Poetry competition CLOSED 8th November 2012 10:36pm
View Profile Poems by sadgurl
RUNNERS-UP: Icuduseahugritenow and NoMoreLove

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 345

and it seems like every poem you write is hate against FishCake and I
How many?
Say four pages worth

Hope Pine
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 30th July 2012
Forum Posts: 223

You sure are full of yourself to think that now just leave me alone I posted a comment I didn't mean for you to reply

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 345

Well then you shouldn't have posted it
Full of it?
Just because you block me on other sites doesn't mean I can't log out and check

Hope Pine
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 30th July 2012
Forum Posts: 223

Yeah I know you look at them and I keep them up for a reason, and my whole poem story only has 4 pages and I will say again leave me alone

poet Anonymous

Girlies, quit fighting, your being disrespectful to Amandrin's competition. You should both apologize for degrading its' integrity. After all, it is the theme of the comp, good practice.

Dangerous Mind
United States 10awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 995

Hey! Enough of the crap, this is a competition thread, and it's about apologizing. So take you fight to PM's and try apologizing to each other. The rest of us are here for the competition, not to referee your dispute. JJ

Strange Creature
Joined 26th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3

Im so sorry I didnt go,
According to the plan,
Runnin down these old trails,
Tryin to be my own man,
I can see the real world,
After the paranoia sets in,
And I can see straight through,
The lines of distinction,

They pump you up with drugs and call it medicine,
So you can be just like the rest of em,
Mans greed to fuel and economy,
And house wives who are just whores on salary,
Growin up, only lookin out for number one,
Everyday make sure you got your mask on,
Get sick quick get the right fix,
99% can suck my dick,

Liquid Gandhi- Just Leave me Where I Lie (1st verse)

I wrote this to say sorry sarcasticly to people tryin to tell me what they think I should do w/my life idk if it fits your criteria but its all I got on the matter.

Miss G
Fire of Insight
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 837

I'm sorry you no longer fill
the empty spaces in my self-confidence
doubt crowds it all out
     muffling the memories

we become, I
ours become, mine

I'm sorry that
i suspire us to expire
we spoiled like curdled milk
     unpasteurized pessimism

like a cockroach on my toothbrush
we, disgust me

I'm sorry

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 345

You guys are right
I'm sorry for argueing on a competition
But I refuse to apologize to her
Especially after what she did to me

Dangerous Mind
United States 10awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 995


I'm sorry for offending you
And exposing the naked truth
But I can't sing the way you do
All that sugar hurts my false tooth

I'm sorry you can't understand
The value of a song comes from inside
I'm sorry `cos this isn't what I planned
I'm sorry that Rock has died

I'm sorry for the cuts
And I'm sorry for the digs
I'm sorry that you have no guts
And I'm sorry that you're pigs

I'm sorry I won't get rich
`Cos I refuse to be like you
But the real tragedy in this
Is that I feel sorry for you


Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

I'm sorry I didn't use a coat hanger to remove half my kids...lil fucks have no respect or value of love.

Hope Pine
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 30th July 2012
Forum Posts: 223

im not apologizing to someone who reported me at school

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

Pram full of fruit and a face full of lip

must have been back in nineteen eighty eight
in the fruit and veg market
well, insofar as a load of women
pushing prams full of apples and oranges
or other delightful wonders
up and down a street, can be called a market

one woman had a bit of a disfigurement
and holy shit, there was no way out of staring
so there's no sorry from me for that
but I am sorry for saying
"can I have a bunch of bananas please
and less of your lip"

for that I am sorry.


Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 32

AlwaysCaliban said:[quote-140216-amandrin]Nope, all poems welcome.  that was a good read.

Oh, there is no doubt that the poem is good and fits in the competition, it's just sad. [/quote]

Sorry, I wasn't replying to you, I was replying to the poem before that and forgot to quote it :P

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 32

Haruhi888 said:I'm sorry  

I'm sorry
I'm sorry I was never good enough
For the perfect girl you wanted
I'm sorry I could never be like the others
I'm sorry my tits weren't big enough
Or I didn't kiss right
I'm sorry I was too ugly
I'm sorry I'm too fat
I'm sorry for all my mistakes
I'm sorry for never loving you correctly
I'm sorry I didn't have enough money
I'm sorry I couldn't satisfy you
I guess I wasn't good enough
For what you wanted to
Be a perfect girlfriend


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