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Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd May 2013 3:51pm
View Profile Poems by kriticool
RUNNER-UP: MadameLavender

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poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Gone With The Gun

Senseless killings beyond my comprehension
A human tragedy without apprehension
The whole nation mourns so does the heaven
Gloomy days shrouded the yuletide season

Young lives were gone because of a gun
How many more shall perish before it's gone
Many hearts were filled with grief and broken
Memories were etched on our souls as a token

Gun control and regulations became a loud cry
Some lawmakers agreed - it's worth a try
But for an association who likes to keep it high
More guns will keep us safe and dry

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun,
someone said, is a good guy with a gun."
Seems like Buffalo Bill in the days of Deadwood
Also blamed media, video games and Hollywood

While the debates are going on
More lives will never see another dawn
Will I live to see the day
that everyone lives in harmony?

Weigh-in your fifty-cent opinion
Before anyone goes into oblivion
On the pros and cons of gun control
As well as an armed posse patrol

Do guns really kill people
or people kill people?

poet Anonymous

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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Fourteen Virgins

There once was an old man who believed
He will fuck fourteen virgins if he delivered
Chaos and destruction to enemies of his faith
Just the thought of it - he can't hardly wait
For the day to come and meet his fate

One day a smart-ass kid noticed this old man
all wrapped-up while riding in his rented van
"Why are you all wrapped-up;
it's fucking warm, can't you see old fool?"

"Why do you care?" was the old man's reply
as he showed him a bomb around his waist
"You maybe laughing at me now,
but you will envy me later
when you see me fucking fourteen virgins."

Ram your van against that coming school bus
The old man commanded without a fuss
As he pointed his gun at the young man's head
Nervously he followed and drove straight ahead
Never had sex before his untimely demise

Never underestimate and mock the old
You might end up like a fool...
Read his thoughts instead,
and follow the path of his inner soul;
you could learn a thing or two,
and stay the course of enlightenment.

Now, who is the smart one and who is the fool?
Drink your cognac and tell me while you drool
just thinking of having sex with one of the fourteen virgins
Do you think it's worth the pain forever losing your genes?

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

PTSD Syndrome

You've been in and out of the war zone
ever since you got out from high school
Now without a dick and forgotten
flashback episodes of the ambush
which lead to losing your manhood
keep coming to your mind, bringing to a boil
your last ounce of blood thickened by turmoil

Anxiety is your constant companion
survivor guilt knocks at your conscience
as repeated nightmarish hellscape
keeps you from getting a  good night sleep.

You became hypervigilant
and tried to fight back
in your next flasback episode
Non-stop firing of your gun
only subsided when you woke up
terrified and heart-broken
at the sight of your only son,
and beloved beautiful wife
laying motionless and dead.

Your whole being was frozen
and slowly melting
as if heaven and earth
clamp down on your rage
Your tongue became numb
and can't utter any word
Finally your chest exploded
shouting, "OMG, what have I done?"
These words keep reverberating
in your nearly-deranged mind.

Instead of treating you
of post-traumatic stress disorder
they put you in jail--
What a fucked-up system!

Another bad news came--
your brother won't be able to enroll
next semester or maybe never
as educational assistance
was cut due to sequestration
Your blood boils once more,
and escaped from jail
Went straight to Congress,
and unleashed your wrath of hell
It doesn't matter now
if they do nothing at all...

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

You're welcome Kitty...just happy to share!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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