Poetry competition CLOSED 24th January 2013 1:36pm
Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
View Profile Poems by Kou_Indigo

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The Aferlife

Thought Provoker
Canada 1awards
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 270

Poetry Contest

Two weeks to write a poem depicting the afterlife.
Write a piece depicting what you beleive is in store for us after this carnal journey. Whether it be the beauty of a heaven, grotesqueness of a hell, a nihilist end , or whatever your creative minds can conjure.

Any form is fine and as many submissions as you would like.

Have fun C:

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

This poem is based on a near-death experience I went through when I was in my 20's, and vividly depicts my afterlife experiences. I was dead for only three minutes, but what I went through outside my body seemed to last much, much longer than that. The poem is too big to post on a single forum page, so I will provide the link to its' official page here on DUP. Here it is...


Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

Here is another poem about that experience. This one details only one small segment of it, my experience meeting "God" after ending up in Heaven (prior to my descent into Purgatory and then Hell as recounted in the previous poem, "Amongst the Dead").

- Word of Wisdom -
One Vision of Heaven

To tell of how I came to see these sights, I cannot speak it,
For that tale is told in other verse that I of old did compose.
Suffice it to say, that there outside the sheathe of my flesh…
I was drawn outward, and up to a place where souls do flit.
Not ethereal as ghosts, but in new skin healthy as is a rose!
Such ascended forms are perfect and beautiful, ever fresh…
And so in such a form for so brief a span, I did thusly arrive,
Before a grassy mountaintop where I beheld two tall pillars!
No one told me where I was, nor said that world’s name…
Only, that no one usually came to that place whilst still alive.
The clouds were pale, as is pearl, sky as clear as mirrors…
A blue more rich, than Lapis Lazuli: to that paradise, frame.
I spied atop the great mount, a throne betwixt the columns,
Where was seated a woman of splendors not easy to relate.
Her brown hair was held by a circlet; her perfume floral fair,
Deep blue her flesh and form, like a spirit from out beyond.
The wings of her circlet were as majestic as the will of fate,
But before the wings on her back, they could not compare!
Ten those were in number and black as is the dark of space.
“Child, come over to me.” She spoke with her serene face!
Androgynous was my form, and it remembered that word…
The word of wisdom incarnate which to no hearer is absurd.

As of old when first I heeded that call I labored up to meet,
My maker, along a rugged trail with a railing, a narrow way;
Like a sword’s edge, but easy to walk for one with the time.
Soon I came to a many-columned palace, marble so sweet,
For it was tinged with the pink of rose as pleasant as is day!
Stained glass windows, decorated the halls silently sublime.
This great edifice was high up, upon a ledge of the mount…
And through its’ mighty portals I did view a model of Earth.
All about me, were others who were drawn to that vision…
And to either side of that sight, rose a pleasant water fount.
Through arches came others, some who so awaited rebirth,
But who had to wait without sorrow or the heart’s division.
Shall I tell of the indoor gardens, the ivy on pillars slender?
Or the doors to other worlds, portals so perilous to enter!
I had walked that way before and I never forgot the sights,
Of the places none should see, of celestial days and nights.

Angels arrived, projections of light on each back as wings,
To some they might seem, but I beheld their far truer state.
Some had many, but one had but two and he was lovely…
Yellow tresses, skin as green as cool jade that luck brings.
His voice mellow he spoke of things that did curiosity sate,
Of my past, my future, and other facets of my high destiny.
He bade me go hence then, and get to my noble creator…
And so I left that hall and did to the throne on high ascend.
There I knelt before the goddess I had seen, my heat afire!
Sophia was her name and there is no more holy a creature.
“Child, come over to me.” She smiled, with such a bend…
To her lips, that I felt such energy and could not easily tire!
She stepped between the pillars, motioning for her child…
Thusly I followed my true maker, my spirit so giddily wild.
She was suddenly gone, but I felt she was there all around,
As if in every heart, mind, and soul that in life can abound!

