Poetry competition CLOSED 24th October 2012 5:06am
epicRawrz (Hope Pine)
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Anna Tray
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 17th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 63

Poetry Contest

Drowning in water
Idk first comp...

Hope Pine
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 30th July 2012
Forum Posts: 223

1000 miles

1000 miles down to the sea bed
I will find a place to rest my head  
The arms of the ocean
So sweet and so cold
Please never let me go
Deliver me to a eternal rest
Where I can sleep forever
Never rising
Never breathing
Here forever
In my eternal

poet Anonymous

Lighter,  for a change

Lighter for a change,
My disposition is betraying me
Making me a fool
Pleasantly mocking my judgement  
This is happiness
A suiting word.
For a coward like me.
If there was a warm honeyed thought
reverberating with kindness
that would be me
Who would have ever thought?
Following the passage to the ocean
I'm contented with possibilities
Satisfaction a step away
Did you know that you could find
the moon in the sea?
I heard that lyrically uttered,
Hit me, made curiosity flow.
For I am gleeful, joyous,
I won't hold this in skepticism
I'll free my mind to explore
For there is not a darkening malice
Clouding in my mind
A change from me, I know,
How confusing
How uplifting to my mood
Back to the moon.  
If the moon is in the sea,
Then I'd like to find it.
Good-natured that I am
With brimming content
I think that in that event
nothing can go wrong,
I will step into the cold waters.
How refreshing as the caressing undertow
pulls me in for an embrace.
It is all good to me because,
for once I am happy,
which makes me immortal
In a sense?
I'd like to think so.
The sky becomes a distant memory  
the current sweeping me away
It's ok
I want to find the moon,  
though lack of oxygen
could affect me
if I believed in such dark consequences
For now I think I'll just see  
where this leads.
As my mind becomes
lighter for a change,  
light headed?
I see bursting sparks.
These should be stars, they're beautiful
as stars should be.
I want to see the moon
At the bottom of the aphotic zone,
surely it would be hidden
Where light cannot penetrate?
Well I'll make it there,  
for I see the stars,  
and I'm sinking,  
Down to the abyss
Sinking in regards to myself.
I realize I cannot breathe
This would be alarming,
If it wasn't such an intriguing thought
To embrace outer space  
in the comforts of your own bottomless pit
I always wanted to be an astronaut
Now I'm living the dream
How lucky am I?
My lungs are searing
My thoughts blurring
But if only I ride the current deeper
I'm not often this careless
It feels good
To cast aside my hardened shell
In search of gratification
In the wanderings of my psyche
I'm so glad that I decided to let go,  
To embrace bliss
To allow myself that one glimpse  
Of something that could truly
Render me obsolete
It will be all right
For even a 1000 feet of water
weighing down on me
stealing my breath
cracking my lungs
freezing my blood
Couldn't kill me
could it?
not in this new found cheerfulness
Nothing could go this wrong
As to die under the waves
Searching for the moon
At least let me see it once
Before I succumb
There's so much pressure
Constricting me
Just let me see it
Just once.
I want to say I discovered something
Something astonishing
The universe unfolding around me
But I can't
I just can't...
There's no pattern
no process
Only cold
bitter, treacherous realization
How could I have been so stupid?
To allow myself contentment?
To believe that it could exist?
If there is a moon in the sea
It has lead me astray,
Condemning me
Punishing me as it tightens it's grip
For having hope
It wrenches from my lungs
The last feeble breath I had left
Simultaneously crushing me  
Without remorse.
Blackness settles in,
My heart struggles, in denial  
The sun is too far away
Too much water overhead to rise
Out of this grave.
This is the most painful thing I've ever felt
Betrayed by the moon
I close my eyes,
I never saw anyway, no point now
I know the end is coming
I can feel the damnation spreading
All is gone

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Night of the Drowned -

By rugged paths through the woodlands green,
In younger years I walked often there between…
The yellow flowers that grew by the sad pond,
Which never stirred, save by breath of beyond…
And the darker forests where old spirits played,
Near ruins where once-lost folk piously prayed!
Complete was the lonely majesty of that domain,
So indifferent to human desires, dreams, or pain!
Alone I walked, like a spirit haunting a dwelling…
Familiar from some past days: oddly compelling.
What enchantment bore me hither I’ll not know!
Better to ask the wind why it was born to blow.

Ere night had fallen I beheld sights so uncanny,
Brought to this world by some ghostly company.
To speak of them is like to treat of some dream,
Wherein one may know delights but also scream.
Oh silent waters, what was reflected within you?
If only they could speak, the waters faded blue!
Perhaps terror keeps them silent, unable to tell…
The secrets they witnessed, of Heaven and Hell.
Mayhap sometimes fear is brought on by delight,
So profound, that it keeps one in an eternal night.
If you ask the waters, they shall not tell you this…
For they are lost, either in silence or infinite bliss!

