Poetry competition CLOSED 29th December 2012 10:27am
View Profile Poems by DystopianMelody


Empty Words?

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

I'll be back.. and the 6th line up here is why..lol. You always know just what to say to reel me in...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251

"Here our words have meaning - They are words of revolution. What burns in your heart and what you believe in." Not the kind of violence you asked for, but a war nonetheless and something definately worth fighting for.

I wear my scars like a badge of honor.    
I'm proud of them for making me a strong person.    
The perma split in my lip forever reminding me    
I didn't take it lying down    
I didn't just say stick it in.    
I said go ahead and stick it in    
I'll bite that mother fucker right off.    
and I tried    
Mother fucker.    
I wear my scars with my head held high.    
you broke my nose without a backward glance    
expecting me to cower in fear    
a fear I would never willingly show you.    
I licked the blood streaming down my face    
and laughed, looking you straight in the eyes    
yeah fuck you too daddy    
figuratively speaking    
I saw my cheek opened to the bone    
forgive the fuck outa me for going to the fair    
I guess you taught me not to disobey    
I just laughed and stuck my finger on the bone    
and twisted    
stupid mother fucker    
you taught me how to be fearless  
while black holed mother thought me insane    
I wear your claw marks on my face    
with pomp and ceremony    
marching down the halls of my youth    
remembering that I got you back    
I took flesh from your face with my nails    
I'm a bitch and I pay back    
I hold my head high, look the world in the eye    
and say I am as good as you are    
I may be scarred, but my scars hold a place of honor    
on my body and face    
They say to the world that I didn't just take it lying down    
I gave it back. Fuck I DID!!    
You bashed me and bashed me for my defiance    
begging me to stop making you hit me    
telling me it didn't have to be this way    
if I would just BOW to your power    
BOW WOW mother fucker    
that all you got?    
I would rather be beat to death than to surrender    
I pitted my mind against yours    
and I payed heavily, yet so did you    
I was a soldier in my own war    
and I wear my scars like a badge of honor    
Stupid mother fucker    
You never did know me at all  

Sometimes you have to be a little insane to survive.  

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251

Hey thanks. We all fight for honor in our own ways.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

All Aboard The Nazi Bus

All I wanted was to get on a fucking bus
But walking to my seat he whispered the word I most hate to hear
'Paki' always rings when it enters my ears
I turn to where it rang the loudest

Say it again
'Fucking Paki'
I see the bell as it tolls
Something stops my hands reaching his throat
It's not my  conscience I haven't seen that fucker for a while
He can't let that slide so his pride
follows through and he walks out from behind his shield

Just in time
For a swollen knuckle
To find a solar plexus
Face turning blue
Fish out of water
Bounce and flop
Kick to the head
Someone's laughing
At the little fishy
Bounce and flop
From another kick to the head
But it's not enough
Someone growls like a dog
It's not enough to stem the hate

My left hand smiles as it finds his throat
Little fishy makes all the right noises
Flopping back with an unsteady 'thwack'
When good old righty makes his mark right there on your face
Little fishy should go to school
To learn who made this country 'Great'
And  remember when the natives stop being cowered by empty words

What happened to your fucking superiority
What happened to your belief that I must be something less
That something less is smearing you into the fucking ground
What colour do you see when my elbow sinks into your eye
Who's the fucks the  one who's mumbling and pleading for me to 'please fucking stop' through a mouth full of blood and spit

The hate tattooed on your knuckles hasn't reached me yet
Why won't you fucking speak when I ask you what you said now?
You were so fucking smug at your colour a minute ago
Where's that colour now?
You lost it so easily underneath the filthy fucking blood

I won't kick a dog when it's down
A little spit will help you clear that up
Here's a gobfull now
I don't have the stamina for cruelty
I can't move my arm anymore anyway so it's time I was on my way
I'll let little fishy flop back to where he's safe
And just to show my disgust I'll walk
Even though I've already paid

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1142

That was the first time I wrote anything angry, fucking loved it!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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