink too much, 
fck too much, 
lie too much, ... 

drink too fast, 
drive too fast, 
spend too fast,
 eat too fast, 
and did you REALLY have to get me to eat that hell burger with the ghost peppers?

 It BURNED ... 

when I PEED!! 


And when you THOUGHT it was ok to have one more drink 

When you SLAMMED into that wall were you able to THINK 

About a sweet little girl to whom her daddy was her world 

At the airport waiting for Christmas. 

The blood ... 

It clouds your vision now 

And you've got to be wondering how 

to ease all your pain 

while your own heart crushes your brain 

by filling your thick skull 

finally ending a life full 

of unfulfilled potential 

When she screamed "PLEASE DON'T DIE!" 

And she searched in your eyes 

for the love of her life 

Why didn't you listen? 

She felt ... 

your heartbeat 

And your blood flow 

And your thick, labored breath 

And then, ...

And then your heart stopped. 

Why friend? 

Why Can't you LISTEN? 

I know it's a mess but I needed to get it out. Maybe I'll clean it up a little layer. I hired a guy like many others from a halfway house. We became friends as he struggled to rebuild his life and overcome PTSD and alcoholism. Fred Davis was drinking and driving with his fiancée last week. He was on his way to pick up his daughter from the airport. He was going double the speed limit in a construction zone when he lost control and slammed into a wall. He died in her arms. I'm trying to overcome my anger at him for wasting all that he was.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 15th May 2013
Forum Posts: 3

Yesterday She Smiled

"Yesterday she smiled
Today she is numb
She failed once again
A life of karma haunts her
Happiness her enemy
Her smile a lie
Stuck in a body
In a fake reality
Lost and empty
Trying to fill a void
Love is a trap
She keeps falling
The devil is pleased
No tears left to cry
She is once again faced
With another goodbye
She has given up on faith
Decided to give it another try
She failed once again
And now all that’s left
Is nothing
A silent cry for help
She tried her best
She must stay strong
Must survive
Nothing left to do
But ask god Why
Yesterday she smiled"

melaniesolone (c)2013

Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79

becsta said:

A True And Tragic Story

When you came into my life I was lonely and confused
Trying to live life with a heart that's been abused
You were my everything for over six years
Taught me to listen to the sound of my tears
We don't want to hide so we told the truth to our kin
My family opened their arms and invited you in
Thrown out the door as your parents washed their hands
Your brothers and sisters they did not understand
They broke your heart, denying their own blood
Your tears ran for days, your own personal flood
Born this way but still they treated you like dirt
Choosing shame over love and leaving you hurt
We stand up for our love because it is our home
The real queers are those who leave love alone
No sign of the law the day we walked down the aisle
Instead it is fighting for those who live in denial
Fighting and rising above this world we built our place
Where our love roamed free and not tainted with disgrace
We lived our lives doing the world no harm
Until tragedy struck and destroyed the calm
I live and breathe now but I died inside
The day death took you to the other side
Resentment set in when I heard your mothers voice
How could anyone let you go by choice?
Not a single tear in her eye as I sat there and sobbed
I let her take what she wanted I'd already been robbed
She cleared out our bank account and took your mortal house
No regard for the wishes of a powerless spouse
You were soon to be buried, she agreed to let me know when
Denied my goodbye, I never heard from her again
I refused to surrender, went ahead and booked my flight
Your daddy warned me I would be met with a violent fight
Your brothers shotgun awaits if I show up on the day
Fearing for my life I had no choice but to stay
This would not be our story if we had the legal right to wed
The fight for gay marriage is about lives and not about bed
Please take the time to watch the video of his story  

I watched the video before, it would really tear you apart. I'm also an LGBT and I support gay rights! I would like to say thank you for posting this poem. I enjoyed reading it. Stay strong LGBT! Spread love!

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

imagine your child had his own child and didn't tell you
you find out from a stranger
although you get to be in his little life now
you missed so much

then...the other grandma sends you this
does it help a little?

Pieces of Jake

Our grandchild, a delightful gift from God
I'm so proud to share this honor with you
a Blessing that we get to enjoy together
more than that, he is a dream come true

From his cute little nose down to his toes
this boy's as perfect as he could get
he is a sweet and kind and loving little man
and he'll rule our hearts forever, you can bet

On the day that he was born he yelled out "mom"
every nurse in the NICU turned their head
we all looked back and forth at one another
could not believe what he just had said

As an infant, he had very rarely cried
that is something that I wanted you to know
he was always safe and happy, loved and cherished
and to share pieces of Jake seems apropos

I want to help your minds eye see these pictures
help you imagine things you didn't get to see
fill your hearts with cute little stories
as I share with you a little piece of me

He wasn't fazed at all by his first bath
just laid there as his mommy washed him down
his smile has always lit his little face
and I really don't recall him with a frown

It took him several months to first roll over
not his fault though, we just never put him down
each time one got finished with their snuggling
there'd always be another set of arms around

If his giggle could be sold, we'd have made a fortune
it picks your spirit up when you are feeling down
the little tender moments lost, to you I offer
pieces of Jake, the very best grandbaby around

He loved to eat and when he got to eat solid food
he'd lay back in his chair, propped his little leg up
his highness wouldn't even lift his little finger
well, not until he got his first sipping cup

The first time he sat up he was so proud
the smile upon his face it was so wide
to see the awe and joy that lit his face
touched my heart so much I think I may have cried

He would run a low grade fever when he teethed
mostly in pairs, each time his little teeth came in
still he always smiled, even when he was in pain
then the adventure of eating "finger foods" did begin

He hated crawling, guess it was just "beneath him"
the first time he stood his leverage was a chair
his first step he laughed so hard, he fell back down
then thought hard about his next step before he dare

Imagine how he beamed when he started walking
that's when we baby proofed every thing in sight
he's always love to sing and dance and show off
and as you know our little Jake is very bright

Imagine the few holidays and birthdays he spent happy
then you jumped right in to aid the spoiling, this is true
all the pieces of Jake I've crammed your head with
their little memories I'm  so pleased to share with you

So it seems I've finished painting you this picture
pieces of Jake now forever etched into your hearts
from now on, this journey we will walk together
from our grandbaby, you will never be apart

Just one last verse to say that I am so delighted
that of our family, you are now a giant part
I hope this gift is received, as I've intended
Pieces of Jake, I share with you, with all my heart.

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