Poetry competition CLOSED 28th February 2013 4:40pm
Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
View Profile Poems by Kou_Indigo
RUNNER-UP: nymphomaniac

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Erotica and Fetishs

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Botswana 1awards
Joined 10th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 54

Can I submit a part of a triology?

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1819


Her body is a tantrum tonight;

a fit of limbs
in the absence
of disciplined hands.
Amiss, without sound
or solace of hold

chests heave
with the scream
of demand. No
hush of sweet coercion
to quiet frustrations.

ache for correction;
Poised direction
in the fleshed etiquette
of being his oh so
good girl.

Her body is a tantrum tonight
and she wants her Daddy.

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189


I am most gratified
when on my knees,
in my proper place
of subservience,
where the responsibility
and burden of control
falls to you

where I can,
bear the full brunt
of your cruel impulses,
and love you for it,
without being held accountable
for my depravity

where my calculated resistance
and defiance,
designed specifically
to incite you,
is met with a firm hand
and harsh,
delicious pain

And where I am
the most true to myself

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- An Erotica of Eden -

There is no need to fear the flame, so embrace me as I desire!
Cast aside thy skirts and finery, that I may view thy nakedness.
Is such love a metaphor for the spirit revealed by a divine fire?
Then let us love like the gods: run thy hands across my dress…
And find delight between my thighs, as I ready myself for thee.
Let us dip our feet into the waters that wait to caress them soft,
The waters of passion, which lap and lick to set the spirit free…
Only for the heat of the moment to carry us ever so madly aloft!
Such is the moistness of a stolen kiss, from lips willing and wet.
My tongue laps against thy mouth, my teeth biting so playfully…
As we tumble at the foot of the Forbidden Tree without regret.
The sanctity of Eden’s gardens are remade by us, so blessedly,
So that God might be moved to blush by the fierceness of lust!
Thou dost divest me of my garments, as if opening a sweet gift.
I raise my rear, and into me I feel the pushing of thy first thrust,
Making me cry for wanting you bad, until naught to want is left.
In and out of me I feel thee throbbing hard and wet in thy sport,
One hand around my waist, the other reaching for my member!
I am pinioned, between two pleasures, as I beg three for more.
Thou hast me in thy power: and my love, thou shall remember!

Thrusting, grasping, in and out, and up and down, without end.
I moan for thee like a harlot and angels weep at what is done…
The roots of the tree that was blessed, our coupling does rend.
As thou dost climax, within me, the gardens burn like the sun…
Whilst thou hast caused my seed, to fall upon Eden’s carpeting.
Our flesh pours out its’ ecstasies like wine upon a sacred altar!
And Eden dies, as our sweat coats our bodies, ever glistening.
This is not the end of our love’s play, for we dare not so falter!
I lie upon my stomach, and thou dost fetch thy flagon of wine…
Pouring the blood-like nectar upon my skin, from neck to rear.
Thy lips lick it from me, but the pleasure is just as much mine…
For thy soul is entrapped by its’ thirst for me, drawing so near,
Unto damnation, and yet thou dost smile as if going to Paradise!
Through love thou art fallen, and we shall rise together in dawn.
I am thy addiction, I am thy craving, and I am thy favorite vice!
Thou are my lover, thou art the flame, which is unto me drawn.
Thy hands squeeze my buttocks, and I giggle like a mad child…
I turn unto my back, as I find myself grown hard and wet anew.
Take me again my darling, and in the taking be never too mild!
We have entire universes to defile, our madness to thusly ensue.

