Poetry competition CLOSED 14th December 2012 4:15am
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RUNNER-UP: armandbloodstone

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The 7 Deadly sins

Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 8

Poetry Contest

Wrath, Greed, Envy, Lust, Pride, Gluttony, Sloth
Above are the seven deadly sins
You can write about one, or them all

Try to put as many poetic techniques into it as possible.

Good luck!

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 663

Entice or Dread

its smarting embrace
enveloping pure desire
it is avarice absolute
it wants the world and more.

swallow ceaselessly
and rot in the bowels
a gluttonous reprise
till everything is lost.

slump to indolence
lackadaisical sloth
unambitious ambitions
idly kicking the air.

ravenous hunger
ravaging the soul
undying lust
consumes us whole.

the blind eye
searching prejudice
malevolence and treachery
incorporate this envy

this wrath is eternal
suppressed till broken
enclosed in thorns
bleeding hate into oceans.

and finally one
the root of all evil
looks down upon them, cold
through eyes burning with pride.

Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 663

the virtuous vain

standing high upon the spire
one ego of unimaginable power
who selflessly betrayed himself
and the ones he loved
saying he did it for us
but the truth of the matter remains
he escaped before us...
and left us behind to rot.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 11th July 2010
Forum Posts: 1

           The Glutton

Mary had a little turkey, a little dressing,
a little corn and peas.
Potatoes and gravy,
and topped it off with mac and cheese.
--and Mary did not stop eating.

Mary had a little casserole,
and a big pile of cole slaw.
Two rolls, broccoli,
and all the food she saw.
-Mary was not finished, yet.

Mary had a little bowl of dessert,
two cookies and some pie.
As she sat back down,
she felt she was about to die.

Mary finished off,
with a piece of chocolate cake.
When she got home,
she found she had a stomach ache.

As she sat up half the night,
she knew she would never be thinner.
Unless, she stayed home from church,
when it had its fellowship dinner.

John James Jay Jr.
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 60


seven deadly sins
lust is mine
because of you

in the morning
at dawn
in the first light
silhouetted against the window
left leg slightly bent
hands gripping the curtains, about to open them
the sun rises between your legs

at breakfast
short robe, loosely tied
front hangs nearly open
off one shoulder
tan skin shows
legs up to there
glimpse of breast as coffee is poured

at noon
straight light brown hair down
tied around your forehead with a narrow ribbon
shirt tail tied in front
only the middle button buttoned
breasts pressed against fabric
jeans worn low and tight
waist button missing, zipper closed

in the evening
shirt knot untied
navel ring flashes
cleavage allows nipple glimpse
zipper part way down
thong shows above jeans
butt sways and wiggles when you walk
glance over your shoulder, wink

that night
ceiling light is off
bed side lamp is dim
bed is turned back
baby doll covers nothing
scent of roses
hand rests on the bed beside you
eyes meet mine
smile beckons


poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 25th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 92


the prominent feature of the creature the sloth
is it's laziness
does it meet with god's wrath?
as he metes out his judgement to all humankind
the slovenly sloth
is (poor sloth)
left behind

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492

.:Y'all Trying to Roll on Me, 10 to One, Y'all Can't Afford that Fee:.


Cracked the shades, saw nice car pull up
That’s when I pulled my toolie up!

::I'm knowin’ they sinister.. so I’m keepin’ it calm like a minister::

They was 10 steps removed from their disaster
9 millimeter yeah; I’m gonna blast her
I’m gonna blast her...and him
I’m thinking infidelity; that’s a Grievous Sin

8 trash bags and I’ll be ready
Sharpened to slice is my Dominican machete
Seven days planning this “NO Choice” caper
They'd planned…to in-out like
Clouds and Vapor

My Six questions.. She’ had refused with booze
Clearly wasn’t feeling how my mind’s been abused
Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
Asked it five times; guess didn’t matter now
Straightaway irreversible their fates
Tension felt towards these ex-mates

They had neither clue nor ample protection!
Four clips in my bag for their total destruction
Gonna blast her...and gonna blast him
I’m saying infidelity that’s a Grievous-ass Sin

With three knocks at the door
::Their plan was whack::
I’d received the heads-up regarding ::their attack::

Two who planned to… Take one out
But we won’t be the chump in this tag team bout
So I went & blasted her...went & blasted him
Etched out zeroes because of that sin!

photo: Aaron Schwartz

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 9

Dear lord
Oh jesus I need your help
I sell work to fiends cuz I fiend for wealth
That causes me to envy what other people got
That's causes me to rob and to let the glock pop
And then I get greedy
Thinking everyone should feed me
Giving in to temptation everytime I let the weed steam
But since a youngster I had to grind
With my mind on my money and my money on my mind
I know you heard it so many times
But it ain't a lie
And when I was nine
I got my first taste of humble pie
I was caught out jumped by two chumps
The dudes was
Older then me that caused a soulja to bloom up
So since the school bus
I went to the wall with my two nuts
And now that I'm olders its nothing to brawl or to shoot pumps
But lord forgive my for my life of sin
I would cry but there's not a part of me that's feminine
Plz lord I need ya help!

