Poetry competition CLOSED 11th November 2012 6:26am
AlexnEmoLand (RevolutionOfAlex)
View Profile Poems by AlexnEmoLand


Alice in wonderland

Anna Tray
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 17th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 63

Poetry Contest

See below----
Give me a Alice in wonderland type of Poem. Like not based off the story just like if you were in Alice's place.
-no collaborations
-one poem per poet
-no word limit
-no arguing on this thread!
-just post poems no talk until its over please!!!

Thought Provoker
Joined 26th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 70

Fell down a rabbit hole of
guns, drugs and death.
This ain't no wonderland
this is the paranoid psychosis
of meth.

Little white ghost
sucking my soul through my face
I run and they give chase.
There is no time, no space, no air
I' am dying trying to find
a caring hand.

I jump on a cloud to
gain a perception of this
reality, its a foregone
conclusion that I've fallen
into a realm of insanity.

Come down off my cloud
settle on the purple ground
my ears prick up to a curious

I wade through the fog
to see a mad hatter,
sitting at the end of a table
with furry animals,
all in a chatter.

I walk up bravely and
cough once then twice
"did you enjoy your
flight" the hatter said
with a beaming grin.

"Come sit child you must
be confused, we are all mad
but may be of some use".

"How did I get here?" I asked
distraught. "hmmm show me your
arms I'll take a look".
Ah I see you place metal in your
veins, only a matter of time before
your mind splinters and breaks".

"You mean I am dead, no longer alive?"
"afraid so dear" he said with
a smile.

Fire of Insight
Joined 25th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 1232

Mad Wonderland

I fell through the hole of your intentions
where everything was upside down
and I was never quite the right size,
yet you insisted on keeping me
bottled up and locked away.

Cheshire smiling at my misfortune,
entertained to ease his pain
and try to cause me guilt
for not paying enough attention.
His whispers point me in the wrong direction
and cause me to doubt
all that led me here to begin with.

He was of course successful,
considering he was all the sense
this mad world held.
Especially considering
my own white rabbit kept running,
calling out for Maryanne,
who'd obviously been in his cottage
a time or two.

All the while he asked my ring size
and sent me cards
claiming to be the King of Hearts,
when he was the Knave all along.
Still, we played our games,
though the pieces constantly changed
their own places on the board,
so we never had a hope of winning.  

Finally I faced the beast,
heart pounding,
tears pouring.
I let go my fears
and stopped myself from seeing
only the reflections I wanted to see.
I stepped through back to home,
the mirror shattering behind me,
and I haven't looked back.

...well hardly...

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 197

you think it's a fairy tail
nicely told sweet and well

but all of whats told by she..
isn't what her eyes can see.

she was sucked into a vortex of
bodies that decay.
whispering words to her
even i cant say,

paranoid, insane
told not a meth..
such a wonderland she thought because
it seem not real.

a mirror that she sees
the demons in her place.
darkness and evil, carved apone her face.

no clouds no sun, no light that appear.
creepy it was..
Alice surrounded by all her fear.

her mind shakes, brakes and fall..
no matter how loud she screams
her voice wont call.

not a place of god a place of spiritual hearts
only darkness and evil ready to tear apart.

run Alice run, try to save her soul
never should have Alice fallowed Akumas roul

eyes tearing, Dark red blood that fell....
Alice is stuck in the hibbits of hell.

poet Anonymous

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Shane Hawks
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 79

The Escapist

Asylum walls, soft and screaming.
This place is too real for me.
As the night tide washes over,
Escape into my dreams.
Visions of contradictions
And writhing monsters dancing in the shade.
Through this moaning wood
The tribal drums never waver.
This feels so surreal to me.
All too soon the dawn emerges,
Orderlies and fece-riddled walls.
Take these pills:
This one makes you obedient,
This one keeps you calm.
This one makes you bigger,
And this one makes you small.
There's Charles, donning his shit be-speckled,
Height of clinically insane fashion,
Fading black and white horizontal bars jumpsuit.
He will spend the day chortling, cross eyed, to himself,
Grinning from ear to voice ridden ear.
Chilling  déjà vu.
("We are all mad here")
Cold, blanketless cot,
Tray full of lukewarm slop.
The curtain closes on another day, here in wonderland.
Palpable slumber,
Ambient echoes,
My home away from Hell.
Restraints encumber,
But the mind still wanders,
When I plummet down the well.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Im a wandering alice in a world so far away
Wandering in a world of decay
I partake not knowing of the dangers a head
I partake not knowing I am soon to be dead
The cat
And the hat
In a half
With milk from a calf
Pouring me tea
Talking to me
So nonchalantly
But when he is discovered
His head will be in the gutter
Rolling like a bean
Ordered by the queen
Taken off by the guillotine
This is my queen's daily routine
I sided with the best
Putting my skills to the test
And here's a little fate bend
But your life is next to end
Welcome to this hell and
Here we call it bloody wonderland

poet Anonymous

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