Poetry competition CLOSED 17th May 2013 5:08pm
sstruhar (AFleetingMemory)
View Profile Poems by sstruhar
RUNNER-UP: becsta

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True Love <3

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 11th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 73

Poetry Contest

Write about your true love. (real or imaginative)
Can be new/old.
Has to be about the topic (obviously).
Would appreciate more upbeat poems.
Doesn't matter if you believe/not. Just write how you at least think you'd feel.
Only one entry!
Have fun with it and make me feel the emotion!

Black Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 10th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 262


I have so much
I want to tell you,
But I can't find
the strength to say
what needs to be said.
I love you with all
my heart and I don't
care what anyone has
to say about it. You
are everything to me
and always have been.
I hope you know how
this is for me to
say...but will
you say you'll stay
and that you feel
the same way

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 78


I want you to hold my hand And be proud
I want  to hold you and make you feel safe
I want to have your name on my skin
I want a love that will never end
I want happiness and hope
I want you were i can cope

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183


One Perfect Day

Running for the bus as it's driving away  
You stopped the driver, began my perfect day  
Floored by a strangers face and inviting smile  
I came undone in less than a mile  
Our conversation flowed with beautiful ease  
My army defeated and down on their knees  
As we approach the station there is fear in my heart  
The end of the road is here, the moment we part  
We both step off the bus in perfect time  
I attempt to disguise my unraveling mind  
Every fibre of my being wants to ask you to stay  
I save my courage for another day  
As I walk away my heart threatens attack  
You reach out for my arm and gently pull me back  

Be mine for this day? forget these feelings are strange  
Tomorrow we return to our lives and nothing will change  
I think of that day as I am nearing my last  
More than the days of the thirty years passed
How can one day remain locked inside?  
Still longing for all the nights we denied  
The end lingers close and softly whispers I die tomorrow  
Nothing can take back the day you saved me from sorrow.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 13th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 114

Your Love.
I love you more than you will ever know
Words can't convey all my heart has to say
you are my everything, the moon to my stars
The sound of your voice sets my heart ablaze
when you look in my eyes and see past the flaws
to the real me I'm left in a daze
In my darkness you are always there
to show me you will always care
Like a ray of sunshine your love keeps me warm
together we can weather any storm
The words I Love You have never ment more to me
Take my hand and walk with me a glorious
never ending journey is our path
Forever by your side I will stand
you will always be my miracle
and if there comes a time I start to fall
all I have to do is look in your eyes

Twisted Dreamer
India 2awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 103

       Mystery Woman

Am I in love with you?
With those lips that are proud
And a voice that has no doubt,
Those eyes who know what their dream is
And a look that cant elsewhere be found?

Am I so smitten with you,
That I am trying to touch the fog?
Or are you the fog that will be nowhere to feign, when the sun will shine again?

Tell me what my mind always says, but your lips forbid
That you will be mine and our journey divine.

"Dont get carried away boy",you say
"For I am a wind that knows no bound,
A mind that is very very sound.
A light that is out of Newton's reach,
A speech holier than Moses' preach.
I am the wind that makes the world alive,
And a shining star that will forever survive.
I am easy to crave for but hard to get
The girl who can make your dreams go wet!
Can you see the diamonds in the sky?
Get me one which is just so fine.
Then I can take your head amid my breasts
And let you there,forever rest".

So here I am in search of a dream
Armed with a voice and a mind to write.
A stream that gallops down the moon,I have to swim there very soon.
Because I want to reach your heart
And be there right from the start.
To touch you,kiss you and love you more
And heal away all our hidden sores......

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 6th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 16

Falling inlove

Poisoned girl left to lie
To wither, rot, and die
Showed the horrors, yet so young
Tainted before her song was sung
Shredded heart, caused by man
Meant to hurt her all they can
And they did

When I found her all alone
She was stripped to the bone
Her beauty, they all stole
In place, a darkened hole
For she would not believe
For why I could not leave
She was beautiful

Ripped chest wide to show my heart
Bound it to hers to make it start
Try to make her feel as I do
To see what I see, when I look at you

Take my hand, and you will see
Exactly how much you mean to me
Under the stars we'll lay at night
But none compare to your sight
With whispered kisses upon your cheek
And endless sweets I wish speak
I can not leave

With eyes locked without a word
But still a million giggles to be heard
To lay alone, but always together
With locked hands, bound forever
And each night that it's just us two
It will be the best night yet
Because I'm with you.

(I wrote this for a girl. within a week she broke up with me and is currently going out with my roommate and best friend)

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1819


Allow me to cut open
the weight of such pulp
where nerves take in deeply
like my glade of lips do
when crowning your rising trunk.

Pitch is inaudible to me in this swaying
canopy, branching through.
Here you carve out tenderness
marking your beloved pet
once a wild sapling.

Collared to your lap
molasses pours from stock too stoic
to beg for the fall
even when it wants to.
Tip, tip, tipping ever over.

Is this copse with sound for you
this breeze that gnashes like saw's teeth?
Can you hear the bite of my lumbering ?
Count my rings, trace them
back to their sprouting.

Sucking you into me from the root
I am straight in these timberings
that I can not hear, but feel
grazing this forest base
where my thin leafy veins lay down

and howl…

You are the seed
of something always growing in me.
You are the seed
of something lush, and heavy.

You are simply the cede.

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 86

The Other Eye

There was a crash
from afar,
the shatter of I, me , another queen
with a sailor standing on a cliff
holding a stolen eye

There was a bard
I finally found
lost in the old momentums,
then queen broke his lying mirror lustfully
and taught him to defy
to see clearer

The mind being made of glass

he saw and held,
Is taught him to believe
that I rather be dead than
revel in being, closeminded, because
thee must be dead to the world.

Dear bard
my other poet, you are found now,
my other eye, Came has Come
the plato from your shatter island I will always

Question is, how far can you see?

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