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189


Count To Ten

Ten Again Ten Again
Throbbing Pulse and Flashing Red
Ten Again Ten Again
Testosterone and Adrenaline
Ten Again Ten Again
Clenched Up Fists and Pounding Head
Ten Again Ten Again
Burning Hot and Closing In
Ten Again and Ten Again
No Longer Me, Become My Sin
Ten Again Ten Again
Lose Control and Start Again

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189


Good Morning!

I stretch as I get out of bed,
letting the thin sheet
that was my only covering
fall to the floor,
as I stand in front of my mirror.
Ah, what a sight to be greeted with
every morning;
I grab my glasses
off the bedside table
to better appreciate the view.

If a higher being exists
and crafted this body
they must be a very lewd
and insatiably lascivious  
god indeed,
to have been so generous
with these curves.

I run my fingers up my stomach,
then over my breasts,
feeling the pleasing weight;
my small and delicate hands
not large enough to encompass
the lusty globes.
My nipples start to peak
at my slight touch;
this wonderful body
as readily responsive as always.

My hands move back downwards,
tracing the shape
of my wide, curvaceous hips,
as I turn around,
looking behind me.
I grin as the very best
of my already
highly appreciated features
is revealed;
pert and rather exorbitant
in it's enchanting
size and shape.

I lift my soft, wavy locks
off of my back and neck,
letting them fall back down
in a rainbow shower,
and delight in the way
the early morning sun,
streaming in through the window,
reflects off the bouncing curls.

I turn back around
and get close to the mirror
a single finger
tracing along my soft, pink lips,
which are stretched
in an unconscious smile.

I look myself
in the heavily lashed eyes,
over the top of my stylish
and ever loved glasses.
These are brown upon a glance,
but containing so much more
in their depth;
the light orange of caramel,
hues of smokey blue,
and emerald green,
combining with the light
tawny base
to create a sparkling result
that ensnares those
who can be torn away
from the rest of me.

I pull back
and grab my clothing for the day,
pulling on the colorful,
lacy underthings
before the jeans and t-shirt.
My choice in garments
is ever humble and covering;
one of the best parts
of being me
is that I am one of the very few
who is allowed to see
what lies beneath their folds.

Mr. Gemini
Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1102



Lately my world’s spinning out of control
Something is missing deep in my soul
The peace I once had is drifting away
I ditch my pain through my sexual play

Plenty of women I have on my list
Some that I’ve slept with and some I’ve just kissed
Some that are married and some that are not
Some that are sexy and some are just hot

In all of them there is one thing the same
They are unwilling pawns caught in my game
One that is played in the back of my mind
Searching for something that I will not find

They are a distraction from what is real
From all the emotions I don’t want to feel
I rotate them in so they don’t get stale
Afraid to keep on but too scared to bail.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 20th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 18

A lust for life but to envy death

In the midst of youth you lust for life
a young life without great strife
as one grows and begins to live
they see the world
and know great pain
and great loss
there is no stopping they ways of the world
as they continue to learn and grow
the lust can grow
as the seeds of life sow
but there are those that seep
that the pain can be great
there are those
who envy the peace of the great fate
they live on
as the pain grows more and more
thus they are so envious
they take their own life.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 21st Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 10

GAMES (Lust)

The gleam in your eye as you grab a fistful of hair
Makes my eyes close, makes my lungs lose their air
“Yes Sir” I softly whisper as I drop to my knees
Not a thing matters now except that you’re pleased

Around my neck goes your collar attached to a lead
You make me crawl behind you, increasing my need
You’ve taken what’s yours - mind and body together
With nothing more than a look and these two straps of leather

You smile as I unzip your pants, releasing your cock
My response to silent demands has made it like rock
You force it into my mouth and call me sweet dirty names
They may be degrading but that’s part of our games

I’m your cum swallowing whore, your little pain bitch
When you call me these things, my insides twitch
I know I’m the star of your private porn smut
You tell me I’m only your cocksucking slut

I hear your words and aching fills every cavity
Consumed by wicked thoughts, I’m lost to depravity
My back cries out for your whips, for their sting
I long be nothing more to you than a thing

I’m just a thing to beaten, hurt, fucked, and used
A rag doll to be smacked, spanked, and abused
I crave the sensation of you striking my skin
I beg to be hurt by you again and again

Who is most perverted, is it me, is it you
When together we do these things that we do
You for treating me in such a harsh way
Me for wanting to be used like this every day

Many others would view such games with disgust
But our games are addictive for they fuel our dark lusts
Some people would say it’s nothing less than abhorrent
We call them vanilla because we know their sex is boring

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