Poetry competition CLOSED 5th February 2013 8:27am
Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
View Profile Poems by Kou_Indigo
RUNNER-UP: Mitochondrial

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Across the Deeps -

If a heart is like a prize to be claimed in quest,
Then I might liken love to a treasure held fast…
Beyond the vastness of starry voids confessed:
By those mad from being full of passion’s zest!
I cross still, such distances, and they are vast…
But one must traverse a hell to then be blessed.
Whilst in the deeps there wait the coiling things,
That which ensnare the will with snaking horror!
One must face fear and all that terror so brings,
If one is to see the day: beyond a new morrow.
Like knights on quests for secrets held in tower,
In castle and in fastness by the guardian of lore!
I don my armor, setting forth to find my flower…
Beyond old battlefields: scarred by ancient war.
Like Joan of Arc I burn for passion I hold dear,
Choosing my own way to reach my lovely goal.
Over the deeps below, beyond the veil of fear…
Walking in balance between lunacy and control.
Such is a mystic and visionary; a revolutionary…
Flirting with madness, speaking things profound.
Yet I fall silent as I behold sights extraordinary!
The way is long, to the distant paradise ground.
Solitary is the path that leads to the tower pale,
Wherein, a heart of flame beats with pleasure…
Beyond the azure mountains and the deep vale.
No guardian holds, the key to my fair treasure!
Along the way, the mount that carried me died,
Leaving me to tread the dust beneath bare feet.
Only the dead eat dust, where shadows abide,
And so, I contemplate not what is beneath me.
Oh what awaits me in the heart of the fastness?
My heart alone knows the true answer to that.
Before my goal lies a realm of utter darkness…
Whereon the pale, mighty tower so regally sat.
Illumination guides me, knowledge my torch…
So that the shadows part, revealing the hidden,
Until I have reached the tower’s marble porch.
I cannot say what waits therein, even if bidden.
Just as all who found the Grail spoke of it not,
No words can tell, what this vast quest begot!

poet Anonymous

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Jodi Smith
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 10th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 71

Matheus Vinicius

Though winds blow the pieces about
And waves wish and wash our tears

Your hands guide me
Through our winding palace

The clock of fate calls on destiny

Your venom seers my heart

Love I never may forget
But pain I will forgive

Protecting your name has become MY destiny

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Will lou White
Thought Provoker
Australia 1awards
Joined 19th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 191

We spoke in broken
tangents and i looked
at you in-between sentences
and you always stared and
smiled at me while i wrote
soliloquies and you never
asked me about how
the cuts came upon
my feet you always
just bandaged them
and played piano notes
on my spine and i
devoured everything
you gave me, i listened
to every little piece
of you subconsciously
and we never saw the ocean
because we hated water but
we saw the stars flicker
while we laid on
my roof

Then you left for somewhere distant
well, not too distant
but I'm broke
and a $70 dollar plane ticket
is $70 dollars too much.  

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Pakistan 1awards
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 8

I wasted hours talking to you
Talked, talked, talked
Told everything.
You have gone now, with your luggage
of my nervous secrets.
And when you reach that distant room
In that distant city
And you sit at your sad window
From where the world outside is tiny
Like a television screen
I will think you and unpack your bags
and leave all my unwritten letters littered on your floor.
And all the words that distance cannot carry,
I’ll hang them like glimmering fairy lights, and twine them
Round and round and round your toes and your head.
And then, when you tremble and half moaning
Raise a startled hand to your head and touch your hair
And then turn, with a peculiar cry, to your pen
You shall find that your poems are me.
And your hands are me and fingers, toes, woes
Are me.
And there is nothing inside you where I do not live.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 4

Loved all of those.

Strange Creature
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 3

Longing for the taste of freedom, I find myself a caged bird once more. Feeling the pain ever greater than anytime before . As I long for the cool fresh air on my skin I breath in deep wishing I was home again. Lost at sea with no coast guard in sight I gasp my last breath before I give up this fight . Never ending always condescending the brutal truth isn't hard to see, we all want what we can't have and the truth is in me. As I climb to the top of the mountain and plant the apple seed . I cast myself away and  disappear into the dark within me.

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 197


sometimes i wonder about myself.about what i truly care about.
i wonder why do i care so much about the things that dont value my life, things that i can get back in time.
but in my heart.ill never get those things back..
i ask myself...
my honest answer is i do not no.

why do people care so much about what others think, about the opinion of another beings thought..
somehow it means so much to us. like the small things i value in my life..
why do i collect dolls, why do i write poetry
why do humen nature wonder so much?

this is a question i just cant answer even if its for myself..

why do i cry when my feelings is hurt...
not just by words...but a verb.
a thought a simple judgment.

"its me " i say to the mirror. staring into my own eyes...
tears dropping from my out spoken lies.
why do i feel so distance. so divided from my soul.

i wonder why society has to play apone a role...
i am stuck apone my writing because i have no way of organizing my thoughts..
you see and hear what i mean but not truly understanding..
like  an ink spilled apone white paper.

i am truly a mistake of masterpiece.. i have my flaws that makes me unique, one of a kind.
whispering fluent languege in my mind.
but does that keep the humen mind stable??

so you ask me....what are your thoughts..secrets??

my thoughts are Merely an unstabolized record that plays a song i cant understand, and i wount until im ready.

-kumiko Yamamoto

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