Poetry competition CLOSED 15th January 2013 2:57am
View Profile Poems by Devilish

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Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 30th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 166

i like it

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 8th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 6

Sin & Vice

This is a love letter to sin and vice,
To the gin and the whiskey,  
The women, the wine,
The lovely things that make cold nights less cruel.
Here's to passionate poisons that cloud the mind,
That make us forget, and remember too well,
That make us laugh and make us cry
When simply nothing else will.
Here's to good company, good times,
To once beautiful moments turned ugly mistakes,
To a life well lived, filled with lust and excess
And covered with the scars that make us men.
A toast, I say! A grandiose toast
To the recesses and dark corners where we collect our shame,
Black places cramped with things better forgotten
that rarely ever are.
Come my friends, no time to waste,
Let's have a drink, a smoke, a lay,
Let's scream into the empty night,
Let's take the drugs to dull the pain.

Lost Thinker
Joined 17th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 6

Blues and Whiskey Music

The lights go up
The audiences’ back straightens
As the curtain rises
My strings tuned to
I lick my lips and walk
Up to the mic
Ready to take the night
With my song to say
My say to sing
My voice to be heard
In this very place

The audience looks rich
With opinion
They’re eyes deminish me.
Smirking I say, “Good evenin’ gent’s, who’s ready to dance?”
Whiskey breathing soul from the stage.
My attire, my beard acts as the sin
Dazed and puzzled, the Tuxedos wrinkle
As the men sit up, as if in protest
I start, adding a sound to the unrest.
Starting off with some heavy blues
Adding a tune to the riot
Shouts are thrown, as the diamonds
And silk gloves come off.
I continue
I play the bar with a smooth soul
Belting from my guitar
They charge the stage, men of society
Becoming men of apathy
The blues I learned as a kid
Explode from my finger tips
They reach out their arms
Grab for the plug to end this sin
Their bellies betraying them
Holding them back from the end

Trotting back, I go through the riff
Giving the audience a gift
Something they never heard
Back in the Theatre of the Absurd
Pausing from the violence

I stop
Looking around at the audience
Waiting a measure
Waiting for treasure

My hand swifts down
And the strings sing
As the room explodes in dances
Dances only done with blues and whiskey.
The Society Men relish in the rock
Relish in the thought of shock
As they see my fingers walk the frets
Glasses are poured, the night is fortunate
To be the at English Parliament

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 91

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 10th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 99

shutup slut

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 27th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 3

Satan's Down the Rabbit Hole

Fog and silence.
The clock ticks in the corner
I sit in my room with a cigarette dangling from my lips.
Lonely I lay on my empty bed.
Cold January nights got me fucked up.
Come out, come out
Miss Molly,
Wherever you are.
I'm still here.
Won't leave this room.
Miss Molly,
Where are you?
Cigarette is burning through.
I put it out in the ash tray,
That has never been emptied.
Tick. Tick.
Jack, Have you seen Miss Molly?
Mr. Jack tells me she's gone at the moment.
I begin to grow upset.
Mr Jack wants me to smile.
He gives me a kiss.
And it burns.
Heat is sent through my entire body.
I'm on fire.
Jack kisses me more.
Tick. Tick.
Oh I'm in hell,
Once more,
Once again.
He keeps kissing me.
Tick. Tick.
Hell is my home.
Hell is my Wonderland.
Tell me Alice.
Does your Wonderland fuck you up,
From the inside out?
Does it burn excruciating holes in your lungs?
Does it make your nose bleed?
Does it break those beautiful bones?
How about tear your gorgeous blue eyes?
Can it twist and stab the lobes of your brain?
Does it constantly fuck you,
Till there's not a drop of blood left,
In your Playboy body?
Fuck your Looking Glass.
Satan's down the Rabbit Hole.
Mr. Jack sits down for tea.
Drink up.