“Embrace the Divine Force” was all I heard after stepping,
Betwixt the great pillars where Sophia had gone so boldly!
And I was floating, amidst thunderclouds and lightning hot.
No ground was to be seen with winds fiercely whipping…
And through it all I could see the stars of space, so coldly.
I saw my entire life before my eyes, a sight dearly bought!
Then every life unto the dawn of time, and things so awful,
And so beautiful, that the mind cannot comprehend it truly.
I saw then into the mind of that force and every living soul,
For it was one with all, yet also apart from it blissfully still.
This is what children call “God” this life within all life fully…
And that revelation is still not enough to fit its’ truest mold!
I heard a loud booming voice cry out that this was enough,
And my soul was cast down through the stars most rough.
We are not meant to know the unknowable, never entire!
I learned my lesson well, which the Goddess so required.

Thought Provoker
Canada 1awards
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 270

Thank you for your submissions Jennifer C=. I will be taking a thorough look at the first poem you published this afternoon =]

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- A Highway Bound For Heaven -
Based on a dream I had on June 11, 2010

Part One: The Empty Vessel

Down a highway marked by time and lined with hills…
I walked alone, unloved and feeling the weight of years.
Knowing not if I was in dream or beyond my very flesh,
I walked alone, and felt the cold biting me with chills…
Until it seemed that I walked forever filling up with tears!
I was not part of the whole: nor adding to a higher mesh.
Behind me was a big city, all in ruins crumbling away…
Before was the highway, as unending as the longest day.

I wandered lost, until I came to a small city in a desert,
Where two factions warred, to claim all that did remain.
I was caught in the fighting, until my spirit it did pervert,
And, taking shelter in a building I was lost in all my pain.
Therein I found a tapestry hung upon an old nearby wall,
Behind which: was a glowing portal shimmering with awe.
Shimmering and circular in shape, red as fire there within,
The portal was like the eye of a god, first bright then dim.

From that portal floated on air, a long ship of the Norse,
That: settled in the massive building like a galloping horse.
As soon as it had come to rest, I heard a voice to say…
That it wished it had summoned an army of red demons,
Rather than an empty boat from some lost bygone day.
And then I was distracted from this magical summons…
By a chest of metal upon the floor, I had not prior seen.
In it were statues of knights, with armor of bright sheen!

Part Two: Journey Into Infinity

I placed the statues in the boat and they became alive…
They grew to human size and piloted the boat, as crew.
It sailed back through the red portal, mightily to strive…
On cosmic seas beyond my ken: where now they flew.
As soon as this transpired, a gathering of people came,
All dressed in robes of purest white, with priestly looks.
They urged me to step forward; I sensed some game…
I had my part to play as written in their holiest of books.

They called forth an elemental of the earth, clad in moss,
And bade it escort me beyond the shores of infinity itself.
At once in a starry void I: and the creature, hurled along.
We hurtled towards a world that was in the grip of loss…
It was square and flat in shape, like a vast earthlike shelf.
On the surface was a grassy hill in a jungle out of song…
With giant trees that had palm-like leaves and big fruits,
Fruits shaped like big bells that whistled like reed flutes.

Green was the ground and blue: the trees of that jungle,
Nearby was a circular wall of ancient sandstone rubble.
Rising up from the ground were the dead of that world,
Savage and barbaric creatures hungering for warm skin.
The elemental at my side motioned with arms unfurled,
And the undead could not touch me, no matter my sin!
Thusly, we passed into the ruined circle with some ease,
Our victory fleeting, as though it were there to but tease.

Part Three: Ghosts of the Past

The elemental placed upon an eye-shaped stone dais…
A gemstone: with tiger-stripes and a blue, eye-like ring.
At once from the purple-hued sky descended an angel!
Her skin was pink, and on her face was a look of bliss,
Her hair was orange as fire, as her voice did loudly sing.
Purple robes fluttered about her as she descended well!
Taking the stone from the dais, she glowed with glory…
And with a flutter of black wings, we left her odd story.

