Poetry competition CLOSED 20th May 2013 4:24am
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Congo 16awards
Joined 12th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 2

In amorous amour, to mouths
linking tongues n' lips
we get primal when we kiss
languishing, lost to time
bodies molding into one
as our lustful liaison
creates an explosion of our minds...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 2nd Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 22

Blood Slave

With loving lips and lustful eyes
My latest lover lies

I crawl up the bed and smile at him
my insatiable passion never denied

''Morning baby did you enjoy the taste?
How wonderful to wake to your delicious embrace''

His body is like a drug to me
For I am his blood slave
never to be free

Since the night he sunk in his teeth
The orgasmic bliss was such a treat

I see in his eyes his need for blood
I'll feed his hunger
with my slave love

With laughing lips and listless eyes  
My languid lover...

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 710

my languid lover dies

with loving lips and lustful eyes
my latest lover lies

so tonight
i'm mixing his drink
real stiff,
just one sip
and all that love
all that lust
will leave his eyes
leave those lips
and he won't be my latest lover
he'll just be
my late lover.

no more
of his

with laughing lips and listless eyes

my languid lover

[in his grave.]

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492


with loving lips and
lustful eyes
my latest lover lies
current lover
she always “gets over”

in her
bringing forth such
shallow undercurrents of
half truths and
too often
overly simplistic

she has
the way of
fancy dancers
good for a two-step of

lies &
damn lies

but those eyes
those lazy twin pools
used as tools
I’m amongst her fools
I know I am, yes
of course
I am

clever is my lover
this lover
my trickster
with her
sleight of hand
and of heart
I am mangled
and ..so easily
I’ve been ..tangled

she’s one; clearly
one hard
for me to part
her calling
my falling
so very
"not" smart, and
she’s so more than wise
with laughing lips and
listless eyes  
my languid lover

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 86

With loving lips
and lustful eyes
my only latest lover lies,

In a streaming welcome
and whiskey dreams
Backseat warm, our spirits of cake and dust

Stern and silk
I'll just take whatever hit there is until the end of this moment
Chewing mercury, it's hot as hell back here
Though I don't mind the fire.
And not the strangulation either.  His strong hand on my cross
The penetration and hyrdro comings
Waves of a revolution, haha

I look at him.....

With laughing lips and listless eyes
My languid lover lies.....

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125

With loving lips and lustful eyes
My last lover lies
Tells me things that wrote never true
Only to find that my heart rained blue
Dying in the pit
He laid me down to fit
My lover now is like another
Reigns as if they knew each other
My sorrow fills
As if I swollow the huge pill
Feel my lover from head to toe
He loves me but I am no hoe
So now I sit
In the pit
With laughing lips
And listless eyes
My languid lover...

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

With loving lips
and lustful eyes
my latest lover lies

with lustful lies
and love betrayed
my lover I despise

with languid eyes
and tears cried
my anger now applies

with laughing lips
and listless eyes
my languid lover lies

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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