Poetry competition CLOSED 19th May 2013 5:38am
View Profile Poems by JohnFeddeler
RUNNER-UP: torednekone

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fool me, give it a twist

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

Poetry Contest

make me think one thing, then show me another
have some fun with it!!
here is a sample:

Touch it

I know that you are looking        
and that you want to touch it        
It's slightly cooled        
since departing from the heat        
Smooth and silky        
glistening with moisture        
as droplets trickle down and fall        
I know that you are looking        
and that you want to touch it        
It's soft and its wet        
just give it a rub        
Now, I know just what your thinking of        
and where your head is at        
but baby...It's not that        
Your wrong, don't take that bet        
Since I've piqued* your interest        
I guess I'll have to share        
It's not what you were thinking of      
Hey dude, it just...                    
      ...MY WET HAIR

get the idea? lol
no more than 2 entries per poet
dazzle me with your brilliance
fool me, give it a twist

thanks for your interest
good luck

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

The Damned, the Shamed.

Men of duty, I know them all so well.
Tears fall, of all men within.
The Imprisoned and the Freed.
A sullen voice cries out
in his misery, his grand stage.
With blurred vision..
and a tear glazed gaze
between these bars.
Locking my stare
to my only friends who have become
my assigned executioners.
The only Family I know
the who command unto the condemned
struck brethern with it's plight.
The horns, they sound.
Speak unto the commandment of death.
To it's eldest son.
Belonging only to the state
all efforts to attone
in utmost vain.
Death be the only reply.
A chorus adhering to happiness
sung so miserably, it plays?
To suffer
and to be taken by Lightning
and the ferocity of electricity
to pass unto me.
Until death
are all bonds shattered.
The Brotherhood between the Damned, the Shamed.
The Last Mile.
Become one with the Thunder
and the piercing plunge in disarray.
in the simmering aftermath
of a world draining the bottles of despair.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3015


My hands itch
And my heart jumps.
I see you again after
All this time.

I try to be strong,
To think of my commitment.
I grow so weak in my resolve.
I don’t think I’m going to make it.

I imagine what would happen,
If I just grabbed you this time.
I’d breathe in, and say
“God, you smell divine.”

Delicious, delectable,
Begging to be bitten.
I can’t believe you’re
Here in my kitchen.

Fresh and hot,
Chewy and fudgey,
There on the plate
Is a beautiful brownie.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 29th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 12

my eyes cannot see
my hands,they cannot touch
yet my skin
can feel it's touch
i cannot live without
i try to burn
yet without it i cannot
yet it will
stop flames
with it's movement
it surrounds me
a breath of...

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

great great great everyone
love the entries so far
keep up the good work

love this topic!!!! thank you all for entering

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 21st Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3

What choice do I have?
I had no other option!
I'm not the one that made any desicions!
I was placed into a part of the play!
I have NO choice! I have NO free will!
I didn't pick this outcome!
What could i do?
Where could I go?
The fates put me on this path with no care of how it affected me!
What was I to do?
Where was I suppose to go?
What choice have I got? What choice did I have?
What am I going to do?

I met you... I fell in love...
What the Hell was I suppose to do!?!?!?!?!

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 1348

went to a park one morning
that was the first mistake
because beside the park bench
was a clear lake
and i had nothing to feed the ducks with
but sylvia plath quotations
asked for some feed off
the homeless tramp on the bench
he asked for me or for the ducks
handed me a green sweetie
and i suppose he raped me

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

My mistress calls to me
as she does
at least once a day.
I am feeling strong
and so I try to resist
though I never can for long
and her punishments
for my defiance
are heavy handed
and cruel,
always leaving me
quaking with pain
and unable to face the world.
I so hate
how dependent
I have let myself become
on her smooth
ebony beauty;
I can't make it through
even half of my day
without succumbing
to her charms.
Her unique scent,
no matter how I try,
always makes my mouth water
and causes my self control
to shatter.
Before long
I will go to her
on bended knee
and begging
for a release from my torment,
for her to be merciful
and to save me
from the pain
I made her inflict.
It always ends this way,
with me desperately
drinking deeply of her,
praising her for the joy she brings,
my body humming
with the pleasure
of her bittersweet

--The best part of waking up..--

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

this is going great everyone
will be sooooo hard to choose a winner

poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

The Young Priest's Sex-capades

There once was a young handsome priest
Who was assigned to our local parish
All the girls in town adored him
For he was so fit and trim

He went to market one Sunday morning
Bought some eggs he needed for baking
Forgot it was a Sunday
He was to say mass on that day

Good thing he remembered
That morning in September
Hurriedly put the eggs on a table
And changed clothes in the back hall

Coming back to check on the eggs
Can't find them even between the table's legs
Had no time to look for them
Started mass and sung the hymn

During the sermon he wanted to find out
Who among the churchgoers found the eggs
Can't wait any longer and so he blurted out
"My brothere and sisters, who among you has eggs?
All the males stood up... 'no it's a big No.'
'What I meant is, who has seen the eggs?'
This time all the females stood up.
'Oh, no it's another mistake.'
I meant, who among you has seen my eggs?"
Surprisingly, all of the nuns stood up.

That's how they discovered the young priest's sex-capades
I hope this made you laugh my Lady Pibeseth
As I begin to write the next escapade
I beg you to hold on to your seat

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

great everyone
keep 'em coming

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