Poetry competition CLOSED 16th May 2013 5:49am
becsta (Bec)
View Profile Poems by becsta
RUNNER-UP: Deborahlee3313

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Make Me Cry

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 1awards
Joined 26th July 2012
Forum Posts: 49

Poetry Contest

Make me cry... it has to be sad...
So i feel like crying, so make me cry by writing something sad. It can be real or even made up.....

Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

my dog just died.............

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

sadgurl said:So i feel like crying, so make me cry by writing something sad. It can be real or even made up.....

sadgurl, there is already an on-going competition with the same title. Sad to say, you're a copycat!

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

johnrot said:my dog just died.............

was he given a proper burial..

Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

he was too big to flush down the toilet so i dug a hole....

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

i think you win. =)

Strange Creature
Joined 9th May 2013
Forum Posts: 2


Strange Creature
Joined 9th May 2013
Forum Posts: 2


Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183


A True And Tragic Story

When you came into my life I was lonely and confused
Trying to live life with a heart that's been abused
You were my everything for over six years
Taught me to listen to the sound of my tears
We don't want to hide so we told the truth to our kin
My family opened their arms and invited you in
Thrown out the door as your parents washed their hands
Your brothers and sisters they did not understand
They broke your heart, denying their own blood
Your tears ran for days, your own personal flood
Born this way but still they treated you like dirt
Choosing shame over love and leaving you hurt
We stand up for our love because it is our home
The real queers are those who leave love alone
No sign of the law the day we walked down the aisle
Instead it is fighting for those who live in denial
Fighting and rising above this world we built our place
Where our love roamed free and not tainted with disgrace
We lived our lives doing the world no harm
Until tragedy struck and destroyed the calm
I live and breathe now but I died inside
The day death took you to the other side
Resentment set in when I heard your mothers voice
How could anyone let you go by choice?
Not a single tear in her eye as I sat there and sobbed
I let her take what she wanted I'd already been robbed
She cleared out our bank account and took your mortal house
No regard for the wishes of a powerless spouse
You were soon to be buried, she agreed to let me know when
Denied my goodbye, I never heard from her again
I refused to surrender, went ahead and booked my flight
Your daddy warned me I would be met with a violent fight
Your brothers shotgun awaits if I show up on the day
Fearing for my life I had no choice but to stay
This would not be our story if we had the legal right to wed
The fight for gay marriage is about lives and not about bed
Please take the time to watch the video of his story  

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

Dying Wish

Family dinner night and everyone is here
Reach for my wife’s hand, she fights back a tear
Voice is shaky as I ask all hear what I say
I got some very bad news from the doctor today

Here is what I want and here’s what I don’t
Some of you may agree, some of you won’t
These are my wishes, the last of my rights
My dying days and my final nights

No fancy box for this mortal house to Lay
Or a man of god with something to say
No church floor to soak up the tears
Turn my body to ash, burn all the years

There is no place for me in a row of stone
A prisoner of time, and weeds overgrown
Some roots in the earth can last forever
This is how I want us to stay together

With my ashes to offer dig a small hole in the earth
Place them in with the seed of a tree it will birth
Nurture this tree and carve in it my name
Forever I bask in the sun and dance in the rain.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Devilish said:i think you win. =)

Condolence john...yes, you just win! Congratulations...

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

That Morning
My smile was broken that morning
I wish that damn call never came
as the words were yet not even spoken
I knew life would not be the same
My smile was broken that morning
the phone dropped as I screamed out my pain
surreal were the words that were spoken
and I cried as they spoke out your name
My smile was broken that morning
and I yelled and I screamed and I cried
Oh daddy my world started crumbling
the moment they told me you died
My smile was broken that morning
the pain from your loss broke my heart
but I'll cherish our memories daddy
in my soul you will always be a part

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

Entry removed.

Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

again with the redundancy....

poor sailing the seas of cheese......

poet Anonymous

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