Poetry competition CLOSED 11th January 2013 9:09pm
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Physical Emotions

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

Poetry Contest

Write about your emotions as if they were real people in their own right
Write about your emotions as if they had real physical form. Write about your hate, love, confusion, sadness, regret, happiness, your ego or any other state of mind you can think of and your interactions with them. Try to project those emotions with real personality.

Any style
No limit on words
3 entries per poet
No collaborations
New or old entries welcome

You have 2 weeks, good luck!

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251

wow this ones gonna be hard. But I love it. I'll be back for sure to enter this one.

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251

Ok.Throw a dog a bone LOL. Give me one emotion as a physical form so I can see what you mean and then I'll write one. Thanx

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251

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The EGO says - " God dam I look good. I am the biggest and best head out here, all other heads fail in comparison."

Shaunda - " Just stop it. You have a really big head, but you most definately are not the biggest head."

EGO -  " I have been through so much since my rotten conception, bruised so deeply, that I will no longer take it and I won't put up with others shitting on the timid. I'm one badass head. So fuck you."

Shaunda - " Stop it, you're embarressing me. Your intentions are good. Always stand up for the weeker ones. But to do so with anger and rudeness makes you just like the bullies you try to protect people from."

EGO - " See this big brain pulsing inside of me? I'll use this to swat bullies like flys."

Shaunda - "Good God, you moron. You have no arms or legs. You just have a big head. For being so smart, you're talking pretty stupid, but you can't swat people cause YOU GOT NO ARMS."

EGO - " I don't need arms and legs when right is on my side! I'll kill them with my wicked intelligence. If that don't work, I'll simply roll over them. There will be NO mean people on my watch!"

Shaunda - " Ok,Ok You're just a big fat head who is trying to save weaker people from stronger ones. I get it.  I've tried, but I can't stop you."

EGO - " I'm just standing up (verbally speaking) for what I believe is right. I can't sit (ok, ok, I have no ass) and watch others being picked on, without letting them know they aren't alone. That not everyone in the world IS AN ASS."

Shaunda - "You're right! Sorry I ever doubted you.People need to  fight for what they believe in, and protect others from the people who feel they are superior. No matter whether it be man, woman or child, no matter the age, sexual preference, race or anything else."

EGO - "I am alway's right. Keep on fighting the good fight. It will never be in vain, no matter the outcome. That's all I was saying."

Shaunda - "You alway's have to have the last word."

EGO - "I'm just saying "
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

Thank you for that wonderful entry Shaunda :)

Strange Creature
New Zealand
Joined 29th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 8

A young child is crying ,
Cowering in a corner,
Tucked up in a tight ball,
Bite marks on its arms,
Wet cold and alone.
Only the sound of its screaming mother breaking through the sobs of the child.
A mother hysterical on drugs and alcohol,
She lashes out at her poor child,
Not knowing what she is doing,
Only inflicting more pain and hurt,
On the one person she is supposed to love.

Strange Creature
New Zealand
Joined 29th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 8

A father sits staring at the tv,
His eyes just a glaze,
His breath stinks of alcohol,
A child lies crying in its cot,
Wet cold and hungry,
Its mother lies blooded and unconscious on the floor,
This isn’t a story but a fact of life for many people.

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

We all scream for...

I'm sitting on the couch, staring intently at the TV, when Lust approaches me. She sits next to me, putting her feet up on the coffee table, resting her hands on the back of her head, and asks; “What we watchin?”

I look over at her, noting how her already short skirt rides up, exposing skin above thigh high stockings, noting a blouse with a tie, and her hair drawn up in a messy bun. I raise an eyebrow and ask in turn; “Librarian?”

She draws a ruler out from behind her back and slaps it against her hip, grinning; “Teacher.”

“Then why are you wearing a slave collar? That makes no sense. Your outfit makes no sense.”

“Don't have to, so long as it gets me o-”

I turn back to the TV; “-I'm trying to watch a show.”

She chuckles and raps me on the head with her ruler; “I know, so, what we watchin?”

“Transformers Prime.”

She sighs; “Why? There's not even nobody hot on—Helloooo Starscream!”

I burst out laughing; “You have /got/ to be kidding me! He's a robot. A CG robot.”

Her eyes wander the figure on the screen and she licks her lips; “And he can turn into a jet.”

“How exactly is that a bonus to his attractiveness?”

“Well, it surely ain’t a detractor” she says, grinning. Her eyes widen eagerly and she shifts her hips; “Man, /look/ at those claws! I can just imagine 'em draggin across my skin.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan; “You're embarrassing, you know that?”

She chuckles again and glances over at me; “Is that why you never take me out in public nomore?”

I shake my head and try to ignore her, but after a few moments she leans forward, whistling; “Look at the way Starscream's leanin over Megatron's body; there's gotta be somethin goin on there.”

Completely bewildered, I stare at her; “Wh-what? Of /course/ there's nothing going on between them; they're robots! They don't even /have/ gen-” I cross my arms; “You're sick, you know that? Sick.”

She shrugs; “I like what I like. 'Least I'm honest bout it.”

“But you like /everything/.”

She leans back and throws her arm around my shoulder, a wide smile on her face; “And I'm completely honest 'bout that fact.”

“You know what, I don't even care. I'm just going to watch this show, and try to ignore you.”

“Hate t'be the bearer of bad news, sweetheart, but the episode's over.”

I throw up my arms in frustration; “Damn it! I was so distracted by you I don't even know what it was about!”

We sit in silence for all of half a minute before her hand trails from my shoulder, down my back, and slips under me. She leans in and whispers in my ear; “So, you wanna make out?”

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

Thank you for the great entries, lol I don't think I can watch transformers again without trying to spot some sexual tension between the transformers and decepticons!

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

(lmao, I'm the /worst/ type of fangirl XD)

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 7th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 9

sobs they did rack; i wanted to hide, i felt all alone; when my father died. dead from lung cancer; i wanted to lay by his side, so he could take away my pain; once again be a small child. i want to be held; but i walk all alone, all that i am; is buried under a headstone......

Thought Provoker
Australia 8awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 183

The stranger

I am the stranger that lives inside of you i am with you every day
When the world reaches out to slap you, i come out to play
I feed from your anger for all that you have seen
All the broken promises and unrealised dreams
I rattle the cage you keep me in, longing to be free
I fill your light with darkness, taking hope with me
With every slap i am stronger, weaker is my cage
I will one day consume you...I am RAGE!!!

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

Thank you for the entries

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

Thank you for that wonderful entry Mourganna :)

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