Beneath the crescent moon, a goddess’s crown,
Yellow flowers become white, as winter’s gown.
As colorless as the faces looking up from under…
Whilst in the sky cracked a loud clap of thunder.
The drowned ones who dwell down in the murk,
Saw me peering at the waters wherein they lurk!
I looked away unable to bear each bloated face,
Lost in the depths trapped far from God’s grace.
I felt the touch of someone behind me, just then…
Turning around to see a beautiful ghostly maiden.
She passed through me, wading out in the deep,
To drown herself: anew, where no fish will creep!

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- The Princess in the River -

Prologue: Son of the Dragon

I was called the Son of the Dragon, in an old guise I wore…
Just one name of many, one scar of countless that I so bore.
People speak of life and death as if a single set of memories,
Can anchor a soul to one or the other, like a cross blessedly.
Yet a cross is but a symbol of torment used for a new cause,
And sometimes death is but a moment when we must pause.
Like an actor, I rose again to play my part in my fresh attire,
Never forgetting lines spoken of old; that burn like cruel fire!
Once I had another name, and wore raiment now long dust,
I was wild in my heart and had a soul burning mad with lust.
Yet love tamed that madness sure, for one whose spirit yet,
Haunts my dreams so oft at night, so that I can never forget.
Green her gown and raven her hair, with eyes sparkling still,
Despite that centuries have passed and, likely, they yet will.
People remember my legend, but of her they oft speak not,
And so I shall immortalize her final days with poetic thought.

Part One: Another Age

Hard it is to tell of her, and yet for love’s sake I will persist,
And resurrect the dread memory, that ghost from my past…
Cold was the day that fell upon the land: and chill the breath!
In my castle, on the mount above the river cold as icy death,
Where ‘round about the wooded lands on and on did range,
Within which so many of the simple folk, did oft feel strange.
Dark forests beneath the cloudy sky, endless in the number,
An image frozen in my mind: that I must eternally remember.
Therein those stony halls, was I then a prince of noble fame,
Of the order of my father so sworn, the Dragon’s own flame.
Bloody were the wars of those times, and scarlet my blade…
The price of chivalry paid in full, though my heart was afraid.
Afraid to lose the single treasure for which my life endured…
The princess who kept me content, and my soul enamored.
Ironic that her name should be lost to me whilst mine spoke,
By so many, who knew me not: a dark god’s cruelest joke!

Part Two: The Final Night

Night was our last time together and so she became queen,
Queen of the night for me ever since, and all as I had seen.
Red was the day of battle to come, to keep my castle well,
And red was the ground near the forests, as fires from Hell.
Dark was the sky above my lands, a storm carrying me on,
As my sword met the armies before it, all of time had gone.
So close we were to victory, as a single act of cold deceit,
Took from me all for which I dreamed, before my sad feet.
An arrow through a windowpane, with a simple note there,
Telling my princess I had perished, laying her heart so bare.
She saw not the place where I fought on, could not know,
That her beloved’s heart still beat, beyond rock and snow.
And so, she leapt from the high tower, into the river below,
Never to know God’s grace again, or feel the winds blow.
In hearing of my beloved’s end, madness so took my soul,
And vengeance rose up in my heart; I had lost my control.

Part Three: Damnation

My soul was lost on that hour, if but an hour is all it takes,
For a soul to become damned, even to linger on mistakes.
To this day men tell tales of red woods thick with blood…
In the land beyond the forests, where I wept a bitter flood!
For every tear I shed that day, a soul was to Hades cast…
Until my rage was wholly spent, and not one foe could last.
To my castle I returned, and held my love’s lifeless form…
Desiring to join her in death so that I might keep her warm.
My hand, that slew a hundred men, now caressed a maid,
So gently that you’d not have known it in woodland shade.
Green the gown she wore as her last, and raven her hair…
The last I’d ever see it again, the beauty of my lady so fair.
So pale was she then, unlike the rosy color of her youth…
For in death, all youth is undone, and lost is all life’s truth.
Eyes once big and dark with love, were now shut in sleep,
Eternally to dream of us, in some paradise vast and deep!

Part Four: One Last Kiss

The priests cast her back into the river, denying a grave…
Although so much for God was lost, even more we gave!
No more for God, for where was he to welcome my love?
Perhaps another could help us, in some dark place above.
I left the priests to perish, when we abandoned our home,
To fight for our country with every bit of flesh and bone…
But before we left the castle to the ravages of time’s hand,
I washed my face in the river, one with her and the land…
One last kiss for the one I so loved, forever swept away,
No more to dance with me, beneath the light of the day.
Her blood was still in that river then, and stained my face,
So that I had to wash again, until I was cleaner than lace!
In night I found my solace after that, and in darkness pure,
I hoped to meet my love again along time’s winding shore.
Another life I walk in now, but how the old ages do haunt,
In the hours of the night, when a maid’s love is all I want!

