Poetry competition CLOSED 29th January 2013 6:52am
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1819

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

The 4th I.D. indeed Hooah ! Uley went to war with them twice, and I couldn't have felt less worried. Good People !

I like your last line... *smirks* Yeah... we are the only ones who benefited from that, right ?

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 166

at 22
you probably couldnt imagine some of the things i've been through
with this uniform i wear
comes great responsibility
i'll always be
all that i can be
its made an adult out of me

from germany to the middle east
i've seen war
and i've seen peace
i've seen gods children all over the world
from folks just like you and me
to those hungry little boys and girls
i've danced with the enemy
and stood shoulder to shoulder
with the greastest friends you'll ever meet
we've all got each others backs
and because of that
i'm damn proud to wear this uniform

i've been shot at
and people have tried to blow me up
but we stayed tough
and pushed through
i've lost some real good friends to this cause
but they died for your rights
some people just dont get to make it back from the fight

from germany to the middle east
i've seen war
and i've seen peace
i've seen gods children all over the world
from folks just like you and me
to those hungry little boys and girls
i've danced with the enemy
and stood shoulder to shoulder
with the greastest friends you'll ever meet
we've all got each others backs
and because of that
i'm damn proud to wear this uniform

i'll fly a flag in my yard till the day i die
after where i've been
i'm damn glad to be alive

from germany to the middle east
i've seen war
and i've seen peace
i've seen gods children all over the world
from folks just like you and me
to those hungry little boys and girls
i've danced with the enemy
and stood shoulder to shoulder
with the greastest friends you'll ever meet
we've all got each others backs
and because of that
i'm damn proud to wear this uniform

The Marcus De Sade
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 6th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 87

Under A Blood Red Moon

We was caught in hysteria
Feeling ever so humble
As the ground shook
With rage and with a sinister rumble

We chose our stance
Our chance to fight
We received concussions
and severe fright

As we charge through infinite valleys
of eternal death
In hope of catching a bullet between the teeth,
or bullet proof mesh.

This battlefield we just want to leave
With a final push, we heave.

The enemy’s relentless
They will find our side
far from defenceless

Out of ammo and out of luck
We just want to get out of this sea of muck

We want to go home
to our loved ones and friends
We want to go home
so our minds can mend.

Under a blood red moon,
and a crimson typhoon
I know I’ll see my family soon!

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Freedom of Choice

Lucky are those who were born free,      
but senseless--forcing others to take it      
Our very own cognizance of Freedom      
may differ from those we want to impose.      
While we clamor for gay and abortion rights,      
and other human rights so many to mention,      
do you really think other people care        
when all their concern is the right to exist?      
Do you believe we're truly an advocate for Freedom      
when we encroach on foreign lands to satisfy our craving?      
We just feed the needs of everyone's lust      
for absolute power and total control.      
We look dashing when we arrived on sheep's cloaks      
and very eloquent spreading words about Democracy,      
yet, don't you think we are trampling upon someone's rights      
when we leave them no choice to embrace ours?      
Those who accept our Trade with open arms      
and support our ideologies, are friendly Allies...      
But how do we treat and call those people      
who are innocent and peaceful before we give them a living Hell?  
Have we not learned from History?  
From time immemorial to present generation  
nobody wins a War--except for battles fought,  
but the war mongers and entrepreneurs standing tall.  
From the dense jungles to the rugged mountains,  
down by the raging rivers and valleys of Death--  
our young soldiers bravely marched and fought  
losing their limbs and precious lives for naught.    
As long as we are engaged in galactic StarWars      
and our greedy hearts don't fail to sustain,      
then my dream of Peace and freedom to choose,      
drifts with the wind, and buried in the abyss.      

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 7th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 26

I really enjoyed this ravenwing.  It reminds me so much of USAF boot camp.  Life after that in the AF was awesome though!  

By Ravenwing
"Military Girls

Almost four am in cold and drafty quiet;
a fold of eight in separate comfy bunks
arrayed in peaceful silence. Gentle nests
in twin dorm rooms at rest on either side
of a bathroom, a single solitary throne,
in comfortless utility, the shower space
maybe four by four and not much more,
in the ladies Navy barracks on the base.

They all at once communally succumb
beyond their slumbers deep and numb
to bleeps and squeaks and ringing bells;
undeniable sounds of noise envelopes,
raucous bellowed voices rise to waken
sleeping babes, as music fills the place
with hip-hop, classical and rock ‘n roll
in syncopated rhythm section cadence.

Do rise and shine my precious darlings,
for it’s just another cheerful Navy day
in service to your country on this base.
So they must take their stumbling stroll
amid the maze of sleepy, sluggish girls
all sharing paradise. Who must perform
a tricky dance of waltz and twinkle toes
to shower on display; toothpaste march
in bras with skimpy drawers and thongs,
in their customary close quarters crush.

Mirrors weep and vanish in a hazy mist
rising off the shower; as florid fragrance
fills the air eight hair dryers roar to power.
Drifting hair spray reeks and floats about
and to every weeping eye is then applied
mascara, for fashion’s feminine disguise.
Then dressed in dungarees of dingy blue
and those polished shoes of boy’s repute
while shiny girly tresses are tucked into
undistinguished nests of uniform unrest.

