Poetry competition CLOSED 18th May 2013 4:55am
View Profile Poems by dustyjjewels
RUNNER-UP: marielavoue

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The Third Eye

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 331

Enter the plane
Open your mind
Close your eyes
Silent voices surround
Wisps of souls
Forgotten and remembered
Surround us
Can you see?
I can
I know their pain
I feel the sadness
As they try to speak
Screaming into deaf ears
Sounds that fall short
Missed by families
Asking for help
Can you hear?
I can
Silence in darkness
Open your mind
Listen closely
They call to us

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Dani and Druidic, thank you for participating.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2241


Plants have it.
Trees have it.
Grass have it.
Animals have it.
Humans also have it stored in our pineal gland.

Split wigs ain't the half
come sit beside me under the Acacia tree
and let's chat.

Big buddha dude-alien chick
is not supposed to be seen
that's why we leave our eyes behind
and borrow the burning thousands
from the mechanized pixies

Come back with the angle/demon dilemma
if you need to, but while we talk shop
with the shop builders, say not a thing
that doesn't marry comfort, with astonishment

Liquid geometry takes the boil out of the pot
of the normal problems, from the inside out.
Skin is all that contains us, so let's bring back
some of this everything matter, to illuminate
the nothing, that binds us

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

lightbaron, thank you for entering the competition.

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 5awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 152

It comes like a vision
It comes like a trance
Like a still small voice
Whispering in my ear
Telling me which way to go
When in confusion I strand
Showing me what's lying ahead
Leaving others amused

As we debate we argue
What I'll do,what I wouldn't do
First I didn't understand it all
Making we feel like a weirdo
But I escaped bad situations
Got most decisions right
Knew what to do and what not
All because of his light

I know a liar before he completes his speech
Vivid descriptions of places I haven't been
They melted in confusion as I described the cape town beach
A place they well know I haven't seen

It comes like a vision
It comes like a trance
Like a still small voice
Whispering in my ear
How I complete my mission
Is not by chance
I have a sixth sense
And its always there

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Congratulations to Dustyjjewels for writing the descriptive poem, for Red, you said it so well, and Aish, thats an experience worth thinking about seriously. Thank you everybody for being with me on this competition, with all your incredible talents. I am humbled and honoured by your participation. Thank You!!

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