How many gardens were blighted by the power of our hunger?
I am the god and goddess of thy apostasy, thy angel and devil.
Pour thy wine, my Bacchus, and let Olympus rain its’ thunder!
We shall humble the gods, and cause them to worship our evil.
Let love be their downfall, let them rue the hour of my exiling…
As thy lips caress my hardness, licking and sucking with fervor!
Thy fingers do assist thee in these ministrations until I am smiling.
I rake my nails across thy body, marking thee as mine forever…
Thou dost not wince, even when I climax into thy tender mouth!
With this act completed we have nearly sealed the demon pact.
I dip my index finger into some of the wine flowing thus down…
From where it spilled from my flesh; and before thou can react,
I trace three sixes, upon thy lovely forehead, with my left hand.
Thou are forced to kneel before me, as I don again my clothes,
Whilst behind us there is no longer an Eden, only a wasteland…
Echoing with the cries of our love, wherever the wind so blows.
Come with me, my love, for we have other worlds to despoil…
And I have others gods and goddesses, to seduce to my cause!
Thou hast made love to a serpent, and felt that serpent’s coil…
Now thou art one thyself, entrapped by desire’s crimson claws.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

Satan's Bitch         !! extreme content !!

Although indiscretions seem somehow my speciality    
they were not quite ever my downfall    
until I met Miss F.    
Until then, I never fully understood    
how the workings of 'wickedness'    
could infect my own heart so deeply.    
Outwardly, for all the world    
she appeared such a normal girl    
whatever that might prescribe.    
Her triumph of innocence masquerading as almost pious    
except for the pain and the private agonies    
she had over time grown secretly to adore.    
After our relationship became too dangerous    
for me at least,    
I was even sufficiently inspired to write her a song:    
'No use pretending you love me...    
when I'm sure the truth is you don't...'    
It was pure corn served with a gracious portion of cheese    
& thank fuck    
I can't remember the rest.    
But I can still recall perfectly    
the detail of her pale naked limbs    
the dazzling fresco of hair    
dark waves cascading over my bed    
its softness tickling my chest    
her scent mingled to peachy vanilla    
surrendered in a flurry of nipples    
like Spring fretting to burst    
even before I could get my mouth open    
and suck up my own fresh heart.    
She would tilt her head    
haunted eyes staring meekly    
amused by our assortment of clothes    
Cautiously studying hers    
each item folded precisely    
on the back of the chair    
everything just so    
and only a moment's glance    
for my own crumpled rags    
hurriedly discarded so often    
in a hopeless, reckless heap.    
She wishes she had worn    
something different    
something sexier than last minute    
cropped Armani jeans    
perhaps her Monsoon feather dress    
sheer stockings and a raunchier bra,    
definitely not Marks...    
But the thoughts are quickly lost    
as our tongues hunt and then lock    
soaring way beyond the High Street    
in a heady scramble for air.    
Unusually tonight    
her hands are unbound    
the cherry-blood ball gag    
and her silver chain    
with its shiny clamps    
do their work quickly.    
They are expert at making her wet    
and by the crank of their cruel maximum    
she feels safe and almost ready to be freed.    
I stand over her    
burning to devour the girl    
who once    
I thought I knew    
the rush of my smile    
melting on her moans    
I am feeding her ache as it grows    
but not yet...    
There are strict instructions    
I must obey    
fastening the blindfold    
gently but firmly    
everything just so    
then ravishing her ears with kisses    
before I stroke her arms and neck    
slapping her stomach and thighs    
raking them harshly    
with the rasp of her own sharp nails.    
Slowly, I let her suck    
worshipping the handle of the whip    
a little taste at first    
then more    
and then  
deeper again...    
I must wait for the silent roar    
for her frenzy to erupt in a rush    
fusing her spine as it arches    
before the fury of the flail is unleashed    
freeing the demons    
that torture her soul    
to fly upon flesh in their rage.    
And suddenly I'm a little boy    
scared at what I've done    
but there are no 'safe' words    
no warmth of rescue    
to befriend my shame.    
She will not stop me tonight    
and when I can crack it down no harder    
I hurl the whip to the floor    
where it winks from the edge of disgust    
licking pain    
licking blood    
licking dust.  
She whimpers quietly    
and will sleep a long time    
every orgasm smeared in crimson    
sinking my heart forever    
with lies of the cruelest kind.    
No, she could never be truly mine    
she would always remain
a slave addicted to pain    
fashioning hell for kicks--
the truth of Satan's bitch.

poet Anonymous

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Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

I wrote this tonight for a girl I met who has been... inspiring me... to new thoughts of gleeful desire. She's no one here on DUP but someone I met on a dating site. I am quite crazy for her! Lol. This isn't for the contest, I already did my entry for that... I just wanted to share this lovely erotic poem of mine.

