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Poetry competition CLOSED 8th December 2012 1:36am
View Profile Poems by NimmieAmee
RUNNERS-UP: firedaughter and nellul

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How daring are you?

Sammie Jane
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 15

Poetry Contest

alright this is a competition to see how daring you are. i want poems of all types, make them crazy, they can be self poems, dark, erotic anything you want just be daring!
bring your most interesting writtings to the table please! the one you think is best!!! i wanna see your best writting!

Sammie Jane
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 15

my hands started to shake
my heart started to pound
my eyes turn toward the ground

i cant look you in the eyes
afraid of you telling me lies
im very happy your not like other guys

your holding my heart in your hands
i trust you my beautiful man
if i run from you try and catch me if you can

yours forever
always in my heart
always in my mind

i love you caleb<3

Lost Thinker
Joined 27th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 20

Ive already uploaded this to here but here ya go its called "is this what i wanted?"

My breath caught in my chest as she gripped each side of my panties and pulled them from my body. The look in her eyes made my inner thighs tingle with anticipation of the feel of her soft moist lips. Lightly gripping my knees she slowly slide her hands down my thighs then spread me before her. Her eyes dilated in thirst, a thirst for me that she was craving to quinch. Just before she leaned down my mind woundered "is this what i wanted?". Then her soft lips meet my tender acheing lips in a connection so intence it was like a static discharge. The rivers that flowed deep within gushed to reach her tongue as it forged a path along my lips. Her tongue eager to drink from my fountain. My nails clawed at anything within reach as she plunged into me. Deeper and deeper with each flick of that amazing tongue. The need to moan building up in my lungs ready to esplode freely never to be caught. My body arches in pleasure, my need to release increasing soon to erupt like a volcano. The click of the door shutting and locking snapped me back from the edge of orgasmic relieve being replaced with the fear of being caught. Body tensing wanting to flee then i see him and remember that this wasnt to be a act of two but an act of 3. My eyes roamed along his body as he started to undo his belt and lower his pants. Again my mind asked "is this what you wanted?". Those words was rolling around in my head as he readied himself between my legs. To tease me he pressed his swollen head against my clit and slide down over my lips making my juices dribble out. Pushing into me with just a small amount of his throbing cock the built up moan finds my lips makes itself be heard. He grins down at me before wrapping his arm around my waist and flipping over on my hands and knees. My body jerks as he smacks my ass, not satisfied with the result he smacks harder making my ass clinch up and my mougt moan out for harder swings. Gripping both my ass cheeks he lifted me and positioned himself against my lips, with out anymore warning he thrusted deep into me. Ramming into me over and over again getting deeper with each powerful thrust. My mouth open in a countinous moan of pleasure mixed with pain. "faster! harder! ahh fuck me!" i moaned as i moved my body in sync with his. Just when i thought my moans would wake the neighborhood she got infront of me and guide my mouth to her moist and tasty pussy lips. Burying my face between her thighs i lapped and eat from her fruit letting my moans vibrate deep into causing more dams to break and more rivers to flow into my thirsty mouth. Bringing us both closer to our climax i tighten myself around him making him thrust even harder and deeper. Not able to hold it any longer i tightened up even more and came. My release made him release soon after i felt him lean over on me fight for air just as she came from my quickened tongue. Colasping to the ground staring up at cieling fan blades rotate my mind asks again "is this what you wanted?". My honest answer is "not really but it was fun"...

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

I'll be back
Any limit?

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

To want, but not to touch

Ah! Beauty in such measure
has never been seen in this world
in all it's prestigious years
such as is found in your smile.

Oh the joy of watching you dance;
bare feet kicked up in jubilation in the spring grass,
the light linen of your dress swaying and twirling,
revealing stolen glimpses of calf and milky thigh.

And yes! Fate smiles on me today
for the sky breaks upon you
quickly turning bouncing locks into sodden ropes,
water flicking off the ends as your dance continues.

Your laugh is loud and unrestrained as the rain blinds you,
your eyes closed and hands thrown up to the heavens,
completely mindless of everything around you
and focused entirely on your own enjoyment.

Your dress, once a glaring, spotless white
alluringly clings to your slight form
and as I watch eagerly from behind closed blinds
it takes on the shade and shape of you.

The dreaded call is heard from your house,
but you thankfully ignore it, as enthralled with your dance as I,
granting me a few more moments with your beauty,
before your parents come get you to put you to bed.

Every day I pray to be taken into your embrace
and yet I do not truthfully believe I could bring myself
to defile such perfect innocence,
regardless of how feverishly my body may desire your form.

