Poetry competition CLOSED 9th October 2012 2:05pm
Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
View Profile Poems by Kou_Indigo



Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Poetry Contest

PERFECT DAY  Write about how you would spend your perfect day. 24 hours with no travel restrictions (you can hop from one continent to another if you wish). What would you do?  Thanks to all who enter. Good luck

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

Thanks Kitty

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 8th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3

A perfect day
my car so dirty
i move aside the nasty laundry

where am i
what have i done?
i sat on top of bubblegum

Oh brother
not again
i have no more peanut butter

To the store
to buy some food
Fuckin cops, they pull me over

They yell
They scream at me
I look down away at the street

A piece of paper
Whispy and wandering
Bounces along the ground right for me

I bend over
The police get louder
The small piece of paper says lottery

the numbers black
the numbers not faded

If i recall
these numbers are all
Running in sequence for the Powerball

Two point eight
Capitol Em
I Ell Ell
I Ohh En.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

A Perfect Day

The dawn ray blushes the sky
soughs of breeze among the leaves
whispers of falling petals
blown forward to future homes
of here and there and everywhere
where nature sends its creatures
to savour life
to breath the invigorating air
young lovers holding hands
a kiss to affirm the blooms
that live and thrive within
two throbbing hearts...
the distant sounds of laughter
mothers calling their children
a perfect day....

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Red Roses -

Written in Collaboration With Grace (Idryad)

Part One: Beauty’s Treasure

In spring, the red rouge of the roses, like blood,
Comes forth to greet the sun in radiant splendor…
Life coursing through the flowers in a great flood!
The water pours forth from Heaven like thunder,
And the roses drink deep and breathe, and live…
Their beauty is their treasure, and of it they give!
Why oft do mortals not take the time to but see?
That all around them, in this universe, is beauty.
In a solitary garden, oft can be found a glimpse…
Of a paradise unrivaled, to be shared by friends.
Walk with me in the garden, and let us partake…
Of the dreams all around us; why seek to wake?
Part Two: Nature’s Recital

"Nature’s recital at its best…
Sounds of rain on bamboo leaves,
Brooks babbling on rocky beds…
Waterfall gushing from way beyond!
Or flowing down, a mossy plain…
Ripples on silent tranquil pools!
Where narcissus lies…
In eternal admiration,
Sits, my soul, in contemplation!
Would dreams meet?
In your hued garden…
My heart burns there."
Part Three: Pleasure’s Heart

And so I hear your fair song upon the wind sent!
Like music hastening from some celestial harps…
Played with skill, by angels who can ne’er resent,
The pleasure that can be sparked: betwixt hearts.
With an ear to hear, all of this can be embraced,
Whilst upon gentle souls all bliss is softly graced.
Did I think myself alone, when others: can share,
The dreams I first imagined when freed of care…
By what compassion I might shower, thereupon?
Like water upon the petals, as the dew at dawn.
Such is what one may grow from the soul’s soil,
Until at last, the reward is savored, from the toil.
Part Four: Songs of Longing

"Songs of longing through the wind!
Soughing over plains towards the West:
To where your fair garden grows.
Wish I now I walk within…
Gardens of beauty, Eden’s share:
In a world of strife ever so cruel.
To laugh at toils the heart had given.
To taunt, no, mock at mind’s desire!
Would that surcease from worldly need?
Or wants’ desires and hurts…
Be found within such domains indeed?
Your: will to share, my boon to take."
Part Five: Eden’s Embrace

All wills are free, in Eden’s embrace accepted…
For was that not the designs of creation: liberty?
Men and women speak of freedom oft rejected.
Love is the way but who shall set that love free?
From west to east, and unto each cardinal point,
I send forth my love, that it may your soul anoint.
For this is the greatest boon, in an age of woes…
To love, to laugh, and to reap what mercy sows.
From such humble seeds of compassion spring…
A new creation, which may embrace everything!
No more weeping, ne’er more gnashing of teeth.
Let me dry your tears; love, the victor’s wreath!
Part Six: Gentle Zephyr

"Gentle Zephyr, through it I speak…
With gentle caresses on your cheeks!
Of love and friendship and promises to keep.
To share a pure love, utmost divine…
Devoid of lust, born of: shared beliefs!
Hands entwine in celestial planes.
Should tears fall and crystallize:
Cutting gentle hearts to pieces,
Let me wipe with gossamer kerchiefs.
Should I fall and need a lift…
To your garden I shall flee!"

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

- Cherry Blossom -

I do recall the year, it was early in the spring,
The sun was on high, looking ever splendidly...
When we went to the gardens, there to sing.
The pond where the swans swam elegantly...
Was clear as a mirror, reflecting the blue skies,
Near the fields where at night blazed fireflies.
The small path along it with the old wood rail,
Wound near some rugged cliffs we knew well.
And so, around the pond we found our way...
To the gardens, where we spent that fair day.

The hills were tall, the flagstones at our feet...
Were ancient and cracked, retaining the heat.
My sandals did not notice, as I walked along...
Whilst we went to gardens, singing our song.
The cherry blossoms were in bloom, in season,
And the tiny shrines stood so solemn nearby...
The maidens tended them for faithful reason,
For gods and ancestors they could never deny.
Pretty as the cherry blossoms along the path,
Past the pond that was the swans' cool bath.

