Poetry competition CLOSED 28th May 2013 7:50am
cjmshadow (Caleb)
View Profile Poems by cjmshadow
RUNNERS-UP: ElrondSirfalas and becsta

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Pain, Death, Glory, and Love

Avenging Angel
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 18th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 295

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Ooh... I like this one!

Avenging Angel
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 18th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 295

You are all making this so hard to choose!

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Sad State of Affairs of an OFW*


Rain shadow effect
adds agony to your longing
as you think of your family:
a beautiful wife and daughter,
who were left behind
when you work for an oil company
in a desert paradise, so far away
from your beloved home.

Your research and dedication,
excellence beyond comparison -
doesn't go unnoticed...
Earned multiple rewards and promotions:
honors shared not only by your family
but your own country as well.

Despite all the recognition
you are still sad, feeling lonely
because you have a premonition
that your beloved one and only
is having an affair with your brother.

Scourging heat of the sun,
and boredom accompanying the night:
All of these you can bear.
Just the thoughts of your wife
having an affair...
You don't wanna hear!

You came home telling not a single soul
to surprise your wife who's so beautiful,
but it was you who was surprised;
for right there in your matrimonial bed
lies naked, your wife sucking your brother's dick
as he ate her pussy - they were in a different world!

Heaven and earth collided
The TRUTH really hurts
In your face, FUCKING
Only stopped... with two loud SHOTS!

* OFW = Overseas Foreign Worker

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 6th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 16

.                                             .

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

Dear Grandpa

I never did have the chance to meet you
for our country you died doing your part
in our picture, dressed for war, you hold mommy
it's next to the box holding your "Purple Heart"

So often I've wondered about you
wished I'd known you and wished we had played
but this picture of you holding mommy
is the only memory of you I can save

Grandma see's your face in my children
most especially in my first born son
I am oh so proud of you dear grandpa
when my time comes, to you I will run

For now may I ask you this favor
please give my mommy and daddy my love
tell mommy I'm glad that she's got you now
and we'll meet when I join you all up Above.

All My Love
Debbie xo

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183


A True And Tragic Story

When you came into my life I was lonely and confused
Trying to live life with a heart that's been abused
You were my everything for over six years
Taught me to listen to the sound of my tears
We don't want to hide so we told the truth to our kin
My family opened their arms and invited you in
Thrown out the door as your parents washed their hands
Your brothers and sisters they did not understand
They broke your heart, denying their own blood
Your tears ran for days, your own personal flood
Born this way but still they treated you like dirt
Choosing shame over love and leaving you hurt
We stand up for our love because it is our home
The real queers are those who leave love alone
No sign of the law the day we walked down the aisle
Instead it is fighting for those who live in denial
Fighting and rising above this world we built our place
Where our love roamed free and not tainted with disgrace
We lived our lives doing the world no harm
Until tragedy struck and destroyed the calm
I live and breathe now but I died inside
The day death took you to the other side
Resentment set in when I heard your mothers voice
How could anyone let you go by choice?
Not a single tear in her eye as I sat there and sobbed
I let her take what she wanted I'd already been robbed
She cleared out our bank account and took your mortal house
No regard for the wishes of a powerless spouse
You were soon to be buried, she agreed to let me know when
Denied my goodbye, I never heard from her again
I refused to surrender, went ahead and booked my flight
Your daddy warned me I would be met with a violent fight
Your brothers shotgun awaits if I show up on the day
Fearing for my life I had no choice but to stay
This would not be our story if we had the legal right to wed
The fight for gay marriage is about lives and not about bed
Please take the time to watch the video of his story

Avenging Angel
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 18th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 295

becsta said:

A True And Tragic Story

When you came into my life I was lonely and confused
Trying to live life with a heart that's been abused
You were my everything for over six years
Taught me to listen to the sound of my tears
We don't want to hide so we told the truth to our kin
My family opened their arms and invited you in
Thrown out the door as your parents washed their hands
Your brothers and sisters they did not understand
They broke your heart, denying their own blood
Your tears ran for days, your own personal flood
Born this way but still they treated you like dirt
Choosing shame over love and leaving you hurt
We stand up for our love because it is our home
The real queers are those who leave love alone
No sign of the law the day we walked down the aisle
Instead it is fighting for those who live in denial
Fighting and rising above this world we built our place
Where our love roamed free and not tainted with disgrace
We lived our lives doing the world no harm
Until tragedy struck and destroyed the calm
I live and breathe now but I died inside
The day death took you to the other side
Resentment set in when I heard your mothers voice
How could anyone let you go by choice?
Not a single tear in her eye as I sat there and sobbed
I let her take what she wanted I'd already been robbed
She cleared out our bank account and took your mortal house
No regard for the wishes of a powerless spouse
You were soon to be buried, she agreed to let me know when
Denied my goodbye, I never heard from her again
I refused to surrender, went ahead and booked my flight
Your daddy warned me I would be met with a violent fight
Your brothers shotgun awaits if I show up on the day
Fearing for my life I had no choice but to stay
This would not be our story if we had the legal right to wed
The fight for gay marriage is about lives and not about bed
Please take the time to watch the video of his story

Dear lord! I am crying. This made me feel the pain and suffering. I have to deal with this intolerance every day. As for the death and such, I have not yet to feel this, but I fear one day I will. This was an amazing and touching piece of work. Congradulations

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

XxDeathWishxX said:[quote-195102-becsta]

A True And Tragic Story

When you came into my life I was lonely and confused
Trying to live life with a heart that's been abused
You were my everything for over six years
Taught me to listen to the sound of my tears
We don't want to hide so we told the truth to our kin
My family opened their arms and invited you in
Thrown out the door as your parents washed their hands
Your brothers and sisters they did not understand
They broke your heart, denying their own blood
Your tears ran for days, your own personal flood
Born this way but still they treated you like dirt
Choosing shame over love and leaving you hurt
We stand up for our love because it is our home
The real queers are those who leave love alone
No sign of the law the day we walked down the aisle
Instead it is fighting for those who live in denial
Fighting and rising above this world we built our place
Where our love roamed free and not tainted with disgrace
We lived our lives doing the world no harm
Until tragedy struck and destroyed the calm
I live and breathe now but I died inside
The day death took you to the other side
Resentment set in when I heard your mothers voice
How could anyone let you go by choice?
Not a single tear in her eye as I sat there and sobbed
I let her take what she wanted I'd already been robbed
She cleared out our bank account and took your mortal house
No regard for the wishes of a powerless spouse
You were soon to be buried, she agreed to let me know when
Denied my goodbye, I never heard from her again
I refused to surrender, went ahead and booked my flight
Your daddy warned me I would be met with a violent fight
Your brothers shotgun awaits if I show up on the day
Fearing for my life I had no choice but to stay
This would not be our story if we had the legal right to wed
The fight for gay marriage is about lives and not about bed
Please take the time to watch the video of his story

Dear lord! I am crying. This made me feel the pain and suffering. I have to deal with this intolerance every day. As for the death and such, I have not yet to feel this, but I fear one day I will. This was an amazing and touching piece of work. Congradulations[/quote]

Thank you I watched the video of his story and I cried as well, this story almost broke my heart and did scare the hell out of me. I posted it in this comp so that more people could know his story and now I know at least one more person has heard it so Happy days

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

This one is all about Glory!

- A Warrior Queen’s Heart -

This tale: let us start.
You cannot know the might of a warrior queen’s heart!
Or how it beats like a raging inferno within my breast…
It beats amidst the backdrop of a million starry blazes.
Beating with ferocity, to tear even whole galaxies apart!
I am a warrior queen, and for my spirit there is no rest.
My battle, is endless, set to my peoples’ lusty praises…
For nothing can tell you what is truly within your nature:
Like the struggle that separates the superior intelligence,
From those whose minds cannot fathom true vastness!
When the blood flows within your veins, proud, mature,
And your hunger reminds you with but one long glace…
You will know what you are, without all fear or distress.
A warrior: whose blade cannot be stayed by any power!
That is what I am at heart, a warrior queen regal, grand,
My heart, reminds me, battle strengthens me; I survive.
And though my innermost self is as delicate as a flower,
My will is as iron and can be as rough as harshest sand.
Under my reign, there is order, and in honor we thrive!
You cannot be given honor, unless you act with it first.
One cannot know a warrior’s heart unless they hunger,
For to desire and to strive is to yearn and to embrace!
And how can one desire unless for a dream they thirst?
My dreams are mighty, and filled with much thunder…
Even as my queenly heart, is blessed by a noble grace.
The ultimate battle is fought not by armies on the field,
Nor by vessels of steel amidst the void between stars!
Rather, it is waged within a place far more like home…
It is so waged within the warrior’s heart never to yield,
And the inner battle can leave you with deepest scars!
But to emerge as victorious, is to come into your own.
The test of a true warrior is to conquer one’s own self,
To master the soul, to hone the spirit as a blade edge…
Only to bask, in the glory, the power, and the infamy!
I am a warrior queen, for I have found the fair wealth,
Which, comes not from any medal, ribbon or badge…
But from knowing myself, and embracing my destiny!
Thus, obtaining victory.

