Poetry competition CLOSED 29th November 2012 7:39pm
View Profile Poems by dustyjjewels

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Have a word with yourself

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Respect Yourself

See that guy checking you out?
His hazel eyes are following your crotch
Your bulge stirs up his curiosity
He'll tell you anything to experiment with you
Don't be his guinea pig
He doesn't love you
You're just a barely legal play thing in his sights
Discreetly he approaches
He's hypnotizing you with his wallet
100, 200, 300 dollars
Let him know that you're not for sale
You're priceless
Like an extremely rare gem
He doesn't appreciate your beauty
He doesn't even respect his girlfriend
What makes you think that he'll respect you?
Respect yourself

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 26th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1

I wouldn't tell myself anything. My life is far from perfect, but I wouldn't exchange it for some unknown life as a result of receiving some cryptic advice from future-me. I know that sounds like a cop out, but I honestly feel that way. I value the mistakes I've made as much as I do the triumphs. I don't think you can "advise" away mistakes in a way that provides the same value.

The Marcus De Sade
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 6th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 87

"Can You Remember, When We Were Younger?"

I don't pray anymore  
spirits knock on my door  
i do not recall  
the last time i fell.  
sticks and stones may brake bones  
i swapped your toys for mobile phones  
will you remember when we were younger?  

I remember when we were young  
i would play war with sticks  
and toy guns.  
but i cant come out to play no more  
i don't play childish games anymore.  

I offer a truce  
but you cant handle the truth  
you never played well with the other boys and girls  
are youth was bypassed for other thrills and spills  
i cant continue no more  
my hands grasp the handle on the door  
but will we remember when we are older?  

We used to party to the Max  
and now all we pay is tax  
we are fading from view  
i don't want to be scared anymore  
we fall through cracks in the floor  
will you remember when we were younger?

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 5awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 152

Looking in the mirror
He sees what his younger life was
No longer what he use to be
The drugs are now his wife

He sees a life he can no longer go back to
the innocence on his reflection makes him pathetic
He weeps
He cries

Talking to the younger man in the mirror
He tries to avoid any lies
Never follow my footsteps
The day you do,you'll die

She comes to you with a promise of succor
From all the worries of life
But you'll only see her evils
Once she becomes your wife

Now these are the things you'll need to avoid
If you must lead a meaningful life
The pills,the powder and the crack
Otherwise is your doom

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