Poetry competition CLOSED 25th December 2012 5:44pm
Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
View Profile Poems by Kou_Indigo
RUNNER-UP: AlexnEmoLand

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- My Roots -
A Contemplation of My Ancestry

Part One: English

My roots go back for generations, beyond count…
Noble knights on grand crusades, with red crosses,
Over white robes to mark the secrets of the temple!
They went to the Holy Land to see the sacred mount,
And what they found there, bland history never says.
Yet their tale is writ in my blood, living by example…
Their quest a part of my body, a temple also grand!
Secrets kept, nobility traded for freedom maintained,
Until the hidden knights became people of the land…
Simple in their ways, yet more to be by that gained!
For humility is a virtue that makes the soul soar high,
No matter one’s station; even so, our coat of arms…
We still keep proudly, even unto distant shores nigh.
The ancient craft we practice still, with elder charms,
And eldritch signs of witch-work that none suspect!
Never to harm, ever to help, as we strive for glory…
Seeking to nurture our spirits, as secrets we protect.
Witches and warlocks in shining armor of old story,
Wizard knights were my ancestors in merry England.
Their tales were more fabulous than many imagined!

Part Two: Irish

Some say the Celts were descended from the Faerie,
Children of Dana were said to be in our blood also…
Golden and proud, from the lost lands and misty isles!
They kept the druidic traditions in the magical reverie,
Of sorcery that is as wild and when the winds blow…
Bound to the remarkably cunning wit and crafty wiles.
Such wit as is preserved in me, and which I do honor,
And such wiles as I am of a want to so indulge in turn.
I still revere the Goddess, and heap glories upon her!
For within my being, her very flame does hotly burn…
As it blazed in the realms where a king of silver hand,
Did preside over a court with harps of gold and silver.
His fair people were a strong, lusty, and hearty band!
And, in their spears, there was oft place just a sliver…
Of precious gemstones that glittered like the very sun,
When its’ light sets in the west, on an autumn twilight.
The very stuff of how grand tales might be thus spun!
I am of their courts of Faerie, of autumn and of night.
Nature sings to me her mysteries, her hidden powers,
As I walk as my ancestors did, amidst garden flowers.

Part Three: German

Noble Nordic peoples from a cold land of mountains,
And dark forests where pagan gods once ran freely…
Stubborn yet magnificent both in victory and in defeat!
The old castles with their tapestries and their fountains,
Still cling to the rough gray crags that loom most steely.
Much laughter and tears did those snowy peaks greet!
Steel and iron in the blood, iron and fire that dies not…
Such is the Viking way, and it was our way in its’ time.
The Germany of old, is now so gone from all thought…
And few are they: who remember the moment sublime,
When Siegfried slew the dragon and become a legend.
Two world wars made people forget the heroic tales…
As the will of one man brought the world near its’ end.
Short, is human memory, with a sight that too oft fails!
Pain keeps the heart from beating as strong as it aught,
Yet mine beats strong and proud, and can do not less.
The blood of the north is within my deed and thought…
And I welcome it, for it brings me not a bit of distress.
The wars are over, and it is a time for honor to return,
Honor being the virtue for which true heroes all yearn!

Part Four: Angelic

Some have whispered that I am part something other,
Blood from the stars, the roots of which are angelic…
Brought from other worlds, by hands not fully human!
Such forbidden tales, were preserved, by my mother,
And passed unto me with truth joyous yet also tragic.
For the blood of fallen angels carries within it their sin.
Yet I bear the weight of their ancient ways and blood,
For there are none save I in my family with such curse.
Yet I call it blessing, and one that predates the Flood!
Some would make of my nature a thing far, far worse,
But they know not the truth of those who descended…
And were revered by the ancestors of man in the past.
Truth, that lies within me, which no lies ever upended!
There are things in this universe, that for eternity last…
And that and all the rest of what I wrote in this poetry,
Make up who and what I am today, making me proud.
A person’s roots can be the source of so much dignity,
That one must sing of it, and so this tale I share aloud.
What a mix is a soul clad in a body, of what was prior!
My blood is hot, for within it blazes my ancestors’ fire.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 13

we have history
but i don't see a future
the worst feeling of all
the realization
but if you dont hit rock bottom
you don't have any ground to

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 30


Settled atop a scabrous stone, rippled with mossy strands
Weathered coarse throughout aeons of shepherding travelers
I perch, a progeny of the vast woodlands
It is here I inspire, the cartographer’s eidetic recollection
The artist’s dexterous finesse, and the bard’s merry wit
As I have performed for those lost in essence
A breeze sails in on wings of articulation  
And I catch the whispers of the deep Autumn zephyr
Many by the birds, in the arias they sing to me
But certainly none astray amidst Her sheltered domain
Stolen away beneath cultivating sunlight
Apollo’s glow cast overhead, chasing warmth into my roots
Providing me with an illustrious landscape view
Ornamental patterns dodge through layered scales of leaves
Only to paint their shaken brethren upon the forest floor
With soft white centers and flourished gold borders
And the rhythmic cadence of water in ribbons through valleys of sand
Where fish leisurely flow downstream on the current
Where I bide something of my time
Such as many another, contributing their own ambience    
The regal pace of the stag entwined with gentle eyes  
Goes unbroken upon my reveal, my contrast undisguised  
We are all akin to Her mind’s eye model
I am a child of Her design, with knots and dashes etched into my skin
Unyielding and vigorous since my dawning here
For now and tomorrow, without evermore
For the birds will continue their melodies, and many others will hearten
The likes of the cartographer, the artist, and the bard
But when I cease, they will never find another of me

poet Anonymous

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Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

By the fucking Gods you are talented!

My thanks, Vegan! Your praise is something I greatly appreciate.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

a Fuel for my Fury.

But I
remember their names now..
flash backs
the church house
my legs
unleaded leading
a Fuel for my Fury..
run away jury
after a split second
how they'd wreck it
things get blurry..
there was
no fog on the windows
while the
angels were
to the animals
dressed in
mountain boots
red.neck roots
by potted pleasures..
They knew she left me alone
down there
for hours and hours
and hours..
making a pretty grave
from my
decorative flower..
power to the pussy...

poet Anonymous

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Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

One of my favorite of all your poems, Mourganna! Indeed, in many ways the World Tree is the root of all life just as its' shadow is the root of all knowledge. A very good choice for a contest about roots. ;)

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 197


as this day turns to night the  stars  shine beautiful.  
but i continue to stare into this  mirror.
Seeing a nightmare. I can never escape  
i feel as if i will never get myself back.  
As I stay in a place of no solitude.  
i cant brake free.  
from what’s left in me. I see nothing  
looking in this mirror as    
i lay across my bed, loosing myself,  
the girl i once known is dead.  
i shout her inside.
this domination I’m in  
is just a tunnel of  
darkness ,i will find who i am.
Or what’s left in me. could it be these  
shallow souls I see  beginning   to cling onto me.
i try my hardest to shake them away.  
but I‘m .still taken down by those who hate me.
i want to run from this earth.
please set me free!! i shout again..  
no one on this planet seems to hear my call.
so i lay on my bed.trembling and frightened  
by what i see.  
the reflection...who am i??  
i ask again. But I  
cant brake free.  
from what’s left in me...  
-Kumiko Yamamoto

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