Strange Creature
Joined 15th May 2013
Forum Posts: 7

If I Were Gone

If I were gone,
Would you miss me?
Would you notice?
Would you care?

If I were gone,
Would things change?

If I were gone,
Would you be happy?
Would your life be better? Easier?
Would you smile more?

If I were gone,
Would time slow?
Would days pass by in a blur?
Would you forget what you did today? If you did anything...

If I were gone,
Could you get out of bed every day?
Could you eat?
Could you sleep each night?

If I were gone,
Would anyone cry?
Would somebody's heart break?
Would they turn to drugs or alcohol?

If I were gone,
Would you try to find me?
Would you take your own?
Would you try to follow me into the unknown?

If I were gone,
Would you blink an eye? Shrug it off?
Would your heart skip a beat? Or remain steady and strong?
Would you forget to breathe? Never loose a breath?

If I were gone,
Would it tear you apart?

If I were gone,
Would I prove, just how insignificant I am?

I wonder what would happen,
If I were gone...

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Random acts of unconditional love..

It's all in the hips.
The curves.
My queen's physique.
They speak for themselves. From afar, they scream, "TAKE NOTICE!!"
Sleek and sensual, the smooth ups and downs, the joy ride of hips and thigh.
The symphony springs forth with all that is woman.
She has the perfect hour glass figure, the classic Eve body.
I long for her, I yearn to have her curvy luscious body;
Stripped and bare, and pressed firm against my soul and body.
My hands make their way to her curvaceous hips, and draw her close.
Against my body, I feel her warmth.
Against my skin, I feel her ever soft, radiance and flesh.
Oh, hand, do your dance, as my fingers waltz across her belly, light enough to feel a slight shiver from the sensation.
Hand, make your way back, over hip, and down slightly and there.
Her plumpness, personified by her cute, perfect little butt.
My love lets a lone breath escape, warmth across the nape of my neck, and with a gentle squeeze,  a soft moan departs from her lips to meet with my ear drums.
Fingers tracing that which makes my queen, 100% woman, leaving behind a sensation which releases those much sought after pheromones and endorphins and chemicals which so dearly I crave.
The essence of my queen.
Scent de love.
Chemicals released, my thoughts race for clarity as my body does that which is natural.
What was once limp, is filled and firm.
Hand on cheek, I draw her in.
Breath on breath.
Hearts beat in unison.
The, "I need you and you need me" perfection.
Her eyes shut in the passion of the moment.
Her lips, two beautiful blushing saints which I hold so dearly, connect with my -thirsty for your love- lips.
The majestic power of desire.
And love.
And perfection.
And the, "Blind to the world,  besides the woman before me".
My woman.
My love.
Soul mates.
Lips connect, and silence.
My thoughts cease, and silence.
Eyes closed, I recognize within my mind, that in my hands, I hold my reason.
My very essence for being, my purpose to draw the next breath.
Lips pressed and tongues do their lover's dance, I let slide what I've held ever so patiently back, into her perfection.
A lover's passion erupts in my heart and srtrikes me to my soul, and very core of what makes me, and I am overcome with emotion as I realize I have it.
She and I have it.
The thing that drives a man.
The thing that everyone wants.
Looks for.
Man woman and child alike.
True, 100% pure, unadulterated, unconditional love.
Her nails dig deep into my back as my manhood is swallowed, engulfed by her womanhood.
The perfection of life.
The sacred feminine.
Life producer, and sustainer extraordinaire.
Muscles tense and throb and in, and in, and in.
Tongues locked in passion, breath heavy and deep, hearts do the flutter known only by lovers, as they beat in unison for one another.
Locked in the depths and heat of passion, soul mates eternal do their slow dance.
The dance of two becoming one.
Two souls, fused as one.
And I.
And then the moment.
Bodies pressed firm.
Deep inside that which I hold with absolute reverence, our eyes open and meet.
Her eyes, the most beautiful hues of brown, the spark of passion resides.
The light of love, is ever present.
The mating of two souls branded as one, a love lasting longer than forever is set in stone, cast in platinum and solidified to stand as a testament to those seeking love.
Erected as a shrine to house the absolute truth to those seekers of love, of the eternal brand.
Our love, a testimony of purity in it's most righteous of forms, stands tall as a beacon for others.
The perfect example.
Of love in it's purest of forms.
As we reach passion, together as one, our eyes lock and then.
Nothing else matters.
Nothing else exists.
The she.
And the I.
Just us.
The climax to rival the tallest of structures or mountains.
Such an immense burst of passion, the angels cry.
As my soul pours into her, it's she, and I.
Then calm.
And peace.
The gentle throb of all that is woman.
The light pulse of what was once limp.
The lovers rest.
Bodies pressed firm.
A slumber much earned.
The release of such an immense radiant power generated only, by the fusing of two souls.
A rest much earned.
Two, fused as one, sleep.

