Poetry competition CLOSED 16th November 2012 3:06am
MichaelMorgue (Failure By Design)
View Profile Poems by MichaelMorgue
RUNNER-UP: Thethree3

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say sorry to your parents

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 1awards
Joined 26th July 2012
Forum Posts: 49

Poetry Contest

say sorry for something syou did to your parents

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 93

you are
crouched, a green fleecy turtle
topped and tailed
writing with your left hand
wobbly grey letters
in the corner away in the corner
a list of tasks for me
you are
crawling, standing, staggering
(under the window where i always found her)
ascending to your feet
in Darwinian triumph
only to drop again, lie fallen
sink through green carpet
become one with its rolling wave
downtrodden fibre
without strength and without reason
every word we spoke struck like
a wrecking ball on steel
there were no battles in your head
only bodies lying in ditches
and gunfire
finally, with socks on your hands
burrowing deep in white darkness
larva in a dank silk-spun tomb
to sleep, for peace
i disturbed your rest
no leavemealone leavemealone leavemealone
but if you knew that I was listening for your breathing

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 22

Life I Won

i am sorry that i tried
to be absolute perfect
that i never lied
that i never made us a complete circut

im sorry that i never cried
as you cut my wrists
that i never died
but here is where it twists

this is where i am torn
why am i aplogizing to some one
who wished i was never born
is it because life i won?

poet Anonymous



I'm sorry I never really understood at the time how hard it was for you.
I'm sorry I expected the world from you,
accusing you of giving me your absolute least.
There were many things that I didn't have that I resented you for.
I never took into account that I didn't have those things
because you were trying so hard to keep a roof over our heads.
I'm sorry that I was selfish and only thought of my own pain,
Self-absorbed in my own teenage miseries while you were suffering
with self-loathing, failure, and depression.
I'm sorry that in the end for you you couldn't take care of us,
having us move in with our aunt while you tried to pick up the crumbling pieces.
We were all suffering, but I thought it was just me.
I'm sorry you were faced with that terrible decision,
having to commit your youngest daughter to a mental ward three times,
all because of selfish irrationality.
The lack of appreciation I had for you back then haunts me.
I could have never comprehended all that you went through,
things that would break me, yet you persevered.
Mom, you are so wonderful, yet it's hard for us now.
I can't tell you these things because the rift that was caused.
It's as if we've been strangers since I was sixteen.
And now I'm on my own, and you live in a different state.
I'm sorry I can't get past my own reclusive tendencies,
giving you a call once in a while.
Time is getting away from us both, and I worry for you now,
all alone with a broken heart.

Love you always,


Shane Hawks
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 79

An apology,
To you from me,
Would feel as cold as stone.
The damage is done.
And your stillborn son
Is numb all the way to the bone.
Yet lest I be scorn,
And our relationship torn,
I will voice my only one.
All the tears that you bled,
Alone in my stead,
I am sorry that I was born.
So put me to bed,
With a kiss upon the head,
And gently close the door.
You are the only reason,
That I am still breathing.
Personally I would rather be dead.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 13

in so many ways I am like you
you attitude your outlook your manipulative manner
you've made me into what you are
I don't like to admit it but I know it is true
but in one way I am not
my coffee colored eyes and your pale sky blue's
full curving lips compared to your thin line's
long dark waves to your short gold strands
and now I hope you understand
I'm sorry I look just like him

Failure By Design
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 18th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 10

i'm sorry i broke the family
i'm sorry i didn't cry when grandma died
i'm sorry i fight your every move
i'm sorry you have to pray for me at night
i'm sorry i drank the years away
i'm sorry for the endless fights
i'm sorry i've never been there for katelynn
i'm sorry for not doing what every brother knows is right
i'm sorry i havent been there every sunday
i'm sorry you're not part of my life
i'm sorry i've let all of you down
perhaps one day i'll make things right...

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 106

You blessed me with
food, cloths, a home, a twin, a brother, and place in your heart
You supported me, comforted me, thought of me everyday
Yet I went days without telling things like I Love You
And Thank you
For driving me every where
For e-mailing my teachers when i was to scared to talk
For picking up the very accessory I needed to fit in at school
And driving back to return it and to get a different size
For making my favorite food to my exact specifications
The hours you spent washing and folding my clothes....I...I don't know how you did it
You took me on my best days and my bad days
Sure you aren't the best help on homework but you taught me something I couldn't learn in a classroom
You taught me to stand up for myself
That made me, me
You will have to excuse me until I grow up and have my own family to finish this poem but until then
I'm sorry I didn't say it enough but Thank you
I love you mom

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 17

I'm sorry, Dad,
that you're so immature.
I'll be glad to let you know
if they find a fucking cure.

But other than that,
don't talk me.
I don't want you in my life,
so please don't plea.

I'm sorry, Dad,
that you can't see.
You were never right.
You never helped me.

I'm sorry, stranger,
but you are no longer my dad.
I don't care how you feel
cause I'm so fucking glad.

Keeper of souls
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th June 2012
Forum Posts: 8


Im sorry
This is for my mother.
The mother who took me in.
The mother who put me to bed.
The mother who took care of me.
The mother who tells me everyday she loves me.

I love you mom.
This isn't a love poem though.
It's an apology.
I knew I'd have to do this sooner or later.
So I've decided to write it now.
I'll read this to you one day when the time is right.

Mom I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for all the pain ive caused you.
I'm so sorry about what happened.
I know you love me, but I need to speak my mind.
I'm sorry I let depression get the best of me.
I'm sorry I haven't been the easiest person to be with.
I never meant to hurt you.
I'm sorry it took me so long to get my life together.
I'm especially sorry for all the heart breaks I've caused you.
I'd never leave you.
I know I ran away a couple times,
But it was only because I love you.
I didn't want to cause anymore damage.
Mom I love you.
I'm sorry for everything.
I hope you can forgive me.
I love you so much.
Dont ever forget that.
You are my world .
I love you.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

I'm sorry I wasn't able to enjoy your incest sickness..

Left outside
to feed with the wolves...
Creeped to the shed
to gather some tools..
daddy got drunk
n started feelin me up..
this usually means
that he wants to fuck..
on my way back
into the house

I think I heard my mother growl..
"Come here you little bitch!"
You think your fuckin grown?
get down on your knees
I wanna hear you moan!

"Fuck you mommy!"
I got plans for tonight..
try to keep me from the house
its gonna cause a fight!

Bring that ass here
I wanna taste the goods
Spread em' wide open
like a good little girl should..

"Fine mother!"
shall we include brother
Hes actually not that bad
he must have learned it all from dad..

Fuck it  
let's make this
a family affair

You go get them both
and i'll meet you up stairs

"Sure mommy!"
I am the life
of the party
so I creep back
in the house
find my daddy passed out..

I take this metal saw
And cut his balls off

On my way to brothers room
i hear a creepy sound..

My mother saw him first
they're "gettin it" on the ground..

For me  
This is life at it's norm

Full fledged
dirty raw
family affair porn


Where's the baby?

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