Poetry competition CLOSED 30th September 2012 9:54pm
diddi (Paul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNER-UP: marielavoue


It's ALL up to you!

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 93


I soon became
with peace

like so many
so many others
before me

I saw that hate
was all there was
& well oiled lies
that kept the cogs
on turning
grinding us up
mill wheel money
dog food
for our troops

I saw what love is.
a cover up for a fuckup
and then they can
rape you
to their cock's content
with your consent
your willing consent

I knew
we were too far gone
to change

so nothing
will stop me
I've set them up
primed & ready to go
to blow them all up


-hush baby hush
it'll all be over

Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

         I'm All Ears

   The first thing I would do is listen , listen to what the world requires to continue as an existential but also worthwhile place to live . My foundation for this is based upon the sad reality we all live in right now . My motivation is fuelled from an obvious need for a better life .

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

Changing the world begins with me.

“Everyone talks of changing the world, but no one talks of changing himself.”[Leo Tolstoy]
We wake with these grandiose thoughts of bettering our world but forget that
first we have to become better men who then strive to achieve a better life.
“Cometh the hour, cometh the man” When we face our greatest fears and are in the midst
of our darkest hour we come to know the truth about ourselves and what mettle we are made of.
“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” If I impart my knowledge,
you shall gain wisdom; from this wisdom you may acquire understanding,through
understanding patience can be achieved,with that patience comes tolerance,in turn,
the tolerance we have learned, inevitably becomes respect…

Gypsy red

Panama Judas
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1421

First of all I'm going to unplug your televisions. Kick start some interior entertainment. One hell of a drama to boot. That can sit not so quietly on the back burner whilst I suit and boot the third world. They're all getting one way tickets, and so are you. Yup, that's right... We're going to do a little life swap, like you used to watch. "Who's paying for it?" Well, you are of course, because you're not getting paid. So with all the fat cat, fat cunt, layabout, talkabout types on their way elsewhere I'm going to get ready to dance the tango with some real wisdom. A real soiree with the deserving. And, don't bother packing your dog, with no one around to flip burgers, we're going to get hungry after a while.

poet Anonymous

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Paul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 36awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1592

Woohoo thanks minky

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