We sat near the fountains, without any care,
Looking at the cherry trees all around there...
Watching the maidens in their sweet devotion,
Letting the hours pass like drops in the ocean.
Somewhere, a bell tower called out the time...
But we were singing, and so lost in the rhyme!
Only the Buddhist statues, did smile so wide...
As our hearts once did, where blossoms reside.
Still do those trees grow, and so every spring,
Do their blossoms blow, and so much joy bring!

As night came down and the fireflies did dance,
We walked in the woods where tall pines grew.
There, where old spirits awaken and do prance,
We said farewell to the day and to skies blue...
For the stars did herald a night of no less glory,
Than the day which I related early in this story.
By now the shrine maidens were saying prayers,
And the monks were walking along lonely stairs.
They saw not the wonders of the world like we,
As the night winds bring us each to our destiny.

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

This Christmas poem is a bit early for the season, but it does capture the theme of this contest rather well, so here it is...

- The Seed of Joy -
A Poem of Christmas

There was a place in olden times, where children used to play,
In the forests of our land, where many a river wound its' way.
I recall where we skipped stones upon the water, hearts light,
And the rocks where we sat, watching the sky, as fell the night.
Innocent times for innocent hearts, every walk a noble quest...
For young fools whose hearts beat madly, when life was best.
The songs we sang, the games we played, the mess we made,
And yet I long for those days, as this age is cast in such shade!
Light is scarce, and I seek it where I may, even in bygone days,
When the world was simpler, and nobler were all human ways.
With the eyes of a child, I try to see the world as once I'd done,
And the light is still there, beckoning to me both fair and so fun!

So many eyes are dulled with time, but mine sparkle with mirth,
For why must we age ourselves so far beyond our mortal birth!
Surely the gods must laugh, for we deprive ourselves of glory...
Every time we forget a happy season, or a once-beloved story.
I remember every game I played, every book I have ever read,
For in golden memories we recall the taste of jams and bread...
Or cookies baked fresh upon the stove, one chilly autumn day.
Cast not aside your happiness nor what made it feel that way!
The touch of silk upon the skin, the sound of leaves that rustle,
Each can be soft and soothing to the soul, each a dear time...
When life was unhurried and yet we went about with a bustle,
Running with the energy of youth, never seeing it as sublime.

Too soon we grow old, and all too soon a mortal must perish...
But what defines a life is what we keep eternal: all we cherish!
So much living I must do, so many hours yet to fill with mad joy,
And I will love each hour as I did, as a child with a favorite toy.
Why do we no longer walk in the woods, or play in the leaves?
What makes those joys for childhood alone, nobody ever sees!
Because joy is for everybody, and no age can take it from you,
Unless you will it, so walk in joy my friends and laugh ever true!
Sadness will come in its' hour; seek it not, for no good lies thus,
In making of life a torment, and of every difficulty so much fuss.
Christmas is nigh; let your hearts unburden themselves anew...
Let us join hands like little children, so each dream comes true!

Glory, glory let us sing, each girl a queen and each boy a king...
Gather all around the tree, and count each and every blessing!
Soon we'll hear the sound of music, and the ringing of the bells,
Perhaps we'll forget the logic of the years, and believe in elves!
Oh gods to know such joy again, this world has so much need...
So let us mortals do our part, and in each heart plant this seed!
The seed of joy for Christmas time, from which new joys spring,
Glory, glory, let us sing, each girl a queen and each boy a king!
Dance and let loudly your voices proclaim the happiness within,
For which we have longed throughout the year, with such vigor.
In mad abandon, let us forget the darkness of sadness and sin…
That can ensnare the will like some terrible and ferocious tiger!

Outside, the trees may sway with the wind and cold may come,
But within each heart that is content, the chill may be undone...
Remember the angels we made in the snow in yet another age?
They are only gone when we forget, and fill our souls with rage.
Remember the pets we loved so much, the faithful dog, or cat?
Their spirits are still with us, and the memory of where they sat.
Even loved ones lost to time, can share with us in joys unborn,
So let us be joyful upon this season and have us a merry morn!
Somewhere elves are singing with us, and pegasi are flying high,
Somewhere beyond the northern lights, even beyond the sky...
That is where our dreams can soar; we need only let them go,
To gain the wings of angels, and fly where gentler winds blow!

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 4th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 149

A most unexpected surprise awaited me when opening up this comp for the final time

Last minutes entries brought me an embarrassment of riches and very difficult decisions

Kitty, such a font of words and entries, I loved your squirrels and basking cats and chubby chipmunks, water stripes and Florida hibiscus. Your entries as always cast a rich and varied net. All outstanding every one.

Rhyme ~ Welcome to DU. I really liked the flow of this poem and the way you worked the end – Two point eight, Capitol Em I Ell Ell I Ohh En, was absolutely tremendous, well done!

Grace ~ An honour to see you here, both for your individual write and your joint piece with JJ. I loved your nature’s creatures, hearts holding hands, mothers, laughter, children. Iconic poetry images rendered in first-rate verse as always

JJ ~ The Seeds of Joy. Regardless of persuasion, in every Christmas heart there rings a sweet and joyous bell and to my mind you captured an essence here and did it oh so well. Today you are my choice of winner.

Runners Up ~ Grace and Kitty for all the reasons above.

Rhyme ~ for you a pat on the back and much encouragement. On another day I have no doubt you’ll win a well deserved prize. Write On!.

Thanks to all for your time and entries

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