Poetry competition CLOSED 6th March 2013 3:55pm
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
View Profile Poems by EngrVV


Prayers and Promises

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Poetry Contest

Of prayers answered and promises kept.
Write a poem on your prayers that was answered, and promises or promise that you had kept; for someone, something or a cause.

1: Please title your poem
2. One entry per person
3. Poem should not be more than 300 words
4. It should adhere to the competition requirement.

I invite all DUP friends and members to participate.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 14th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 34

Two Poems of a man in recovery

 I looked into the mirror and saw nothing but the abyss of my drug blown pupils. the black hole of my addiction.
My soul fell uncontrollably into it.
I dove head first into the hidden shadows of my being.
I had nothing to grasp but the darkness surrounding me.
I do not believe it had a bottom.
Two options left.
To continue into this  living death.
Or reach up out of it.
 I am reaching.
 God take my hand.

I set in the still house
A since of peace has settled to my bones 
A loving God has touched me
This is a place unfamiliar
No task, no need, just acceptance
For this I am thankful
For this I am humbled
For this I am motivated
To seek Him more

Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1827


yesterdays promise across lip,shared from mine
oral tradition, my own written lines
no details given, save the ones whom know
which means this and witch wears a hat
reasons for beings, this one and that
yesterday becomes realities, today
ever the rhythm You listen to the path
leads that were taught scale along into beat
showing up rhyme transformed into song

all of the ever flows, ebb of confusion
tending, caution of one single rose
this the surf upon which I glided

prayers chanted, Gods, Angels, Devils
Goddess Moon and Mother Earth
speech within tongue, Soul into Soul
unknowing unwitting slow this unfold
still it floods fast truth that was told
Herein says bliss, signs to the beside
Connection is felt, not a piece of laid cloth
Shared is the bare that looks from the rock
Ever My Forever, within keep, and the kept  

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

A September to Remember

On this special September morning
My mother's tears fell like raindrops in the Fall
For the cries of her new born boy was muffled
As lightning flashed and rolling thunder roared.

On the same day I was born, I shall always remember
My childhood friend and true love sets off to fly
For a first time rendezvous, her soul to satisfy
With the boy who had stolen her heart forever.

The earth shook and trembled one day
And eventually Irene’s wrath unfolded
I solemnly prayed to keep you safe and warm
We sang praises and recited psalms together
Until break of dawn and the tempest was over
Believing fate has sealed our love forever.

There were nights when you silently screamed my name
And I bit my lips as you came into my dreams
The silhouette of a girl appeared with long flowing hair
Walking slowly down the beach as if floating on air
Our fervent prayers, hope never to give up
And the power of love brought us back together
On this special day, a September to remember!

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Thank you for participating, Souladareatease, Kitty, EngrVV and CWS64.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

...just sharing...

"Whispers of pledges, promises to keep
To crossroad demons, made
To know beauty, to love deep
To Him, my soul I give"

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 14th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 34

Prayers and promises contest

Prayer for hope in finding a vein
Promise to quit escaping life pain

Neither truths as selfishness lies
To serve the demon under addictions he lies

Delusional prayers seem never to be answered 
Neither the appetite for dopes escape rapture

Spoiled child cries for shards of crystalline death
To slide in his vein like orgasmic dragons breath

To walk in the promise of a life in peace lived
How can I hide from pain when on the cross he did give

The  challenge not an easy one to live out
But better than dope, a relationship drought

I came out of fear and seeking survival
I found a call to act, to live out revival 

Not to preach at others with distain
To to live a life of testimony a life walking towards pain 

Other center living is what this man taught
Doesn't work with addiction but kicks the demon out

My life is not perfect by any means
I still dream of highs with needle in vein
But a better option afforded through his sacrifice made
Life hard yet peaceful, by his death on cross, for my transgressions paid

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Thank you Miki for participating.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Thank You all  for sending in your entry. I had a tough time deciding this one. In the end I choose you EngrVV as the winner, Miki the first runner up and Kitty, I love your poem, you are second Runner up. Soul, thank you for participating and CWS64 for both poems. Thank You all very much.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Grace said:Thank You all  for sending in your entry. I had a tough time deciding this one. In the end I choose you EngrVV as the winner, Miki the first runner up and Kitty, I love your poem, you are second Runner up. Soul, thank you for participating and CWS64 for both poems. Thank You all very much.

Thank you Grace for choosing my entry...I'm deeply humbled with this experience as there are a lot of beautiful entries from more talented members.

Thank you all for this honor...I appreciate being part of this wonderful group! My congrats to Miki and Kitty and to everyone for their efforts.

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