Poetry competition CLOSED 11th May 2013 00:15am
View Profile Poems by Pravus
RUNNER-UP: GothicAngels

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First Time

poet Anonymous

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Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 65

Pravus said:This is rather long but it is one of my favorites.

Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 65

Anonymous said:<< post removed >> Ok

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

Thank you Redstar.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

The First Kisses' Rendezvous

I was in my teens while you're still not
When we first felt those desires - sizzling hot
Just sitting close with our thighs touching
Could lead to hours of endless smooching
Our first kiss - an innocent bliss
Both of us would surely miss
Your inquisitive mind often asks
Was it really love or just lust?
You always come like a cloudy apparition
Sometimes your face beyond recognition
Only in my dreams can I kiss you once more
Trying to relive the moment of a forgotten lore
Five-hundred and twenty-eight full moons revolved
In the vast universe, mystically involved
Who would have thought, we'll meet in the flesh
Our bodies reunited with blazing embrace
All night long we made love under the crescent moon
Soft music filled the air in-synch with your moans
Suddenly you pushed me to the marbled floor,
And banged my head against the bathroom door
Our limbs got twisted, our thirsty souls entwined

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 52

Hated Hands

Starving stomachs rumble at the sight of rotting fruit
as stagnant waters wet parched lips.
Mirages only appear in desolate places
and vanish at the touch of the fingertips.
Starved hearts pine at the sight of rotten souls
as dying hope seems revived.
Closed eyes imagine light in the night
where nothing but darkness has survived.
Pain becomes pleasure to those who feel numb
as they secretly, silently scream.
When pushed too far the mind will warp
a living nightmare into a dream.
The flesh responds as it was made to do
no matter what the mind understands.
The skin still warms and tingles
beneath the strokes of hated hands.
May you all fill your bellies with fresh fruit
and drink from plentiful, pure waters
Nourish the growth and nurture true love
between all of God's son's and daughters.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 12

I bleed all my blood for you
It spills the contents of my need
The longing to  have you hold  me
When your near
Naive and incomplete
I swallow my humanity
Beg for your touch
Kiss me lingering your fingers on my breast
Starving for you to enter me
Slowly I weep into the shadows of hunger
Exposed unaware with no sense of pride

Lost Thinker
India 1awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 58

I was quiet....
to feel that night,
He came with tight,
shows me that sight.

I frowned....
make a scratchy sound,
Oh...How big,
Is it the "Pronoun"?

He laughed....
Hold my bald,
Yes....its for it,
let it be flasked,

I felt shame,
and ready for the game,
He started to take off,
the rest of all body's flame.

Slowly He starts......
The Push-up of wars,
I screamed high,
When the jack is in bars.

But after sometime,
I realized He is mine,
As the game overs....
like a sunshine.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 1st Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 15

I remember the warmth,
the gentle touch
like cool flames to my skin
and the wet passion leaking ever so slowly from my body
the intoxicating fragrance, evidence of my naughty thoughts
I remember being filled physically as well as emotionally
by hard raw need.
Crimson staining ice blue sheets and musical notes from our throats
echoing off the walls.
Gentle loving embrace replaced by animal instinct
from soft and slow to rough and fast
savoring tongues transformed to ravishing teeth.
I remember the world exploded into rain and stars,
electric sparks fizzling out.
I remember heavy breathing
and euphoria settling over my heart
like a blanket of snow
and then...
and then I remember
waking up.

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 5awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 100

Made Love To A Star

slow penetration against the walls of love
she cries and whispers, such a beautiful dove
gently I enter into pleasure, something like heaven
fears of the end, near the perfect bliss
blinded by a feeling, I was a shadow in the night
dreams of a marathon hands down I was in flight
away with the moment I became lost in her grace
no need to chase stray thoughts, loyal to the end
finally ready to clash with moans and feelings
despite the fact that I've been touched by God
fingers and skin, the breath of an angel is a drug
almost finished making love to a star
all I ever wanted in a queen beneath my arms
don't worry we're not leaving this room till dawn
tonight I unraveled the universe
dusted my boots, imagine me satisfied
exploded in the galaxy, twinkle in her eye
together we stood trembling on cloud nine
silently thinking about the next rendezvous
everything I dreamt about the night came true

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