I was back in the building, but alone before some stand,
On which sat old toys of mine, from childhood’s time…
Behind me I heard footsteps and I turned to see a child.
A freckle-faced little girl, from some other age and land,
Wearing glasses, and a dress out of a Victorian clime…
She was so pleasant and well mannered, also quite mild!
The child led me to a room with a banquet table all set…
There, we were seated and soon other people we met.

All in white, but varied in style of dress were these folk,
Who sat around the square table as they chatted away!
The child told me her name was Roberta, from Virginia.
She died back in the 1800’s, and now here did skulk…
Along with other souls who have passed beyond the gray,
They ate nothing at the table, needing no fair cornucopia.
At length, Roberta laid her head upon my arm lovingly…
Asking me to protect her on her way to her final destiny.

Part Four: The Highway’s End

At once I felt behind me, a familiar presence I knew well.
Lucifer herself had come, with a company out from Hell!
In the form of a little girl was she, with golden hair so fine,
And eyes the color of emerald flame, that burned hotly…
Clothed in a red linen gown, her lips like rubies did shine.
She laid a hand on my arm, and so said she came for me!
I fought her off and called for someone to open the shade,
That: blocked the only window, keeping the ghosts afraid.

Sunlight poured in from outside, and all the ghosts did go.
I took Roberta by the arm, shielding her from that glow…
Which caused even scarlet Lucifer, to give up her mission.
And so I fled with Roberta from the city’s cold division…
Coming at last back to the highway where we walked on,
Leaving civilization behind us, beneath the hot desert sun.
In the distance was a valley so utterly pleasant to behold,
That Roberta longed to go there; I made her wish unfold.

I took her to the edge of the valley and then she vanished,
Leaving only her dress to fall on the highway, untarnished.
I looked nearby to see my deceased grandfather driving…
Down another lonely road: with my late mother at his side.
I was now alone, and my eyes were stinging from crying…
Until I looked upon that valley, and all of my sorrow died!
I tried to enter it myself, but a white light stopped my feet,
Causing me to awaken to life, another new dawn to greet.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 12th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 33

I wish I'd been cremated and scattered out to sea
This coffin's feckin freezin and worms are eating me.
My genitals have decomposed, theres maggots up my arse.
That shit they taught in Sunday School really is a farce.
No bright light or angels nor Peter's Pearly Gates
Just a load of compost, ammonia, and phospates
I hear the plot is lovely, with a vista to the west
But what the fuck do I care - stuck here in this chest
I wish I'd been cremated and scattered out to sea
This afterlife is bollox and dont exist for me.

Thought Provoker
Canada 1awards
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 270

Thank you for all of your entries so far C=

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 22nd July 2012
Forum Posts: 24

Died, Dead, Gone,
Where are you, Is this where i belong?
All the stories of gold,
Biggest lie ever told.
Black, nothing, Empty,
this is the afterlife that greets me.
Falling in the black,
Too late to turn back.
Is it over?
Can i start over?

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Makai -
Based on some of my past-life memories…

Do you ask me of Hell, mortal, and desire me to tell?
I could compare it to the agonies I felt at Shimabara…
When my soul, I did sell, because of my death knell!
As my blood flowed and my spirit cried to the stars…
Nothing else is the realm of demons, except for loss,
Which drives even a saintly soul to despair, to regret.
Shiro Amakusa was my name, and I paid that cost…
When I stared death in the eye, and Hell itself I met!
The realm of Makai, of demons, did receive my will.
At the time I sought vengeance, but it was so hollow,
Leaving the very core of my being, so dark and chill.
Now you know me as a poet, my works you follow,
Never imagining, what I have seen in my lives of old.
A tryst in Edo, a moment in a garden stolen by time!
Was I in love, or was I just foolish and merely bold?
I met others like me, reborn to an existence sublime,
Only to die again, for reincarnation can be a curse…
When those we love we are forced to lose yet again.
Rebirth or damnation; which fate is really the worst?
It can transform you, and make you not quite human.

