Poetry competition CLOSED 16th April 2013 10:46pm
View Profile Poems by kriticool
RUNNERS-UP: 13 and ryteoutlet

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poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Life and Time

Scribbling names on sands of time
Written through sorrows and pain
Inscribed too with love and joy
Many places and faces seen
held for a while, and moving on

Traipsing on, leaving foot prints
On receding memories
Yesteryears fast moving on
Away, away into horizons
Behind, pushed back by time

Forward we go, never pausing
Ticking clocks merciless
Prod our back with many frowns
As we try to dig our heels
On porous highway silt

Broken may the timekeeper
But never the time master
Awry or neat life can be
Or as tipped-over chess boards
but there is no pause on life-roads.

Based on Image Number 2

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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alon aLion
Fire of Insight
Bahamas 8awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 299

That is an extra-ordinary piece Ms. Grace.........

Guardian Demon
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 543

Hey! I thought I recognized the style of the first picture! Frank Picini! I included him in a powerpoint I made for my art class! He's REALLY good. My personal favorite picture of his is "Time To Feed the Monster", but I think it's too gory to post here... not that any children would want to be on the site... I dunno. Maybe it isn't too gory...

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1819


That Wish, Reborn

It is an ample fairytale
these silver
strokes of want
to be touched
with tips
of tongue, and lips
in, on, through
where a velveteen wet
is met with skinned wet
where I am born
flesh, real
and full of you

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

The Random Transmission and Transport of Image: One


getting them mixed; the messages

vaulted vestiges found via sound located deep down in the murk  
key -ing in on the last dis-
 -  gust of wind, an eclectic sin
how many minds could’ve birthed this
cursed is this…check the platform list

patterns running conclusive.. techs must've been submissive

any & all e-motion detected
on the floor eye d-tech the viral infected

my one green eye doesn’t lie
it gives-off thrills when

quick let's resurrect it

what’s been selected is a byte hard, a swiped card

one that won’t at all correct it

I believe this: it was I B M following Steve to the stock in trade heap-ness
full grown, the smartphone; should’ve known that he’d leave this
partnered up, then conceived this

yet my sense reads a synthesis
one 2 soon to be deemed as worthless
et tu apple II; if only we’d seen this

the messages, those vaulted vestiges
the ones found deep down in the murk
now key-ing in on one or more of the discs…then the perk

more monies, less work

mills of billions to be made, games played, any & all e-motions detected
73G – what’s viral gets to post free

each bit…a launch code hazard

fuck the duck...the code says mallard

||| ||||| | |||

Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1827

Reincarnation of an armed guard   (based on image #1)



taking this suit off...

I love my armor,  served me well

donned in the age of Yore, battling

black pits of hell, chinks you see

strips, these the case may be

are but from finding me...

Shining, bright Magic flows from it

warding off danger

I took trips fraught with angles

dot and blotted along the way

pierced by dragons in lairs.

The armor strengthened...

living the life of the court, alone

walking fares, still intent upon joys

And the days came, harkened

upon my hole of years

where tales vines grabbed hold

purposed and clear, battles change

no longer fit, so heavy-strange-that

winds of change can show us this

hang my suit up, enshrined drying

It's scars left, reminding, lest we forget

My bear skin stretches across a rock

looking out over the valley

embraced by the woods, naked

harmonized nature and battles understood

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

drivelicious13 said: That is an extra-ordinary piece Ms. Grace.........
Thank you, D: You are kind, as always.

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