Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd January 2013 9:53pm
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
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poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

Coming Home

Dirt slaps eyes
the air sizzles
impossible makeshift houses
lean and creak in the wind
Children lay hands
over swollen bellies
all with the same listless stare
some even smile
mercilessly unraveling your heart
their bones scream for flesh
as death dabs his eau de cologne
without a word

The strongest
cling to the choke of your footsteps
examining your spoor in the dust
with the hope you may bring something
even a worn out rag
would be riches to fight for
but you know you have nothing more
and they cannot feed on hope
or a cliche handful of rice forever

Now coming home
has another meaning
turning the key to a different world
where suddenly you feel dirtier
than the flies
and every time you turn a tap
or switch on a light
there they are--
feasting on guilt
in a corner of your yard.

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 8th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 276

hey you,im not proud of ya
your a feckin burden
extra feckin weight

look at ya,swinging around
you dont give a shit.
do ya?
not a care in the world.

scaring of my prey
we will see whos laughing
ya prick

time for a trim.
bit off the end


Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 271

            Change in the Wind
 Absolved of his crime of rape  
Blameless for his actions of womanly hate  

Criminal, he will never be called  
Debauchery within this male dominated society,

giving license, where the protectors are, themselves, the perpetrators  

Evolution will be these men down fall, when mothers, daughters, sisters and girls unite.  
Feminist power will rule in the end, just you wait.

Guiltless no more, courts believing she tempted them  
Hatred of the womb will be their only defense.  

Immoral are you, who wallow in this sin  
Justice will have its day; women power will rule
for I feel there is a change in the wind.

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

Hey, Strider! Awesome David Bowie pic you put up there. Too crazy sexy cool! I loved Bowie's "Androgynous Alien" phase, and his "Labyrinth" Goblin King look too. Gotta love the days when rock was all about the glam as much as the music! Anyhoooo, here's my first entry for this contest:

- Love, Reinvented -

If I were given the fair mantle of goddess of love,
By all the divines who reign from heavens above…
I would make of love a finer thing, more glorious,
So that it would make lovers sing out, uproarious!
Imagine if lovers could merge their very spirits too.
And know ecstasies that much greater, more true,
Than any humankind has imagined in poetic verse.
Imagine love undying, never fading for the worse…
But growing more magical, with each kiss shared,
Lending the heart strength so it cannot be scared!
And that is but the beginning of my blessings kind,
I would make love truly free for every soul to find.

No soul to be lonely, but every heart fully paired…
Knowing love eternal, with not a pleasure spared!
The angels would rejoice at my creation so lovely,
And all humanity would be granted angelic beauty.
Death would be undone, so love could so endure,
Without age to take from us, those we love sure…
No longer, would passion be solely to create life.
I would make of it an art, and with it end all strife!
No need for jealousy if love is the birthright of all,
And no need for guilt when lust leads none to fall.
I would make lust a virtue, with love as its’ guide,
With not a wickedness to taint it or within it abide.

We would all be as gods then, each in a paradise,
With no boundaries or barriers, nor society’s lies!
If two hearts be in love, even if the same gender…
I would bless their union, and make it the grander.
We need not the limits that are imposed so cruel…
By those who invent “morals” they use like a fool!
Let love be our law, and let life take its’ courses…
Leaving us to live life fully, marveling at its’ forces.
If I could reinvent love I would do all this so well,
That love would redeem even the damned in Hell.
This is the blessing I would bestow upon creation,
If I were a powerful goddess, of love and elation!

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 19th July 2012
Forum Posts: 89


See the world through flame colored glasses
Tear drops fall slower than molasses
Heed the autumn leaves
Falling off the trees at different speeds
Bald branches left standing in a desolate state
Similar to positions people take
Pandemonium awaits
Was it love or hate?
Who drew the line?
Within my eyes are the heartless cries
Cheerlessness lie
Not of my own
But the malformed faces
Gratuitous loans
Are the now owed payments
Charity had vanquished
Everybody's stuck on helping themselves
Abandoned all the empathy like it was left on the steps
A light white sea breeze paints a picture
No costs to be free
Its the mentality that gets ya  

Will lou White
Thought Provoker
Australia 1awards
Joined 19th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 191

Obituary of a dreamer.
no matter how much i ache
you'll still be dead
so i'll do the best for my sake
and dream in this bed