Grunts or groans and high pitched verbs
while powdered velvet shoulders merge
with flailing arms; elbows brush a cheek
in congenial unarmed combat to compete
to exchange this carnival of camaraderie  
for inhumanity in the galley.  Breakfast,
and the coffee; stand in line to get it first.
Six am comes faster than a sailor’s curse."


Dangerous Mind
United States 21awards
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 2961

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Thanks uley and maggieg...steadfast and loyal here strider![/quote]

4th id hoah!!!

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 39

Noble Soldiers: Rise of the Patriot

Prepared the best he can, he says goodbye to all he loves back at home
An immense will to serve his country lies within his dauntless one
He yearns to fight with honor in the wake of our valiant fathers and sons
So we may see our flag wave another day in the blazing sun

With peerless effort, he eradicates fear in his heart
The perilous battlefield is a stochastic place, so you must forever be on guard
He fights with valor alongside his brothers in arms
Thus liberty in our country shines afar

His heart is stained with the stigma of fallen heroes yet he presses on
Continuing with determination in the glory of those lost
So that we may live as one nation, under God
Off to the battlefields, is a spirit of steel fighting for a new dawn

He wears his ACU in combat proudly
Upholding pride and honor in every endeavor of selfless service hourly
In hopes to one day return home to his family
This soldier fights with the hopes and dreams of this epic nation happily

A wife attends the funeral of her husband, who died
So that his fellow comrades may still walk this terra
Those very soldiers stand at the position of attention in their dress blues
The National Anthem plays and she knows her husband died for a greater cause in this era
And so she said “God bless America”…  

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

Strider sayeth:

"Toto did not make it,    
neither did Dorothy,    
only the Tin Men."


(fine words btw)

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

old poem:


               < heroin >
watching Mike        
late at night
Fort Bliss            
our barracks        
the vacant sergeant's room        
his face in the light from his candle        
(a Virgin Mary votive from
a little shop in Jaurez)        
holding his tiny Pyrex beaker over it        
"majored in chemistry", he says        
dissolving his heroin        
Jeff and i bum a little        
roll it into our joint        
(the grass we get down here is so poor)          
the brown powder makes the joint sputter      
(but it works just fine)        
the vacant sergeant's room...        
i come here to sit, to write            
to fuck some guy i met at the PX        
to come down from acid        
to listen to Jeff play his guitar            
(his hands, his fingers as they move)        
to watch Mike            
dissolving his heroin        
     - - -  

Scot Powers
Thought Provoker
Canada 2awards
Joined 5th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 8

Steely faces on the battle line
nervous looks as we wait for the sign
just pawns in a sick man's game
you want to leave,Ha, Too late.

A cold wind blows across the field
in the air you can smell the fear
ask yourself why must we die
to appease some twisted pride
our faces change every day
in bags we are taken away

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1749

Battle hardened and steadfast,
the soldier clenches his teeth.
On the advance against the enemy,
in a foreign country
He has never seen,
until now.
He is afraid, but also proud
death will have him today.
Belief in his government
holds a duty to his country,
on he walks
against the enemy.
Head first into the line of fire,
as his skull catches a bullet.
Lain out on the desert sand
blood etched
pieces of his skull metres away,
and death take him.

Will lou White
Thought Provoker
Australia 1awards
Joined 19th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 191

My condolences
It was a letter
government stamped
given to her
in no real
compassionate fashion
as the soldier
who stood there
in indifferent sadness
to a comrade he hardly knew
walked away faster
then he approached
and she opened it
and read
the inscription
that he was a great man
who was apart of a great fight
but had died
trying to save a child
from friendly fire

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 35awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2212

Women: Are They in Binders?


Gentle is the touch of a woman's hand,
as she glides expertly in the abyss of perpetual darkness
emerging from the sea of tumultuous clouds,
and spraying the rows of thirsty palms
along the blazing desert of inferno
with a deep bass and chattered sound,
like an old sewing machine, stitching to the ground.

If the hand that pulls a trigger and kills without empathy
      belongs to a Woman...
Does it make any difference?
Women have greater compassion and sensitivity
according to some clinical study
Taking lives-- not giving, sustaining and nurturing;
is it a cultural shift not in the right direction?

Women in society, are they in binders?
   They give Life,
         sustain Life,
                nurture Life...

Somebody claimed he had a binder full of women;
it makes me wonder what they can do--
For as long as they are just in binders,
they will remain in oblivion and forever voiceless.

Women who demand equal pay and equal rights            
send the unexpecting into a whirlwind of confusion;            
those who are gender-biased and narcissistic,  
find it hard to swallow and comprehend.
Don't women deserve anything greater,
for sometimes they could led better  
in combat or office settings, and many more?    
Let's ask Lilly, for she knew it's now or never.

    (A tribute to women fighter pilots and to Lilly)
            Photo credit: theaviationist.com

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