(As an aside, is this competition just for poetry, or for prose as well?)

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Cleanse my sins.. Through you..

Paranoid ..

that meth is a mutha fucker.

hey sweetheart
what are you doing

Mmmm just getting up

you wanna fuck?

Well... Ok
be there in a minute
sure daddy
come get in it.

Now, tell daddy
you love him.
and remember when
i would
cleanse my sins
through you at two.

Can you be
two years old
for daddy?

I'll give you
some more money.

Your pussy tastes
like honey

Say "da da"
for me sweetheart.
as he
spreads my legs apart..

suck your thumb
until your numb

Can you
feel anything yet baby..

Mmmmm da da....
i want my mommy.
I know you do baby
so do I
these are the times
she's too high
to help

either one of us

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189


I open your door,
without knocking,
despite your warnings
and I see you there
half naked and gyrating,
your fingers in places
they're not meant to be.
I'm too young to understand
but I do
my innocence already having been shattered
by another
and you know all too well
who I mean.
I'm already acquainted with that special place
where fear and shame
and pleasure meet.
You tell me to come in
and close the door.
I don't want to
and tell you I'm afraid.
You assure me there's nothing to be afraid of,
that you're my big sister
and it's your job to teach me
about these kinds of things.
You grin at me
and spread yourself
for me
and I almost panic.
You're not allowed,
no one's allowed,
it's only for him
and he'll be so mad.
You tell me to come closer,
and you close the door,
calling me a coward
and grabbing my wrist.
You guide my hand
and press my fingers
to where yours were
but a moment before.
I blush and ask
with some surprise
if I'll grow hair there
when I'm older too.
Again you grin
and tell me yes
that it's not just boys
despite what I thought.
You pull me with you
as you walk to your bed
and I say again that I want to go.
You roll your eyes
and say I'm being silly
after all
you only want to teach me
about sex.

Sammie Jane
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 15

no limit post as much as you want :)

Sammie Jane
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 15

:) I'm loving every poem posted!! You guys are amazing!!

Thought Provoker
Canada 9awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 189

(I'm going to take that as a 'yes' to my question about prose being allowed as well lol)

Hybristophilia and Autassassinophilia

He's had so many victims since I first found out about him, but finally, after almost a year of research and investigation, I have found him. He's even more attractive than my imaginings of him and the seduction went off flawlessly; with him pretending to care about me as a person, and I pretending not to know what he had in store for me.

He was so gentle and hesitant at first; playing the part. I grinned and enjoyed it; playing my part. His hands were not meant for loving caresses, and I, knowing what he is, can feel the lie in them. Still, they excite me, because I know they are part of his ritual. I undress him, and he undresses me. As he does, a slight sneer crosses his lips at the color of my underwear, though it is quickly hidden. Ah! And we kiss; an electric pleasure as his lust mounts, so close now, so close to the moment we both came here for. He lays above me and plasters a hollow smile on his face, then thrusts himself inside me. I writhe beneath the increasing pace of his hips and pull him close for another kiss. He obliges me and I moan.

And now, finally, his hands wrap around my throat as he pulls back to look me in the eyes. For him the game is over, he's no longer pretending that I am his lover. I am his victim, and his eyes scream the fact as a malicious grin spreads across his face. Here he is! Here's his true self! Now my lust begins in earnest and as he thrusts deeper and harsher inside me he realizes it. He chuckles, and I know he thinks me a stupid girl that does not understand her situation; a girl with a slight kink that thinks this is play. He clenches his hands harder, his hips never stopping their rhythm, my breathing cut off.

I smile up at him and confusion crosses his face. His hands unclench and I take an instinctive, unwanted breath. He stares down at me, hands still at the ready and malign lust still in his eyes, and tries to make it clear; “I'm going to kill you.”

My smile widens as I respond; “I know.”

His hands rush to my throat again, harder than ever, as he unnecessarily tries to impress upon me the seriousness of my situation. Then he forgets about me, lost in the act, and again my smile widens. I can't breath, can't move, my head begins to swirl as this man stares down into my eyes. Those eyes! Those delicious eyes! No hint of the mask is left; vicious insanity pours out of them. Hatred, anger, lust, and that beautiful unhinged joy! As I cascade over the edge of carnal bliss my vision dims, and blacks out. My only regret is that I can't give him the only thing he truly desires from me; my fear.

I wake up, sore and confused, every breath a wonderful torment but a tremendous disappointment. I open my eyes and realize I am on the floor beside his bed, with him looking down at me. His gaze suggests I'm a curious creature, one he means to study.

Tears come to my eyes and I force a cracked whisper out of my damaged throat; “No. No I thought you were going to kill me!”

