Poetry competition CLOSED 13th November 2012 00:21am
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 85

The Wager of Lies

Lie your way onto the stage,
Scribble that lie across the page
Spread the lie from mind to mind
Until its purpose has been left behind
Make sure that you’ve been fitted right,
So that your mask hides the truth from sight
Lie with the jester, lie to the joke
And the fires of doubt you will slowly stoke
Pay little attention to the string now attached,
Or the way the mask has irrevocably latched
Deny the truth that the lie displays
That deep down inside your bindings have frayed
It takes a time for you to see,
That now the lie has been acted, you’ll never be free
You claw and scratch and scream aloud
But the lie has been stationed, unmoving and proud
How will you do it – admit to the crime
That you’ve been faking it all this time?
What truths will you plunder to tear of the mask?
And will you be able to handle the pain of that task?
I am interested to see how you will make this right
Bring all those shadows into the light
You’ve taken off the mask, but the scars remain
And you've no one but yourself to blame

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 22

What is fair in this world
When you get to hide
Behind your mask
Escaping the rising tide

What is fair in this world
When you get to cover your lies
Running from the truth
Hiding your decieving eyes

What is fair in this world
Where do you get this
I want one too
The sly bliss

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 1awards
Joined 26th July 2012
Forum Posts: 49

Behind this mask..

Behind this mask,
is a sad little girl.
behind this mask,
is a self harmer.
behind this mask,
a girl with depression.
behind this mask,
a deep scary mystery.

this mask is my saviour,
it helps me a little.
it helps by hiding the pain.
i dont worry my friends,
i dont worry my family..
life to them is perfect..
people think its only mental people have it,
does that make me mental???
the handful of us that have it,
we wear these masks..
its a mask of hapiness.

behind this mask,
is a sad little girl,
behind this mask,
is a girl who self harms,
behind this mask,
is a girl that wants to die..

many nighgts this little girl,
sits at her desk trying to write the perfect suicide note..
but this little girl cant..
because she thinks no one ever cared for her..
she just wants to die,
and not have a note.
she grabs the knife and stabs herself,
there her life is gone,
the mask is gone.
Now everyone can see who she really was


poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 93

but i tell you
i love to hide my face
why then, but you claw it
tear it to pieces saying
"this is not you
come on i want to see some
backbone some brain
to witness your heart"
no matter you've shredded my flesh to do it
"i want to hear
what makes you tick
your pulse must be exposed
you must present your teeth
for inspection
pull them out girl"

I like
to cover my face
i like to write on walls and imagine
it was another
bodiless hand that did it

Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 98

a woman's face wears many masks

a woman's face wears many masks
her precious secrets to conceal
so a man may sit and ponder
if what he sees is truly real

he's a very clear-headed man
who takes his time and sets his goal
he's sure to see the masks diverge
as he taps on the door to her soul

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 19th July 2012
Forum Posts: 89

Forthright Facade

A wolf in sheep's clothing
You can't restrain a pain that keeps growing
A-ok masquerade
But hey
You left your teeth showing
And I can't keep going on with this
Once astonishing bliss ending with a caustic twist
Instantaneously dismissed
If you love a person why let them go?
What if dishonesty's a factor and they won't let you know?
Should you stay and hope?
Disappear at ease
Fallacious facades are just as clear as crystalline
But what really gets to me
Is denial with proof
I guess if I was insecure
I'd lie to you too

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3015

smashed mirrors

can’t be fooled,
but easily fooled
there’s no fool like
a self-fooled delusion

lies, lies, lies to myself,
but say them louder,
be convinced

wrap the falsehoods
around my head –
a hat of deception,
I wear it so well

poet Anonymous

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The Marcus De Sade
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 6th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 87


We all where masks I suppose?
Many reveal themselves, others find in more difficult
I have several for every aspect of every day
And when im not wearing them I hang them up to dry
My wall becomes a gallery of fractured looks and broken smiles
There an empty hook where my soul hangs
Between, the comedy and the tragedy.
The Failure and the triumph
I am empty, I have no look my eyes to look through they are like the abyss
There is no mouth to speak through
Every expression needs a different mask
And when they fall to the floor as they always do
They brake.
I am every one and no one
A joyless ,soulless,  wonder.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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