Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd May 2013 1:54am
becsta (Bec)
View Profile Poems by becsta
RUNNER-UP: Yudhajeet_Sinha_09

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Your broken relationship.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1819

Dedicated to the Ex lol

A Man Taught Her About Belts

A southpaw's approach
made her aware she wasn't
wearing it like a lady.
Tugging hard at the gut
cinching in middle ground
better left relaxed, and able to spread
a man taught her about belts;
angling her edges in certain directions.
He set the trend, and she learned
to hold up under his fashion.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


He stayed home
watched the football game
While the sun shone outside
And bumble bees droned on

I watched at the corner
Of his silent indifference
Waiting for a word
Silence reigned, it never came

He stayed home again
Watched an old movie
Sat on his bed all on his own
No space for a companion

I plucked at his sleeve
Talked roads and adventures
Spoke of away wishes
he did not hear nor see

Outside the blue sky
Roofed nature’s open garden
Of roses and lilacs
And lilies and mums

Wandered I out
And never returned
Basking in sunshine
He just stayed home.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 4th May 2013
Forum Posts: 7

It's only been two weeks, but still I can't
Go on without this being said
I feel for you, but just too much
Find pain and joy inside your touch

The things we did, the things we said
Found some excuse inside my head
Did what my heart thought it would dread
Now reasons crumble in my hand

I won't try to call, won't raise my eyes
When you walk past me, it's goodbye
That's coming down upon our heads
Before our story's even begun.....to be....read.....

'Cause now it's come into the light
Now we are seeing wrong from right
I'm sorry for the things I said
Forgive you for the things you did

I wanna somehow try to save
All that we had, but if it hurts
you then how can I know that fact
and still go on this way

I fell in love, I fell too fast
Into a bed of broken glass
And now my deeds are haunting me
There's no way but this to be free

No, I don't want to be 'just friends'
And feel like we have to pretend
But if this is the only way we can
Heal ourselves, then it must be done

I'll miss you every time I breathe
And can't feel your breath next to me
My arms are empty with you gone
My broken heart can't sing at all

'Cause now it's come into the light
Now we are seeing wrong from right
I'm sorry for the things I said
Forgive you for the things you did

I wanna somehow try to save
All that we had, but if it hurts
you then how I can I know and
still keep going on this way

All....that I want for you.......is only the best
And.....if that is not with me........
I'll......cry my heart out, but set.....you......free!........

'Cause now it's come into the light
Now we are seeing wrong from right
I'm sorry for the things I said
Forgive you for the things you did

I wanna somehow try to save
All that we had, but if it hurts
you then how I can I know and
still keep going on this way

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 345


Sometimes things don't change
Even though that person disagrees
And now I'm stuck
Falling in reverse
With you laughing at your greed
You think you're aomebody tall
But really you're entirely small
Pushing and pulling
Fighting and lying
While all I did was sympathize
Though you didn't agree
And pulled me into lies
Bumped and bruised
Cheated and lied
Though now this I trusted you
I knew I was wrong
And inside I knew it was wrong
All along

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 2nd Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 22

From Lovers to friends..

He was my lover for a while
Taking me to different places
Told me to seek what I desire
Going through the paces

I felt so brave some of the time
Sometimes a little scared
He tied me down, spanked me hard
And even pulled my hair

We talked a lot
Laughed and danced
I told him all my fears
I never thought through all of this
That it would end in tears

Different things in life we need
And so we must move on
Think about the future
To the past we don’t belong

Now as we move on
We look at what we had
Yes it was good fun
None of it was bad

The best thing from all of this
Is that we are good friends
I know he cares a lot for me
My love to him I send

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 15th May 2013
Forum Posts: 3

She Walks

"They say you
Don’t miss the person
You miss the memories
They say time heals all
Just got to move on
More like escape
Your own consciousness
Wear a mask
Fake a smile
Go through the motions
Emotionless, numb
Feels like you’re drowning
Suffocating, gasping for air
Life becomes a war zone
You have no weapon
You’re fighting for survival
Every breath you take
The enemy is your heart
You followed it
With confidence
It led you to a trap
Left you for dead
Couldn’t be more alone
One way out of this
Not ready to die
She turns around
An endless dark road
No map, no direction
No plan, no thoughts
She walks"


Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 19th July 2012
Forum Posts: 89

"Black Widow"

