Poetry competition CLOSED 29th March 2013 2:57am
View Profile Poems by David_gessner



Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 166

Poetry Contest

anything to do with outlaws
anything to do with outlaw, outlaws, the life style, the wild wild west, jessie james, billy the kid, any of them

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 26awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 132

  bounty hunter

have you ever refused a bounty?
walked away when the risk was too great,
the reward not worthy.

in the breach of a wayward wind
you travelled a long hard road,
rode your patient steed until it was
sweated & weary, in need of
water & grooming.

the wide brim of your hat protects your eyes
& your reason from the desert sun’s fierce glare.
your longcoat is abused & ripped, repaired by
the hand of an expatriate  mandarin’s daughter.

you deliver your captured prey, shackled & bloodied,  
to the stark magistrates of border towns, collect a few
gold coins, & spend the night with a whiskey bottle
& a painted girl to kiss away the dust.

if you track the heart of a lover,
sharpen the dull edges of your senses,
& armor your heart: the loneliest hunter.
be provisioned with enough guns & ammo
for a long, demanding siege,
because love is not a game,
it’s a war.

but don’t put a bounty on it…
…it’s priceless

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 166

all very good reads ya'll

Thought Provoker
Australia 6awards
Joined 1st Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 91

When the seargent tied up his shoe laces with smoking guns
He said "There is anarchy in the land of OZ"
All the sea men and soldiers said don't be misguided if we are
all wearing black.
For the witches had their harvest,
thay knew norhing thay were lovers.
Now the ocean looks like bread and thay are all
starving for the promise land.


Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 8th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 27

this outlaw trail
littered with whisky bottles
and cigarette butts

where a mans tattoos,
and scars
tell more than his words,

this concrete frontier
of barred windows and neon signs

a wild west without the romance

poet Anonymous

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Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411


                    < desperados >
                   you and me
                   in that store
                   north of Uvalde
                   that wasn't the one
                   it was the one in Lamesa
                   a greasy little store
                   in Lamesa
                   and there you were
                   in your black dress
                   looking dangerous
                   pointing your daddy's shotgun
                   straight at his face
                   200 dollars
                   was all he had
                   200 dollars
                   potato chips
                   you took the money
                   and i was so hungry
                   i grabbed about 20 bags
                   of his damn potato chips
                   "we're desperados"
                   you said
                   and started laughing your ass off
                   "we're desperados"
                   you and me
                   driving north
                   in flat fucking Texas
                   north on the county roads
                   cutting across
                   on the dirt ones
                   getting good and lost
                   in flat fucking Texas                   
                   you and me
                   with the moon to the west
                   and lights to the east
                   making the clouds glow
                   "maybe that's Amarillo"
                   you said
                   "maybe that's Amarillo"
                   you and me                    
                   and potato chips
                   and 200 dollars
                       - - -

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 125

Empire of rebels

Demanding dominance
They enter with force
I will not let them control
Our closed doors
Bearing pressure, a final resistance
Souls vanish slowly
As they claw at my heart
The enemy is no more powerful than we
Obeying defiance
I Shed my power upon them
Displaying destruction
The very reason they're here
In this empire of rebels

Hacking, slashing, burning my way through
Relentless in progression
An endless process
I don't stop
I show no mercy
Those crusaders will meet their god
I fight for my people
The broken
The helpless
The outcasts of the world
Some call me a god
But I am merely a wanderer
In this empire of rebels

Without a cause other then retribution
I slay with pleasure
I shout with morale
My warriors roar
We unravel oppression
We travel to succession
Force fed beliefs are just words
We live with desire
We live free
In this empire of rebels

They won't see us
They can't beat us
For we walk in shadows
Silhouettes dancing,
reigning blood.
Their crimson,
Our delight
We show no apathy
We simply fight
For this empire of rebels

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 5awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 152

In resistance to the abuse they gave
We rose up to defend our cause
But they will rather have us slave
So we can no longer keep their laws

Hunted down and destroyed
They label us an outlaw
With a hate that never stops
They're sending us to hell's jaw

Is it wrong to seek our rights?
Or try to make a better choice
They trample on us,ignoring our plight
As they try to seize our voice

Public mass executions
Increased deliberate persecution
Justice is far from this land of ours
So it's time we violently seized the power

The more the brute,the more the recruit
Strongholds in countryside
If they think its cute to hide the truth
Then this is how we are bound to ride

Collide with the system's organs
"Self defense" our precious slogan
Making crew,packing tools
Steady matching against your troops

Loot banks and liquor stores
Resisting souls drop dead on the floor
For the injustice you frequently show
Obscures the peace your children will live to know

For we are set to propagate anarchy
We've made the system fertile for it
Irrigated with blood and nourished with human manure
I bet soon you'll be desperately seeking a cure

Your intelligence is losing its immune
Your system is nigh decay
And all oppressors shall be brought to book
We eagerly wait for that day

Mastering the elements of panic and fear
A tactics we learned from you
The real menace to your subjects is here
Maybe that way we'll get through to you

Now your children can't feel save at school
Social places are flooded with security men
Even at that we launch deadly campaigns
Steadily unleashing  mayhem

Loud songs and ganja weed
Automatic weapons and magazines
Terrifying the neighborhood as we ride across
Creating horrible scenes

Blood,agony and tears
Sometimes I wish there was another way
But right now the sun is overhead
It's the best time to make the hay

This is not the way we chose
But if you know how it feels to be outlawed
Maybe you need a little walk in our shoes
Maybe then you'll be disillusioned

We live as thugs and we'll die as martyrs
Willing to let our blood flow for the cause
Someday,you'll come to understand our sacrifice
And why we find peace in our wars

But until then we are outlaws
Casualties of your oppressive laws
We are sorry we had to this by force...
Its not our fault,justice ate us

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492



ya know

I’m one of them long-rifle kinda guys
but I’ll derringer a teller right between his eyes
be too slow with my damn money
or fidget his hands like a no-count dummy
I’m sayin he best move and move real quick
cause the last thing he’ll hear is my .44 click
and I’ll close his account like heat do snow
cause this lil’ teller goin home no more
just place it in the bag and he better not lag
cause ill shoot ‘em in the face
have the whole bank gag

photo: quenby sheree


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