Poetry competition CLOSED 29th November 2012 7:39pm
View Profile Poems by dustyjjewels

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Have a word with yourself

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 46

Poetry Contest

If you could go back
If you could go back and speak to your younger self, what advice would you give to yourself ? what pitfalls would you tell yourself to avoid ? what direction would you point yourself in ?

Max 100 words-------- GOOD LUCK GUYS & GALS

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

[quote-146955-Magdalena]Which one am I? Lol!!! quote]

Imma go out on a limb here and say  second from the left.

poem to follow

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 46

                       You fucking stupid little prick

Looking back 20 years ago it makes me feel sick
casting my eyes upon a young stupid little prick
what the fuck do you think you are doing, do you know where this will lead ?
Your on a rocky road my friend, these few words i give you please heed
if i could give advice and it was really possibe and i really could go back
the first thing i would do before i spoke a word is give you such as whack
then i would call you aside for a word in your ear to save you from your doom
then stick a bag over your head, briefly appologise & lock you away in a room

Viwe Lugongolo
Thought Provoker
South Africa 1awards
Joined 24th Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 250


You don't look
or even feel like anybody else
Don't conform
Let them have their laughs
They'll never know

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

IMAGO said:Chill

You don't look
or even feel like anybody else
Don't conform
Let them have their laughs
They'll never know

I just had a mental orgasm. and the title gives me another one.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 93

[advice to my younger self]

stick your head in the oven kid
it won't hurt.

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083


Turn the oven off, burnt fries smell!

Don't call him, he's gay

Those shoes will fall apart in two weeks

Paul Gray is found dead on Ricky's Birthday, don't forget to pick up his gift at 6:00

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 415

Be What You Can and Love It

Don't be perfect, don't aim to please
The only thing you'll have
Is burning eyes and a mouthful of plea's.
Believe that love, that a mothers love,
Goes far beyond your brain.

I think that's what mother would love the best.
If her baby girl just did her best.
Instead of aching to be pure percent,
Of everything we can't reach.

Do what you want and don't be shy,
Kiss that boy,
Even though he's not the guy.
Live in the moment,
If just for a while
And go for a ride
Even though your scared.

Life is full of troubles
And fears.
You dear girl will cry many of tears.
The world will crush you as best it can,
Hold some inner strength.
Buckle down and stand.
Proud and strong.

Trust me, I've lived this long.
Young as my years may be.
I'll come back one day
And wish I'd followed
Some advice worth giving.

The final message worth receiving,
I love you,
Love yourself to.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 16th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 7

I walk to the melody of my silent tears streaming on my invisible face, covered by this bulky facade, secretly begging someone might be able to penetrate my intimate but true self lying behind it. Chocked sound of my helpless cry: " Behold this is who i am! " Voiceless scream. Hopeless.
If all we have is hope, what happens when its drowned by these endless nightmares. Nightmares emerging from my worst dreams and peaking into my reality. No break, just more horrible thoughts.

Through it all: the bad, the good. I know you can overcome it.
Immerse yourself in the fear, flow in and flow out. Breath slowly. You are more than just that broken reflection in the mirror.
I know. Somewhere beneath the layers protecting you from the horrible world, you know it too.

I don't know how, I don't know why or when or who or what but I know that you are more than simply human. You are potential. The sky isn't your limit. The passion in you burns and if you let it, it could fire up any soul. You make spirits dance to life's adventurous winds and give helpful beats to the ones caught in tornadoes.

poet Anonymous

A Poetic Self Hug

I hear your soft snuffled tears again little one            
why are you hiding there in the dark corner?            
Come, sit beside me in front of the open window            
feeling the early sunlight warm away the doubts.            
For I have so much to tell you but not much time            
before the loud world crowds me out again ...            
They can't give you now what they never did before            
so forgive them, our Mom and Dad, once and for all.            
Renew your noble quest, the lifelong search for self            
embracing even those odd pieces that don't seem fit.            
Soothe the unhealing wounds of your deep betrayals            
dare once more to remove the armor and feel trust.            
Pull out my childhood wishes from your linty pocket            
unfold them, smooth out all the creases and dream.            
Lastly, remember that I am so very proud of you            
so love yourself as deeply as I do in this moment.            

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2241

met a younger me
bought him a drink

he is still painting
still has love in his eyes
and hands
earns the eyes
with his hands

I don't need to tell him
who I am
this barstool
is about all he has
to look forward to

he knows

that i'm thinking it
and that i'm simply weak

he can avoid it

same as me
years back

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