He smirks slightly, and when he speaks it's in a tone of condescension; “I will. If you do as I say. If you're a good girl.” He pauses; “If you bring me others.”

“When?” I demand.

A grateful smile crosses my lips as he grabs the back of my hair cruelly, almost strong enough to pull out by the roots, reminding me of my place.

“When .I. Decide to, and not a second sooner.”

“Of course, I'm sorry.” I whisper back to him.

He smiles at his control over me; “Good girl.”

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 106

I wrote a poem about stepping on a lego, that kinda

The Darkest Pain

That bright yellow kid friendly color
The lead free paint
Mocks me
Your plain in sight
Yet I step on you
Immediately feel your presence
The piercing pain
Bringing me to tears
Furiously screaming at my brother
For having them out in the first place
Goddamn you Lego
Build me a Hostpital

Sammie Jane
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 15

omg i love this one! its so true! damn the legos!!!

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251

No rabbit for me please

I had a little bunny - and honey was her name
She was so cute and funny - till I clubbed her in the brain

So sad I had to eat her - but I'm really not to blame
Was the doings of my daddy - and his sickly little games

I cut her throat and peeled her - but I wasn't really there
That's the story of my bunny - my lifeless, skinless little hare

Have you ever heard a rabbit scream?  It sounds just like me

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251


am I fucking crazy
so I've been told

I always thought I would save the world from pain
trying to keep our children from being fucked over and over again

I hear the screaming of the rabbits in my brain
finding it hard to differentiate my screams from theirs
I see me with that lead pipe as I bash and bash his head to pulp while smashing his smug all knowing smile again and again

I don't refrain from hearing the voices in my head
telling me kill kill kill him smash him till he is dead
yet his evil ghosts still won't leave my mind
for gods sake daddy   i see you awake and in my dreams

all because he loves me

Youd be crazy too if you had to listen to your father fucking anything that moves male or female

Or try watching movies at the drive-in with your parents
kids in the back seat  
Clothes your eyes kids
the documentary about sadism and masochism playing in our ears it's only for adults LIARS
like my father really needs instruction

Try living with the crawling hand worse than the movie one
sit on my lap cream puff wheres the vasoline

god I hate the non smell of vasoline    his lotion of choice

oh mama mama   where for art thou mama
mamas cooking cleaning going to church
praying to god for my evil soul?

Using your self blinding manipulations
your Black hole in your memory mama
you are the BLACK HOLE

What? you cant see daddy in the cars middle seat
smothering me because I bite hard smashing my lips with a hand full of   'This will hurt me more than you daughter'
so i can wear a permanent crack in my lip to forever remind me of our LOVING family camping trips


mama stops the car so I can puke his cream of the crop out the door
watch it shaunda
those could be your future  brothers or sisters

move every six months so no one sees the monster for our father

make me pee and shit in a can in my closet because the bathroom is no longer safe while I write poems of screaming bunnies
i see you waiting in the dark living room daddy

I'D RATHER SHIT AND EAT IT before I use that bathroom again

what? if i dont let you do it   You'll get my baby sister
and when I hear her screams I'll know it shoulda been me

dont tell on daddy or hell go to prison
who'll take care of us then
well all be adopted out never to see each other again

liar liar pants on fire
get me in the sack
beat it blue and black
as daddy smuggly smiles
and mama hides her eyes

I can't take it
every day  every minute
im so afraid
so i'll slit his throat while he sleeps

im just a little girl
im just a little girl
im just a little girl

and mama wants to know how I ever got this crazy?
well fuck you mama and the dick you rode in on

i cant take it anymore
my brain is cracking from all the people screaming in my head

your better off dead
am i fucking crazy
so ive been fucking told

And I smiled

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 19th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 251


Squeeze my Lemons till the juice runs down my leg

I'm heading home   I have a date    
Chills play my spine   I pass my gate    
Time to eat   hope I'm not late    
I rush myself   up spiral stairs    
I'm hurrying cause   I like mine rare    
It's dinner time   I'm feeling fine    
I lick my chops   and grab my wine    
I sing and dance across the room    
To one of Zeppelins slinky tunes    
(squeeze my lemons till the juice runs down my leg, squeeze it so hard till I fall right out of bed)    
Alas with ringing of the bell    
Wafts cross the room    OH delightful smell    
I sit to eat    Has it gone too far    
You know I like my meat Tartar    
I squeeze some lemon on his leg    
And lick my lips as i am fed    
My secrets out    I love the dead    
Daintily   I wipe my chin    
Daintily   And then I grin    

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