Now the picture you had painted me was perfect
Hidden intention
I kept on digging and unearthed it
Grappled and dispersed it
Now I'm on my merry way
Dragged back by attachment I don't remember taking place
Meshwork and tangled lace
To the stool beneath your feet
Call me when there's a problem 
But tables turn
And nothing's free
Wonder what you want from me?
Departure is due
Preying on me like a widow or a vulture or two
You should let me go before I stand and explode
You shouldn't cage a cobra with your hand at it's throat
I know it wasn't me alone who kept you attached
T'was your own selfishness and your fear of a lack
Of love and commitment
Things you'd enjoy
Such a desperate black widow 
What a scandalous ploy

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

and what's more
the deeds she'd done, could lacerate a pure tongue
just for speaking them  
that dirty whore, moved like a feline
through the lush long-grass  
in an African oasis

I should break you
grab your arms and shake the bones of you
until your shrill cries turn to soft moans
and leave you alone to deal with your madness


Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

on page one...where the person tells you what the competition
is about...hit reply and type away!!

welcome to DU

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74


My What If...

As I huddle here, I contemplate days gone by
my thoughts wander to youthful kisses left behind
What If I told you that your my what if
that fantasies of you haunt my mind
Drawn together at an age of innocence
we shared tender kissing and hugging with ease
what if I told you that your my what if
would you think I was being a tease

Like superman, you traveled the world
all for "truth, justice and the American way"
what if I told you that your my what if
when you went off, I'd wished you would stay
What if we had explored each other further
touched and tasted, pleased and were pleasured
what if I told you that your my what if
would you long for me as if I were a treasure?
curled up here with head in hand, a tear drops
because now I have him and you she
what if I told you that your my what if
might you lay there and think about me?
What if... (contributed by Deborahlee3313)

His heartfelt response... (contributed by toredekone)

Huddled in my heart always, past kisses never forgotten.
I was always yours, and always will be.
Memories of your sweet eyes and loving smile,
your warm skin and soft lips, you were a tease
but I did love it.
I was always yours, and always will be.
I should never have left you, for any cause,
My regrets run deep that I actually did.
I would have explored all of you, inside and out
with all the passions of heaven and hell
another regret.
I was always yours, and always will be.
You were and will always be my treasure
and my tears still flow
I love you with all my heart and always will
I was always yours, and always will be.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125

I Fel hard'r and fast'r than i ever
Wan ted to now all i have is a brok

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 11th May 2013
Forum Posts: 6


You told me that you loved me,
You told me how I made you happy,
How I was the only thing keeping you alive,
How we'd always be together.
But you lied to me!
You lied to me about more than I ever thought you did,
About everything I thought was true in our relationship.
When I finally let someone break us up,
I thought I should be smacked for letting him do such a thing.
How could I let him tear us apart?
He didn't know you like I knew you,
He didn't know about our love for each other,
But alas, all things must come to an end,
And so did we.
Then we tried to get back together,
And you told me I was the father of the baby
growing inside your belly.
The date of conception was when we were last together,
And stupid me,
I did not use a condom.
The circumstances were rather grim,
You were doomed to have a miscarriage
Due to some unwise decisions made on your part,
But I loved you anyways.
I wanted to marry you and start a family.
Good Gaia, I was so foolish and young.
If only then had I known that you were a such liar.
The day came,
You had the miscarriage.
I wanted badly to come see you,
To comfort you,
And let you know that everything was okay,
That I wasn't going anywhere.
But you decided that you wanted to be with
Your boyfriend at college instead.
I was made bitter and I hurt you like that hurt me.
What a fool I was.
Then the day came when you told me the truth,
That you had made the whole thing up to get back together.
I didn't want to believe that.
I thought then that I knew better than that,
That you couldn't fake those tears,
But I never really knew you,
Did I?
And tears are so easy to fake over the phone.
It took us a year to start talking again.
When I asked you about the baby,
You told me you lied.
I believed that you had this time.
You told me that things weren't working with your boyfriend,
And that you loved and missed me,
I told you that I felt the same.
But after talking so much now,
About things that you never told me when we were together,
I now realize that we can never get back together.
It hurts too much to hear things that you never told me,
Things kept hidden,
Things told as lies,
It hurts me more than you could realize.
And now I see
What made the relationship work the first time
Is that…
I am a liar too.

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