Now you know who I was, and why I write as I do,
Of my time in the Edo era, which was ever twofold:
Terrible and beautiful, beneath skies stormy yet blue.
In this modern age, I died for three minutes so cold,
And my soul went to the realm of Makai for a while.
History repeats itself, for I came back very different,
Just as when I met death in Shimabara, death so vile.
It is my fate to know such cycles so very devil-sent!
For I am an angel and I am not vanquished by them,
Since my spirit rises stronger, more beautifully pure:
From the darkness that pious fools would condemn.
My destiny was preordained, by a power so sure…
That none can stay, the courses that my spirit walks.
Angel and demon am I, for there is not a distinction,
Between, the sacredness that the light often stalks…
And the profaneness, bound for a dark destination!
In service to God I fell and in falling I became wise.
For, I leaned the folly of any piety that is so forced,
Upon one’s soul, that it brings them swifter to vice!
I parted, with such piety; for that, I feel no remorse.

The claws of Makai embraced me with such love…
That the cross I served never could on me bestow!
Even so, my soul is still cherished, by gods above…
For, I ascended from my sojourns in realms below.
My wings of light, unseen by mortal worldly seeing,
Remind me that I am not quite as fallen as I thought.
There is peace just in knowing this within my being!
And, I realize, not for nothing are my battles fought.
There is a purpose behind each struggle, each goal,
Which I have overcome, which I have stove after…
And although I am fallen, still do I possess my soul.
I am like a raven that has flown to the highest rafter,
Only to descend, that mankind may look upon it…
Mayhap wondering wither it has so come and gone.
My wings bear me hither-and-yon as they see fit…
Even here in this modern life far from the rising sun!
The past cannot be changed; what I was, I still am.
And the future has not come to pass until the dawn,
In all its’ glory, greets the eyes even of one damned.
Once more, to the heavens, my eyes are so drawn!

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 14th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1

Here is one I wrote whilst in class when it was raining shortly after hearing of a death of a close friend of mine's mother.
Here you go.

Lie Still My Child

Lay still now thy tender head,
And approach the gates with glee.
Fear not for the one true god,
Is always watching over thee.

Lie still in thy slumber,
From hence you shall not wake.
Embrace release and relief from here,
And let slip all thy mistakes.

Go merrily into paradise,
To hills of assurance and light.
Call upon your loving and forgiving god,
And take him with all of thy might.

Sleep here now in this peaceful realm,
Made entirely just for you.
And sleep soundly young one,
For your loved ones will soon sleep too.

Strange Creature
Joined 9th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 7


we all will die, this is inevitalbe
what's out there waiting for us in incredible.
The sights, the sounds, the faces the places,
every joyous occasion, relived on a daily basis.
my body only a vessel in which my soul chills in,
living every minute unitl God cashes my bill in.
people ask, "what if your God doesn't exist?"
If he doesn't and I believe, I have lived in glory,
but if he does and you don't, then you will be sorry!


Dangerous Mind
United States 10awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 995

I am not sure if this qualifies. I wrote it one year ago yesterday, and it almost fits the criteria. If it does not, just consider it a posting because I wanted to...

"A Path More Traveled"

There is something, some energy that dwells within
Some otherworldly being connected to all other life
When the electromagnetic aura of the body ceases to exist
Where does the spirit go, what happens to the soul?

What force exerts the weight of twenty-one grams on gravity
That once the cocoon of birth gives way to the after-life
Is measured momentarily after the final breath released
When escape lifts beyond our grasp or falls eternally

Does pain follow as a comets tail or can we let it go?
Do we reconnect with those we shared the bonds of life?
Does the love experienced throughout continue there with us?
Is there a path more traveled than the road that death walks down?

Dead ends are placed by man where the street can lead no more
And when there comes an ending where only ghosts can go
Does all that has been learned and loved evaporate in dust
Or is there somewhere to reunite within a Holy One?


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