Poetry competition CLOSED 27th November 2012 5:18pm
View Profile Poems by Uley-Bone
RUNNERS-UP: MrE and ElrondSirfalas

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Dark by nature

Jacqueline Rochelle
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 23rd July 2012
Forum Posts: 35

Poetry Contest

Something sad or anger, include some type of nature
Write about something that is dark, sad or anger filled.  Something you feel, or how you see.  Any of that, but it needs to include something of nature in it, and you can put that into it however you like.  You have one week.  

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 4th July 2012
Forum Posts: 33

The Demise Of Spiderman And The Flygirl

From between moving clouds
out of blue sky way beyond
the sun shines through temperamentally
down into our pensive atmosphere.

Onto a capitalistic spider
as he spins his business web
from the branches of the systems tree.

On a poor fly trapped
in the bondage of regulations
and eaten up in her own sexuality.

But subversive winds of change
blows through the branches
destroying the spiders web of gain.

Then crying rain comes roaring down
and the spider is washed up;
down into a muddy drain.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 8

Cry to Heaven (revise)

she has no where to turn
let the black fire burn
over you
my but of few
she scream in her mind
i am caught in a bind
no why me
this can't be
he tells her God wants you to kill
take a reality pill
she thinks
not be able to speak
her mouth is taped
he takes is true shape
and reachs for a knife
you are my wife
now do as i say
she prays for the day
that someone rescues her
she crys out to heaven
and lo and behold seven
angel apear
and say have no fear
for they know the man on top of her is not a man
but a beast
ready to feast
on her soul
the demon run towards them
as they sing a hyme
and the demon crawls away
as the trees sway
her crys to heaven had been answered.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 8

that is dark great poem i am having troubles getting comments on my poems i want them so that i can grow as a poet/writer

Jacqueline Rochelle
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 23rd July 2012
Forum Posts: 35

Yes, I can see why you want the comments, and I too like the comments on poems.  Your poem is good, but I do admit it is a bit hard to follow at the beginning.  It does go great together though, at the end I could see how it went together.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2113

Just when I was about to start writing Haiku again

and I clang upon you
like a leaf on the branches
of a young and foolish tree.

poet Anonymous

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Genesis Sutcliff
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 4th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 70


Fire, fury, and flames
Consuming the depths of my soul.
Blistering burns from the anger,
Screeching screams from the hells depths.

Outside I am calm and collected,
Cheerful and playful.
Like a morning songbird.

Inside I am boiling and igniting,
Hating and sneering.
Like forest exploding in a hell raze.

You have no idea the pain I go through,
Just to put on a smile for you.
You have no idea how hard it is,
To keep that up all day.
It's gut wrenching.

I pain and scream,
Pain and scream.

That scream is silent,
Yet like the bubbles that silently pop,
Inside a soda can when you shake it,
I fear the day,
That I open up,
And those screams unite into one massive rage.

Until then,
All I can do is smile and wave,
While the fire blazes inside.

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189


After, time again

fragile dreams will shed their sin

and into hour's deepest night

will creep the shadow's timid plight

but watch for lark and herald jive

with misty slinking ooze surprise

the chest is turned will sunset ease

and yipping sparrow's gallant needs

emboldened bodice space delete

each second crushed beneath bruised feet

and time again with time to gain

kelpish murmurs rose mundane

in press the yellowed snake's sweet wine

with putrid, briny, feckled kine

jitters moment's ticking past

endarkened in the present's crashed

After, time again

with savage dreams and sunken sin

After time, and again

with nightmare courting and begin

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942


One night last week
I dug a hole for you in the yard
sat out on the porch with the lightning
waiting for the storm to fill it

the water's gonna rise
enough to hold your head under
but only so deep

I'll jab sticks in your eyes
to keep them open
so you'll see what's coming
when I force you on your knees

You better breathe good
then shut your mouth
for the last time
because the water's all dirty
& it stinks of busted dreams

The moon
will rape your reflection
while I wipe up your slime
tear your tight ass wide
& fuck your shit out too

That'll learn you
some p's & q's
teach you slugs
never to mess
with my beans

Strange Creature
Joined 21st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1

Her heart was just as dark as the night sky.  Very seldom some would sya they could see some sort of light deep inside.... Like the moon trying to peek out from behind a dark stormy rain cloud.

Her actions were wild.  She was one very rarely understood.  She took life one day at a time and always had her head held to the sky.  

She would lure people in, they were attracted by her untamed ways.  A little time spent and they would sink to her like they fell into a pit of quick sand.

She was a free spirit, down to the bone... the experience of knowing her was sometimes left untold.

Thought Provoker
Italy 1awards
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 121

My Son the Defiant One
The hand of God has spoken
fire his weapon
the spirit tree burns angry
i will not bow
if i must burn
burn me alive...

Jacqueline Rochelle
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 23rd July 2012
Forum Posts: 35

Thanks for all that entered!

poet Anonymous

Scorpio's Confession

Scorching day, frozen night, yet beneath the sand all is still
no hint of emotion, dark passion that burns volcanic beneath
Secrets kept, secrets cherished, and secrets protected, always
as much a part of me as the masque I wear, perfectly concealing
It’s not that my façade is a lie, just not the complete truth
for you see the dark ugliness is so very much more appealing
Yes, I color within the lines, follow all the rules, do my duty for now ...
a frayed conscience all that's between me and a capacity for great evil
Always equipped with my stinger, I can inflict pain and yes do relish it
whether I sting others or feel the barbed tip myself, perverted twisting
But deep within my veins courses a most deadly poison, so necrotic
it’s only thru spilling it on the virgin page that I am able to survive
Calling me complicated is too simplistic, barely scratches my veneer
I'm a black thorny knot that can bloody any fingers trying to untie it
So, relax, come closer, try to get to know me - but then only if you dare
just don't ever betray me and watch very closely upon where you tread

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