Poetry competition CLOSED 18th February 2013 8:26pm
View Profile Poems by NimmieAmee
RUNNER-UP: Mourningcloak

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Obsession with Rhyme

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

Red Velvet Lace

Hey-ho hey-ho, it's off to therapy I go
It's unholy mental structures that I form
These thoughts of mine have strayed far from the norm
Thoughts of surprising you in your dorm.

All they seem to be is thoughts of gruesome murders, semi ritualistic satanic sacrificial options thought of exhaustively.
Others simply can't see the joy I would find in using a mallet to drive home a spike right through a left knee,
Or why thoughts of bubbling blood froth-foamed lips, whisper gently to me.

Whispering of pins through pupils, so you can become a pupil of mine and I can truly teach you about pain as you scream so easily.

Let me whisper sweet nothing's that slowly fade to nothing while gently paring away your ear, that way my influence is will forever show, I'll always have your ear.

Have no fear, my feelings for you are true, no need yet for turning blue, just let me count the emotions I feel for you. Don't worry, the fingers of one hand will do.

A cigar cutter will quickly quantify what they said I couldn't, measurements of hate will pour through stumps, mercy starts to pool so as i search for new ways to express myself you drown me in reasons why I shouldn't.

Emotions fade away, driven off by drops of blood that congealed in my mouth, blood and hate both now have made their way down south.

What would make me the happiest that I have been in a while, is to see you smile right from the heart. But luck smiles for those who know it not and that special smile you showed only to me has missed your face. Oh well.... It's time for lemonade,  now you have a necklace of pretty red velvet lace, and those flashing lights signal the start of your parade.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

Probably sloppy but it's too much effort effort re-writing today lol

Shane Hawks
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 79

The Treble Six

Assemble the masses.
Storm the gates.
Kill your masters.
Deny the delusion
to liberate
your life of illusion.
Plant the infection
to exterminate
this state of dejection.
Destroy the disease
and obliterate  
their corrupt decrees.
A world on fire
with eviscerated
corpses upon the pyre.
Disciples of discord.
Chaos incarnate.
A world at war.
Martyrs of mayhem,
by the nectar of dead men.
Lay waste to the land
to excommunicate
the  father of man.
A taste of fate,
a most palatable flavor.
To sate my hate,
this must be savored.

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1819

Dylan's Plangency -

Bowled in me, his messiah agency.
There it lies, Dylan's meaty manna shine.
Be whole, be loud, be self, be plangency.

The maker, and his mete rises to rinse
my sinning tongue of sour sweated wine.
Boweled in me, his messiah agency

releasing all coarsely grained irritants
from my ever raging throat. The divine-
Be loud, be self, be whole, be plangency.

Yes, that hallowed morsel of plangency
is where this made sure mouth must go to dine!
Bellied in me, his messiah agency;

that meaty heft of beat, that broiled sense
filling all chopped up murmurs such as mine.
Be self, be whole, be loud, be plangency.

Manna meat, and mete are my fluency
within his sweet, and sacred swallowed shine.
Bellowed in me,  his messiah agency.
Be whole, be loud, be self, be plangency !

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2241

"It's an ominous preponderance of options
that prompts this myoptic synopsis"

Whether to go with
sharp as tack mathematics;
stacked adequately
with the static of accuracy,


to map out the back tracks
and martial the art of the fat caps
with the weight of a collapsed world
compressed in the spray cans
that he keeps in his backpack?

matter of fact,
the facts don't matter

mad hatter status,
twisting holes on the rabbit
infect like an abscess
digression as habit

dagnabbit, did it again, but no panic
It's just the babble of a manic
handed a pen
without planning

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 16th Dec 2010
Forum Posts: 318

What are you saying?
You must be playing!,
The goose ate the moose?
The moose is in the goose?,
I don't believe that!
You lie like a tom cat!,
If the goose ate the moose
And the moose is in the goose
Then it's un-natural abuse!
Of it's bill's natural use!,
Which is designed for honking
Webbed feet aren't for stalking!,
The goose ate the moose!
The moose is in the goose!
For such a tale I have no use!
I must find, find that talking moose!

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 18th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 9

Liking a picture of Jesus on facebook won't get you to heaven,your sadness won't go away,by sharing others feelings ,a friend request from a girl you've never seen,"she's got to wanna hook up,she friend requested me", making comments,where your not even known, posting about the gym,yet your muscles still don't show. Too long of a status,so people don't read,well at least im original,and i don't try to be, what the masses now call,an internet fantasy, lliking pages about cancer,with none in your family,but keep with the act,cause an encore is coming up,cause even when your you,nobody gives a fuck,so share some wisdom of a buddhist variety  ,when your profile says Christian, and you follow pages with pornography,change your profile picture with a conscious simplicity,claiming your a country girl,and your location says the city.this facebook is myspace to express the pain i hate loving,and if you don't like it, push that delete button.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Illicit Affairs

(Photo credit: topnews.in)

Only fools fall in love is a worn-out phrase
For those folks always caught up in a maze
Of entangled web of lies and deceit
And always excited on affairs that are illicit

A one-night stand with someone you met at the bar
Then had a quickie in your low-down car
Couldn't afford a room in a dingy motel
That's how low you are, anyone could tell

You said you get excited getting it on in public
Especially with someone you just saw her pubic
The thrill of it all lies on not getting caught
With your zip fly open, and your dick in her throat

I was glad when you stopped your philandering ways
Of which the silent witnesses were only the highways
It was short-lived though, as I heard the bad news
You died of HIV-- a victim of your own follies

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

Ah! Thank you for choosing me as the winner; I really didn't expect it with so many entrants! :D

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