Poetry competition CLOSED 25th November 2012 6:59pm
lepperochan (CraicDealer)
View Profile Poems by lepperochan
RUNNER-UP: Abracadabra

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Poetry Contest

I want to read your best angel poem , anything to do with that kind of thing , old or new and as many posts as you like :)
Angel Listen  

Angel listen
can you see
something is missing
from inside of me
hear my voice
hear me cry
forgive my choice
before I die .

I skin and bone
you of eternity
will your wings of stone
fly with me
to the far
to unknown
where different stars
begin to glow
another time
where we don't die
and hope is carved
throughout thick skies
embedded years
emotions tears
can your stone moulded
ears hear this
angel listen
angel please
replace the missing
jigsaw piece .

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3015

Merciless Burden

You loom over me,
Broken wings trailing
Ash and scree
Your grim calling card

You think nothing
Is the answer
Destruction without
And within your core

Fool that I am,
Your image is glamorized
But fortunately I
Never trusted allure

Stumbling through rubble
I twist haltingly,
Tattered tears dusting
Empty door frames,

I feed your gaping maw
With the rawness
Of my defeat
Bloody and torn

I have stopped
Longing for the white
Fiery sword of hope
Best not illuminate these horrors

I mistook you once, lamented
Twice, misplaced the path
Towards the sweet
Relief of oblivion

No rest in suspense
No advance in attack
The seventh circle
Has no dawn

poet Anonymous

Feathers from an Angel's Wings

(Inspired by a lovely poet who shall remain nameless)
How delicate and fragile are these words she waxes poetic
Like feathers from the wings of angel trapped earthbound  
They tell of love, longing, betrayal and loss
Words too beautiful to be spoken aloud as if they would burst in the air
I recognize the deep pain, feel the rawness of her emotions
Realizing that they come from one who has felt these arrows first hand and cannot escape their sting
At times I picture her face, tears softly flowing
As she opens up her heart, shares her quiet pain
Like this is the only way that she can find relief or solace
By transfering them to the page where they can be locked away in some bound volume
To someday be found by that special one, the man she deserves and awaits
Who will read these poems, see her inner beauty, rescue her from her suffering and solitude
Oh, were I that man, so worthy to ride in like a knight of old
Pulling her onto my steed, whisking her away to Camelot
Taking her to my chateau, wiping away her tears
Kissing her angelic lips and enfolding her in my arms
But sadly I am not that chevalier, destined only to pine and wait
Hoping to discover more of her fallen feathers, the closest I will ever get to heaven

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 345



Through the rain and the wind she stands hard as a stone
In a world she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place  
Where she's loved
A statue stands in a shaded place
An angel girl with an upturned face
A name is written on a polished rock
A broken heart that the world forgot
If you keep building these walls
Brick by Brick towers so tall
Soon I won't see you at all
I knew who you were from the start
But now I don't know who you are
Soon there will be nothing at all

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Wow there are some excellent writes here guys , keep them coming :)

poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Rock on Strider , great title too

Mr. Gemini
Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1102

One of my older poems and certainly not my best but it's all I could find with Angels:

Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons are fighting for my soul
My mind racing in circles with no where to go
The cobwebs in my brain are blurring my visions
My heart’s torn apart and I can’t make decisions
My nerves are exposed and as raw as can be
I wish Angels and Demons would get up and leave

Just leave me alone, leave me all to myself
Fuck your books and degrees, I don’t want your help
Just give me my needles, my dope, and my spoon
Let me shoot up and nod off until June
Take me away, be it heaven or hell
Take me out of this body, my personal jail cell
Full of guilt, shame and fear and I can’t face the grief
I sink into my vein and I find some relief.

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

I noticed

Your faded wings
Look such jaded things when he walks by

I remember the days, when you were his angel
And he was your guy

The saddest thing,
Is those silent screams,
wore those promise rings and he'd die
if you ever took it off

He swore a thousand things on your life,
And promises would never shy; to keep you by his side

And just so you know

I notice
How your head falls
When he tries to look you in the eye

And I remember when you were his angel
And he was your guy

You're not the only one who feels for you
But we all know that you're far from through

Cause now your demons are gone,
you may be all alone,
but an angel true

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Italy 1awards
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 121

Weeping angel flying on broken wings
whispering sweet nothings
fly little angel
spread your wings
fly little angel
can't stop from falling
these broken wings
it's like i lost my voice
can no longer sing
so i whisper
whisper to you
sweet nothings
I'm falling
I'm falling for you

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

These are fantastic pieces of work , I'm impressed , thanks for entering everyone so far :)

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 942

While God's Away

An angel,      
wearing thigh high leather boots      
shining jet black like her eyes    
slid open my bedroom door      
real wide.      
She hovered motionless      
framing the moment      
hand on hip coy.    
I was praying it wasn't a dream    
before I managed to mumble      
'Hi, honey, come on in,
but be sure and leave
your halo outside.'      
She moved with that tantalizing grace      
only angels know      
as sensual as a warm finger    
rolling slowly through melting butter.      
'God's away on a business trip'      
she blushed  
'Let's say... He's otherwise engaged  
and I heard what you did      
for my sister the other night      
so I thought I'd      
drop by.'    
Her voice hummed perfume    
in a husky Southern drawl      
and the words seemed to lick at her lips      
before they glided through the air      
to nestle like kisses around my ears.      
Temperatures were steaming high      
and I could feel her angel heart      
already pounding skinny skin to mine,    
my mouth was dry and I needed a drink--      
the stiffest and hardest I could find.    
As my angel moved closer    
I watched her long legs      
crinkling the curve of that boot leather      
each step a caress      
softer than the finest rose petal    
all ready to crumple in my hands.    
I could smell heavy heads of corn      
the tall grass of summer swaying in a warm breeze.      
This was more than personal      
a hunger so real      
you could cut its full blooded passion      
with a burning scythe of desire      
and I was cocksure certain      
the sexiest angel in the whole of God's heaven      
was about to be      
truly mine.      
So when I felt the knife      
looked down      
and noticed the blood--    
it was more trickle than gush,      
I was too surprised to scream or cry.    
The half finished bourbon    
slipped from my hand,      
agony engulfing me in a wave.    
I could feel the chill of steel      
writhing through my guts like a snake      
before her dark eyes flashed one last time      
'Never fuck with an angel,'    
she whispered      
And then as I stared at the gates of Hell    
and back at heaven
she blew me a kiss:    
'It's writ in the Bible, lover,
didn't you know    
God's a truly,      

poet Anonymous

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