- Engulfed by Pleasure -

You stripped me of my womanly attire…
And saw my she-cock pulse, anticipating,
The rush of sensuality, the roaring of fire!
How many nights we spent masturbating,
To photos of each other that we had sent?
Now we meet as lovers, now we clash…
Like waves, upon some rocky sediment,
Some shoreline where the ocean will crash!
I behold you, my pale, porcelain maiden,
Your bright brown eyes glowing fiercely!
Oh that beautiful crown, of brown hair…
Which delights me above other women!
I long to take you to the edge of ecstasy,
Oh, the mad, mad things we could dare!
You are attired in a white goddess gown,
My hands caressing: of your every curve.
I am lost in your eyes, so rich and brown,
Twin pools of glory, to which I swerve…
Like the earth itself, but far more splendid:
Are those portals to a mind of true beauty!
Oh beloved, as my hands grasp you tender,
What, in my pale blue eyes might you see?
I shall give you pleasure to ever remember.
Your nipples harden with hot excitement…
As I feel your fine rounded young breasts.
I squeeze those softest of pretty peaches!
My hardness increases, begging to vent…
I rub it against your legs with teasing tests.
Shall I put it where my hand next reaches?
You sigh and gasp as I grasp you quick…
Between your legs where you are softest!
Shall I pierce that softness, with a prick?
For my sword is long: you cannot resist…
Whilst lost in the throes, of love’s power.
I cast you unto your back upon our bed,
My hands caressing your generous thighs!
Oh how I shall pluck you, pretty flower…
For my blood rushes so madly, and red,
Like fire cast up high, into volcanic skies.
I pull up the skirts of your soft, soft dress,
My tongue licking every inch of your flesh!
You moan like a harlot with each caress…
And I pull your skirts up further, lust fresh,
Blossoming between us like some garden.
I grasp your breasts again; you are warm!
The flush of love is upon me, growing firm.
Your eyes widen as you see me harden…
Harder than before like a mounting storm!
And so I mount you, even as I do yearn…
To bring you to a paradise only for lovers!
Your fingers dig into the sheets ferocious,
As we move up and down on the covers.
My fingers entwine in your hair’s tresses,
And I pull slightly, not enough to harm…
But just enough to enhance your pleasure,
As your womanhood slicks to our sport!
We blaze fast and hot as a shooting star,
Whilst I partake of your maiden treasure!
My battering ram besieges your fair fort.
If love is a battle we both shall surrender,
Even as you scratch my back playfully…
Whilst you moan as I thrust my member:
In a swift rhythm, and none too gently…
With such ferocity: that, you are giggling.
I look down upon you, and how I smile!
For, I see your lovely breasts a-jiggling,
As we make love like beasts for a while.
Unleashing the animal within us, wildly…
Sweat pouring, our madness increasing!
At last we climax, and none too mildly…
Your bosom swells, in heaves pleasing.
Blood, under your fingernails, you sigh!
I am still hard inside you, still a-pulsing.
We kiss, passionately, never to deny…
Our love, and lust: so very all engulfing.

let it be
Tyrant of Words
United States 25awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 8869

She cock nice Ashton

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

Gg78 said:She cock nice Ashton

*Blushes* I know, I can be insanely naughty sometimes when the mood strikes me! Lol. But you must admit, If anyone could say that word in a classy way, it was certainly me. Lol.

poet Anonymous

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