Poetry competition CLOSED 26th September 2012 8:27pm
lepperochan (CraicDealer)
View Profile Poems by lepperochan
RUNNER-UP: rayheinrich

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 106

btw great idea

That Sound

The saddest sound in the world
Is the sound of you zipping up your suitcase
Knowing I'm not coming with you
That you can just pack up everything that matters to you
In a 21 by 9 inch suitcase
The two metal ridges being pushed
Sealing it all together
You have made the decision to leave
Leave me behind
Not be apart of my future
To not be present at my big accomplishments  
You had a choice
And you didn't choose me
And you left
I hate the sound of a suitcase zippier

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459


see,what it's like for me is this
most of the time I'm either up or down
there's no real in between
'cept on very rare occasions.
and when I'm down
it's usually around a load of dicks.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2241

Thought this was going to be a way different, and more racist comp...pleasant suprise it isnt

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 8459

I've no idea what you're implying sir. racism is something I'd rather not blacken my name with.

edit: ok fair enough,just googled Zipperheads and in all honesty had I of known what it meant there is a very good chance I would have wrote an entirely different poem.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2241

Haha...yup,having been one generation removed from the vietnam war, the term had different connotation.

Also, zipperheads was the name of a punk rock type store in philly. Sorta takes the punk aspect out of it to have a store...but now adays punk rockers are the least punk people.
Sorry for the side chat on your thread

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Zipperheads blues

Slanted eyes and yellow skins
Black mop of hair
Straight down our back
Flat forehead that slants backward
Eyebrows like black downs
On expressionless face
That is us, Asians

We are what we were made to be
Living in lands with terraced hills
To cup water from the skies
To flood our paddy fields
When mud is churned so buttery
We plant the green seedlings
Of what would feed our families

Yellow skins burnt to brown
Black hair turn to white
Eyes of raven turning grey
Looking up at planes passing by
Usurping the highways of birds
Displacing clouds in the sky
Below we toil on to live

Music to sooth the tired mind
And the tired body more
Flutes and lyres of bamboo
blown from lungs
plucked by nimble fingers
Melodies of tranquillity
We serenade the evening

We do not fly through the air
On magical iron birds
To lay eggs in the sky
That explodes below
Leaving parents children-less
And children parent-less
Husbands-wifeless and wives-husbandless

We are just zipperheads
Or so some people say
we invite not and not invite
Nor desire to plant a stake
On the green land across the river
Or the island in the stream
We just are.

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 7th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 26

Umm, so far this is very PG...can I get x-rated???  Don't want to offend anyone

poet Anonymous

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Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

[font=Courier New][size=2]


              < all zipped up >
                   - - -

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 7th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 26


The sound of your zipper is like a signal to me
It doesn't take long and I am down on bended knee
No buttonflies for me, no that won't do
Your zipper my teeth are longing to undo

Unzip that fly for this hot lady
I want to suck you off so badly
The way your dick feels in my hand
I want more of you, this is a demand

Take your shirt off and keep them jeans on
Yummm, the way they hang on your hips while I suck...
On that big dick and circle with my tongue
My lips so soft and wet, my pussy wants to fuck

This isn't about fucking though
It's about that zipper down below
The "zzzzzipppp" noise it makes that starts my flow
When that head pops out I start to blow

Sucking so hard your ass tightens hard
I ain't playing with you boy, yeah I got your card
Your hands grip my head while your dick starts to throb
I hear you say "yes" as cum poors out your knob

What hides behind that zipper out of sight
It's a caged beast for my mouth, such a delight
We've been doing this so long yet me you excite
My soft lips are ready to suck you all night

Our next session is so near, so close in sight
I look forward to when my teeth and your zipper reunite
For a fun weekend filled with everything aforesaid
Dreaming of the moment I call "Zipper-Then-Head"

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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