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 125

"All alone in my lost thoughts"

Eyes so weary
I do not stop
This bottle keeps draining
Down my throat
Into my stomach
Sitting, I stand
Standing, I sit
The world starts to become more enjoyable
I let out a faint smile
I throw the empty vodka bottle against the wall
It shatters
I laugh
In this moment
I don't give a fuck
I stare at pictures of half naked women
I mumble "Whore" as I scroll through
I get a phone call from my ex
I answer
My voice so vicious
She carries on about the past
I tell her to fuck off
I hate her
That fucking whore
That dirty fucking whore
Spread your legs again
Spread your fucking disease
I ponder about fucking her
How I made her moan
How I disgraced her
How it made me laugh
Even when I loved her
I'll always love her
But I hate her
I hope she burns in the depths
That wretched smile
Those gorgeous eyes
It makes me sick
I get up again
I throw my phone
It shatters as well
Out of control
Out of my mind
I'm losing track of fucking time
I stumble to my bed
The shanty apartment is what I call home
The walls peel
The bath tub leaks
I've broken the mirrors
The windows covered by sheets
I start ripping apart my made bed
I stop
I start to laugh
For my own humor,
I cut myself with a piece of the mirror
I like to watch as the blood draws
It feels so good
My eyes start to roll back
Such a fantasy world

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

Jack'll Always Have My Back

Jack will always have my back
Keep your faithful loving wives
And all your flaunted social ties
I don't need me none of that

Coz jack will always have my back

When I'm feeling hot under the collar
His rocky dry ice will cool me
And when I'm knocked down and left for cold
That same ice will soothe and lift me

Who needs those 'loyal' friends
No ones ever had my back like jack
Fuck kung fu, it ain't got shit on the
trusty moves he taught me
My main man has been my mentor
Under his wing is where I'm always safe

Think you can take me on?
Well just wait till jack gets here
Think I can't go till dawn?
Jack'll teach you better dear

There's nothing he can't do
He's that father figure that'll never let you down
He was there when I learned to drive
To this day his presence reassures me

He's always there to hide my vulnerabilities
When life, love and circumstance
Huddle in their corner and collaboratively conspire
Jacks the first one by my side

With his steady hand resting on my shoulder
My buddy never needs to ask
He'll get in his car and offer me a ride
So he and I can leave the world behind

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 9

"Sudden Impact"

Who made the right choice
and did not drive
that somber that.

Walked in the bitter cold
Down the long,
winding roads,
still drunk.

Would do anything not to hurt
Any beings life.
But this...
all because of a choice you made
Under the influence.

Walked for miles and miles
And miles.

And you,
Were nearly home.

But how could you,
Or anyone else ever predict...
That some one else,
Would be under the influence
And be driving down that road.

You could not have escaped your
Own horrific fate
You could have driven, and died a bad man.
But you chose to walk.

Those breaks worked fine on that
god damned car.
I know that they did.

Those headlights were on
As the beamed into your eyes;
And even before your premature death
You my friend saw the light.

You were scared,
I bet you were.
But just know that in those last moments
Those last breaths.
Those last thoughts,
You were not alone.

God has called you home my
You are too good for this world.
And with whiskey sour still on your breath,
you escaped this life,

(Dedicated to a Dear Friend)

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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The Marcus De Sade
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 6th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 87

Stop Yelling, My Head Hurts!

Echoes in canyons of glass  
Will this ringing ever cease?  
My brains turned to jelly,  
I’m on my knees begging please!  

What the hell
happened last night?  
Something about that pint,
didnot taste right?  
Was I poisoned?  
Was I spiked?  
The after shots,
I think I liked!  

I spent most of that night in the toilet  
Talking to the fishes,  
Where we went?  
And how we got home?  
I think we used up
all are three wishes.  

Now the kids  
are jumping on the bed,  
The Mrs is throwing  
Words that pierce and stab the head,  
There are things to be done,  
errands to run,  
I paid the price,  
and multiplied the sum.  

Please stop talking  
it's hard to think,  
I just realized,  
I’ve been sleeping in my own sick!  

Stop stabbing me  
with words that hurt,  
Stop yelling, my head, hurts!!!!!

The Marcus De Sade
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 6th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 87

Not sure how many poems we are aloud but since most of my work is about drinking thought i may add anouther one

"I Fought The Floor, And The Floor Won"

Air becomes shapes    
Becomes bubbles    
That was the start of the trouble.    
Fall to the floor    
I fought the floor    
And the floor won.    
Hitting my head
the toilet seat said "hi"
on my way down,    
Tides of crimson wash away the sin as I drown.    
Eyelids flutter when sleep in reached    
Blood cells turn nasty when the skull is breached.    
The air turns static with the faint sounds of sirens    
Darkness subsides shattering the silence.    
Eyes open, finally    
The mind resumes    
My brain is putty    
With masses of alcohol consumed.    
I see disused beer cans  
through eyes made of glass  
it turns out i was the drinker
who passed out last.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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