Poetry competition CLOSED 28th October 2012 6:27am
fred_r_kane (fred r kane)
View Profile Poems by fred_r_kane
RUNNERS-UP: marielavoue and drivelicious13

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Homeward Bound

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 5awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 152

Home sweet home
Home here I come
Keep your sandy bed neat and warn
Wherein I'll sleep in the event of my return

So much for one sojourn
The pain in my journey so far
Is thrown into sharp relief
When I think about home

I can see your welcoming hands
Spread in warm embrace
And only few minutes separates me
From this beautiful place

Home is the place I'll rest
Slumbering away all day and night
Far from the worries and stress
Shielded eternally from trouble's light

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Far Rock Life

Born and raised in the New York scene
Concrete jungle of shattered dreams
Taught to survive by any means
Growing up in Far Rockaway, Queens
Though I lived real close to the beach
The American dream seemed out of reach
The dream of laying in spacious meadows
Reality for me was life in the ghetto
Graffiti covered walls and bastard children
Elevators stench of last night's urine
Broken glass and cigarette butts
Line the sidewalks which I strut
Gang activity robbing sprees
Rap music my source for philosophy
The usual drug dealers and crackhead whores
Congregating by the corner stores
Sleeping to the tune of multiple gunshots
People got jumped walking down the wrong blocks
Rowdy drunks coming home from a local party
Dice games took place in the building lobby
Consistently stopped and frisked by police
The boys in blue stay patrolling the streets
Teen parents becoming high school dropouts
A few characteristics my hometown's about
Mama did the best she could on welfare
Medicaid was our only form of healthcare
Two brothers and I sharing a room
A middle child hoping to move out soon
Home sweet home for two whole decades
The origin where I was raised

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Dustyjjewel and suphomeboi, thanks for being here.

alon aLion
Fire of Insight
Bahamas 8awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 299

Sons of Michaelangelos

[font=Verdana]to the son
of Michaelangelo
a most precarious
place to go

yet such
is my plight
Pop continues
to burn
Super Giant Bright

of pre-meditated
is outgrowth
of his natural Gestalt

whether or not
run wild
in our sires minds
we are constantly scrutinized

feel compelled
and resigned
to enter fields
that our Dads
have mastered
by cheating time

in challenge
others see
as measure
of our ultimate Equity

the cruelest joke
when descended
from such geneology
is that
we are sometimes
blessed with
gifts extraordinary
of less similarity

thus Chronos
most valuable
is wasted in areas fallible
while potential is trapped
below buried resources
seldom tapped

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

I thank each and everyone of you for sending in your entries. Congratulations to the winner Fred, you grabbed me there. Really. Drivelicious, you are amazing and Gypsy Red, its like that isnt it..I totally relate. All entries were wonderful, all of you are tremendously talented: Thank you for the honour of reading your work. Until Next.

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