Why go outside
and face the dread
when i can lay to sleep
and dream instead

the closest i'll get
is to dream of you
and i understand
that thats the truth

but i can spend a million nights
with dreaming ensued
dreaming dreams of our lives
but mainly dreaming of you

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 16awards
Joined 12th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 93

An unvoiced creature unfastens their lips to      
release pressurized shrieks of joy.      
Once contained by my impassive wooden skull      
now struggles airborne, breaking the glass;      
and pulling the lever.      
Warning bells wrestle with the emptiness,      
chaotically bonding to become one.      
Uniting dreams, into dreams,
into significance.      
The instant when change clicked      
into its righteous place,      
a handful of heartfelt hopefuls      
screamed “Hallelujah”.      
The oceanic crust is rotating,      
the world's moral ground is shaking.      
They asked me once-upon-a-time,  
what I would change if I could.      
I answered with inferno in my eyes,      
and the truth trembling on the      
tapering tip of my tongue;      
“I would like to change our world      
into the universe behind my irises”.    

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


Paddy terraced on the hills
a green so deep and yet so still
hot the sun during harvest time
no time to play or dream
of laughter, leisure and good times
I wish I was so filthy rich
and have someone do the job for me

The sea that mirrors azure skies
yet could boil in deadly rage
With coils of waves so high
that  the brave stay along the shore
thinking of loss from fishing
for dinner and coffer
wishing he has a larger trawler

The forest, gigantic trees
gazetted as a park by those who knows
to conserve nature at its best
yet hunter looks with longing
to hunt that fat wild boar
for his growing family
No meat the dinner table show, just wild potatoes

Change the life, if only we can
of needy people who live off the land
paddy planters, the fisherman, the hunter
Just watching as life goes by
thriving for money only the rich can see
children ragged from unmet needs
changes we need, when will it be…  

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411


    < mostly Country and Western >
       Cheryl Wilkins
       written across a box
       in my attic
       and in it a picture
       of the 83 Camaro she loved

       but nothing
       about when
       she took it to get groceries
       about when
       she stopped at that light
       and that Ford pickup
       its driver
       drunk from one of those
       long Texas roads

       and nothing
       about her three girls
       or that second husband of hers
       she never got along with
       and who wasn't good for much
       though it turned out
       he was pretty good
       at raising those girls


       just some letters
       stuff from her first husband
       who ended up
       a second lieutenant in Vietnam

       and her cowgirl shirt
       with its pearl snaps
       and the sound they made

       and a ring
       won on the midway
       at the Texas State Fair in Dallas
       and how she wore it
       all the time
       even after its
       red enamel heart
       fell out
       cheap thing
       but you can still see
       the impression it left
           - - -

Strange Creature
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 3

All alone fishing in the dark, still holding on to that same old spark. Longing for your kiss and deep blue eyes I will forever miss the way you touched and kissed  my thighs . Holding your hands in mine our flesh connects for all of time. I taste your essence as you speak to my soul without making a sound I lose control .

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 29th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 65

This poem is about a soldier who comes home after fighting in a war with no meaning. He still struggles daily.

                        Because I'm John
The streetlamp is my home, because I'm John
The cold wind blows right through my bones
From place to place I like to roam.
                Children on the pave, mither bad, but helps me through the day
A debt to my friend , I'm owe but I'm afraid I can't repay
this borrowed cigarette , for which my heart will leap and it will laugh.
                 Because I'm  John
the streetlamp is my home, from place to place I like to roam,
the cold wind blows right through my bones .
     The soldier crossed the sea, but now the maker wages war on me
but when your the vagrant, man, no one want's to know about such things
This heart is still so proud, of all the things a soldier once achieved
                       Because I'm John
In this dusty city with all the gods on the hill
will not one of them help us?
The temple which they built is an empty shell

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 29th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 65

Because I'm John (Continued)

          I find these days it's the only way I can survive
I steal to feed, I fight to breathe, through hunger, not greed.

       What have I done in my life
is this the end when our two worlds collide .
    I wonder sometimes, how so many could be so blind
the people who I see scurrying on the streets
oblivious to our needs.
     Today I stole the colour from the heart of a rose
today I stole the sun from the sky
today I took the food from the hand of a starving child.
Is this the end when our two worlds collide
what have I done in my life.
Because I'm John
Guess that makes me a bad man.

poet Anonymous

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