Poetry competition CLOSED 30th April 2013 00:44am
View Profile Poems by NimmieAmee
RUNNER-UP: siphondarkness

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Your Strange Addiction

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Odd fetishes? Interesting idiosyncrasies? Curious addictions? Do tell!
This is not a drug addiction competition, but if you feel so inclined, I guess I can't stop you from entering.
Write about something you are obsessed with that is funny or odd. In example; I have recently become addicted to Cherry lemon Twizzlers, it's bad.

Here are some rules for you:

~ Older poems are accepted but it is
encouraged to write a new poem

~ Not too lengthy please, 500 word max

~ Check your spelling and grammar

~ Please do not write in bold, italic, or UPPERCASE
(unless it is strategically placed for emphasis)

~ Two entries per poet

~ Two weeks

~ Have fun!

Best wishes, Caliban

(any questions can be asked in thread)

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

All for the Throne

It all starts out as a show
Or, perhaps a book
But either way
One good look and you'll be hooked

It all starts with a game
A Game of Thrones
But then you learn of others
And your addiction will grow

Soon you'll lose yourself
Caught between Reality
and Westeros/Essos
Just wait and you'll see

A Clash of Kings
Another strong hit
Off of the joint
And you're in for it

A Storm of Swords
The biggest so far
Will drag you in
And take you like tar

A Feast for Crows
Only half of the next
Will make you fall
For the story's hex

A Dance with Dragons
Currently will be my new vice
As soon as it comes
I will feel alive

George R. R. Martin
My connection to this land
Still has more to say
More books will soon be in my hands

poet Anonymous

I love it!! Great first entry! I am equally addicted to GOT.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Great entry Pib, my favorite are the dark chocolate caramel filled ones.

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

Black Framed Beauty

You lay there teasingly
upside down,
the wrong way round.

The light from my laptop
trailing and reflecting off of you,
highlights your peaks,
sends your valleys into deep shadow,
and turns your every familiar curve
into undiscovered territory,
alien and mysterious.

Your arms are open wide
as if both missing my touch
and inviting it for the first time.

I exhale shakily,
then trace my fingers
along your gracefully curving limbs,
carefully, gently
exploring your frame.

I gather you into my hands,
lift you from your perch,
and my mouth waters
as I resist the urge to rush into this,
to run my tongue along you
and take quick and selfish
gratification in the act.

Instead, I bring you close and,
so softly I barely feel it,
kiss up the length of you,
shuddering with pleasure
until my breath
fogs you over.

No matter the depths
or darkness
my passion drives me to,
I will always come back to you;
my most fervent desire,
my black framed beauty,
my personal delight.


poet Anonymous

Haha, you made my black-framed glasses wearing self giggle.

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251


Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 30th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 86


An index finger away from the poison,
i'd give the tenth lie to my disease,
unborn fetus sliding down one goddess' leg,
Thick drops of it on the tip of this tasteless tongue,

Lips always dry,

Everytime i do this, I think I'm never this dangerous

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

A Strange Addiction

Get out a blender
Some crushed ice
Two Bananas
A splash or two of milk|
A splash of vanilla
Some sugar to make it a little sweeter
A banana smoothie/shake/drink
Perfect for a summer's day

poet Anonymous


Need more entries!

Velvet Rose
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 26th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 84

i shoot up Elysium

with a promise of peace and joy in a
distant land this needle does employ.
leading me on quite a hasty chase
as this spinning, rainbow vortex
shapes and molds the moon-shine
into another dimension, an Elysian plain.

caught in crossfire, the burning flames of lust
weaving a strange fusion of ambient dreams
walking in the valley of shadows
as if caught within a Shakespearian sonnet.
i dream the dreams, hypnotized by their charms
and it is in these i see you wrapped in my arms.

when i weep, when i reach, touching you
nourishing this splendor, the grandeur
of this ultimate wormhole of paranoia
as the needle releases its venial sleep
the notion of hell unfolds within this heaven
bringing forth more demons than Hades can hold.

i breathe in sharply, as your point bids me enter
to join in the dance of a kaleidoscope trance.
leading me down a polychrome path, a gleaming utopia
casting shadows with this sickness
and once again i see the beauty within the madness
coming down to mere desecration touching you for revelation.

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251

My addiction is naming contests. I can't seem to stop. I just named a new Heart Pump 2 weeks ago. Nautilus. It must be an ego thing. And the money :o)

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1819

AlwaysCaliban said:Great entry Pib, my favorite are the dark chocolate caramel filled ones.

My apologies Hun...I have to interject here for a sec. In light of the exquisite picture Kitty posted (btw Kitty, Where the hell do you buy your chocolate. I WANT ONE! LOL)Cali that response made me snort coffee through my nose laughing.

Fabulous !

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