Epilogue: Vampire

Vampire they called me, for superstitious hearts know ill,
Save what they can imagine, and that does not a river fill!
But I was and am only a man, once perhaps much higher,
Than mere mortals are want to be, if mayhap a tad shier…
For so many secrets have I held that words cannot speak!
Even the gods I walked with are beings sometimes weak.
And so sometimes I must unlock those vaults of my soul,
Letting those who retell my legend once again to know…
That still I exist and I remember things as they once were,
But more than anything else even, I do still remember her!
The princess in the river that still flows strong to this hour,
Who lived in an ancient castle above it: my solitary flower.
In the land beyond the forests, where dark lie the shadows,
Where once the sun smiled upon the lush green meadows.
There we lived and were happy for but one span of years,
I hope that we will meet again and cast away all our tears.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 10awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 995

"Someone's Drowning In Your Pool"

Sitting there so high off the ground
You're that pretty little lady in pink
And it's nice to know that you're around
Just in case I should sink

You wisp away my clouds with a simple little wink
And you are as beautiful as the sunshine that you bring
Oh pretty lady that is really what I think
But I'm a little shy and kinda green at this sort of thing

I guess I've got no choice, it looks like sink or swim
If I just lay on the beach and say nothing to you at all
It'll die in my mind as another unfulfilled whim
So I'd better hurry up before the summer turns to fall

Well I'm sure you get a hundred guys a day
Who ask you out on dates and even more
But I don't want to compete, I wish they'd go away
Then I'd get my chance to wash up on your shore


I wanted to post this poem because the title caught my eye, but I do not want it entered for consideration in the comp for personal reasons that may be obvious if you read it in my library.
Just wanted to share it here...
There is an in depth story behind the writing of this poem and the revised version I wrote to replace it, titled "Sunshine Smile" in my library posting @

You'll have to read the comments section if you want to know the details.


Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 24th July 2011
Forum Posts: 1722

Baptized iN Liquified..
Oh ..
As I cradle you..
I'm enabled
To be disabled..

The infection is ..
soooooo stimulating..
Numbed to feel..

So comforting I fall in love..
Over and over
in every endeavor..
Furious ..

Mangle me in MaliCious...

Your everything I could ever hope for..
and more..

Then more..

Baptized in
In your eyes..
I see..

The most beautiful me

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 197

The Curse was born in darkness.
drowning in a sea of emotion.
stretching and reaching round thy brain,
thoughts have over taken, so i go insane.
clasping uncertainty mesmerized by fears,
demons of the night take souls and tears.
Aware of the bottomless ocean below,
Frightened by the improbability of it all.

trapped in this mirror...of this drowning sea.

Each direction takes a pull at thy limbs.
screaming and chocking on emotional box.
Faint, faint, there is dark in its eyes,
screeching howls from numerous cries.

Giving our eyes,a floating world,
creating the many arms and legs of evil.
this cures darkens my spirit each day.
encased in the fetor of a hessian tomb.
slinking into tired,tissue-thin walls.

Faint, faint words scrambled in my head,
its to late know, your limbs are dead.
thy beautiful corps drown in a tunnel,
so thy lay in brittle walls..
thee equation boast humanity,
struggling as time picked up speed.
Faint, faint, my mind will lead,
tiring nots her limbs will bleed.

Faint, faint, my voice grew dry.
fading to nothing so she began to cry.

-Kumiko Yamamoto

alon aLion
Fire of Insight
Bahamas 8awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 299

thank G*D
I`m upside-down
cauldron bottom
scrapes forehead
before I`m boiled
I hope I`m dead
I hear the crackle
of the fire
whiff mesquite
from second pyre
a barbecue
to cook up
me and you
look at me
let the water
embrace you
dont worry
bout what happens after
think back on
days of laughter
WAY before
this morbid chapter
let the source
of all life
be our eclipse
before sauce
of Us
reaches our own lips
before the pairing knife
flays our hides
meaty insides
let them pour
long before
boiling pain
sautees our brains
yes Sally dear
have no fear
the level rises
let it seep

Anna Tray
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 17th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 63

Simple...I like.

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 23rd Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 4

The sea reminds me of her
The waves hold me tight
I don't dare fight them
I'm pulled down into her soul
She fills my body
She fills my lungs
I never wanted this
But it's what I need

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 85


It hit my chest,
Like the beat of a drum,
The water so cold,
It stole the breath from my lungs.

It crashed over my head,
And stole the sight of the sky,
It dragged me beneath,
And swallowed my cry.

The cold was piercing,
Its grip offered little relief,
So I closed my eyes,
And gave into my grief.

There was no saving me,
From this river of pain,
His silence said it all,
I was to blame.

So I sank beneath the surface,
Away from the air,
No longer able to float,
Or to trust anyone to care.

Its funny how sadness,
Drowns us all,
How every person,
Answers to sorrow's call.

And yet so few people,
Reach out to help,
When similar feelings,
We have all felt.

But this is a good thing,
No one can help me break free,
Because it’s my own sadness
That's drowning me.

And I know one day,
I'll break through the surface,
And find my place -
An undeniable purpose.

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