Poetry competition CLOSED 15th December 2012 3:02pm
FacePaint (Steven D)
View Profile Poems by FacePaint
RUNNER-UP: waynehowell

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Drug Addiction

The Marcus De Sade
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 6th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 87

"Psyche-Delia Smith And The Art Of Making A Good Space Cake"

Oh Delia this time you have outdone yourself  
Just for this occasion  
You have created another famous  
Psychedelic cake creation  
One bite and I am there  
The air bubbles becomes chocolate  
Melting into a plexus of nothingness  
Bubbles pop into interplexing harmonics of sound  
Horizons of vibrant colors pulsate like quasars  
Over a dyeing star  
Planets dance like fire over a thousand exploding suns  
Storks grow from the ground and perform multiple dance routines  
At that moment I take leave of my body  
Rising up past the ceiling though the flat above  
Into space, into infinity and beyond  
Existing between time and space  
Losing all linear perspective.  
Like energy i am siphoned back to my own body  
I am her and her me  
Covered in crumbs and bits  
"Shit I got tits"
The montage ends  
The ride comes to a complete stop  
Everything returns to normal or does it?  
Bollocks to Mr Kipping  
Psychedelia smith makes extremely good space cakes!!

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 15

So this is what I have come to
Needles and pills just to get me through
Hurting the people that love me the most
Doing anything for that next dose

I am self medicating myself
I really don't give a shit about my health
The marks on my arm are always a reminder
This demon inside me has me in such a grinder

I wasn't always like this
I've been like this since the devils first kiss
I did have big dreams and then this took place
I already know I am such a disgrace

I'm hurting so bad, my muscles feel like a melee  
I can just feel myself starting to decay
I crave the sting of that precious syringe
I am way past going on a binge

I am beginning to wonder if there is a way out
Is there even a point in living? I am beginning to doubt
The only feeling I know is the rush and the warm blood after
To me this is such a beautiful disaster

I love the pills, but they don't love me
But i still just poke myself and count to three
I need to get out, its plain to see
But how can I save myself from me?

Mr. Gemini
Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1102

Thank you all who entered this comp. I have not named a winner yet because it's really, really hard to decide. I will have the results for you soon.


Mr. Gemini
Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1102

Congrats FacePaint, Wayne, and Strider. This was very challenging for me. There were about ten of you that I wanted to award the trophy to.

Thanks again for everyone's participation. I enjoyed reading them all!


poet Anonymous

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Steven D
Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 28th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 94

Thank You, I'm Glad My Writing Was Picked For This Comp. I'm Happy To Have Read Everyones Great Poetry, I Enjoyed Them All.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

Missed this. good stuff lads, congrats Facepaint , Strider, Wayne

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