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 14th May 2013
Forum Posts: 106

Tainted (Prose Poem) (Pain, Love, Death)

It pours.
The only thought that races through my mind is the rain. It comes down in sheets. Even the cover of the thick, dense pines do nothing to stop it. And I can feel every prick of every drop piercing my skin as it falls.
The blood.
My head twitches at red fills my mind. My vision jerks down to my hands, expecting to see them drenched in horrifying crimson gloves, but they had vanished. The rain can wash away so much, but not the darkness that gnaws at the edges of my mind, threatening to overflow.
I shake my head, attempting to force the darkness back to the recesses of my mind. Blame will lie where it must, and it is not with me. Not this time…
Look up,
And attempt to gather my bearings. I look to my left, but am unable to see the deep river through the umbrage, though I can still hear the rush of water over the rocks. I can no longer see him, but I know he is there, smirk permanently etched into that beautiful face, and cold eyes piercing into the nothingness.
He cannot hurt me.
My body stands and moves, slowly and rigidly, back towards the stream, as my mind wages battle within. I try desperately to stay blank, to not think of the sight that lies waiting. The stream calls out to greet me, as it rushes into my view. I stare blankly ahead not looking, not wanting to see what lies before me. But my body knows better. I reach my destination, and I can feel him at my feet, feel his cold skin pressing against my flesh.
Glace down by accident, and my gaze find those eyes, eyes that burn in mine like coal. With that look, the walls crash forth, darkness races forward, and shatters into my mind
Love at first sight, soft caresses, a song sung in whispers
Turn to jealous glares, possessive grasps, desperate yearning
A proposal of marriage, a suggestion elopement to start anew:
“It’s the only way to be together”
Theft from my family
“Money is the only way we have a new life”
Ride in the wood where he turns on me, admits his crimes
“Seven dead… and you to follow”
A struggle ensues, hands pushing me down, a knife to my throat, sweat pouring down my face in streams
“How does it feel?”
A hand breaks free, I scratch bite claw in a haze of rage
And suddenly, the tide has turned, the knife in my hand
Power roars through me as I
Across the soft flesh of his throat
He falls, and there is silence. The knife burns my hand, and panicked, it drops to my side. I stare at the wreckage, my blood soaked dreams lie before me in ruins.
The power that was all encompassing just moments before escapes me, and my mind goes blank.
And all that is left now is emptiness.
Emptiness and a madness that lurks in the shadows, waiting to come forward unbidden in the quietest of moments, and claim me.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

Thank you very much for the trophy Avenging Angel! Lot of great poems in this challenge, grateful you picked mine.

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