Poetry competition CLOSED 12th August 2012 3:58am
firedaughter (StayAwayFromTheNutcase)
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Mental State

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 197


somewhere in the most deepest ,darkest part of her  
lies loneliness. every know and then it takes over her.it screams at her and chew on her inner flesh that keeps her going,  
leveing her with a fountain of tears.  
it sends tornadoes to her stomach and thunder to her heart,  
leving her with a fountain of tears.  
but no one knows what has become of her, what demons has taken control of her....it takes over her...she hides it..holding it in so that her sin wount bring disaster to this world...  
letting her walk until she can no longer walk anymore...her soul bound to perish...leveing her nothing but a walking corps.  
her disease that could end all humanity...ending it all of sadness loneliness..and fears..  
leveing her with a fountain of tears...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

My palms are getting shakier.
My makeup is a disaster
I can hear the words of others
Blunder together faster

Until it all just becomes a noise.
Blending into cries.
My mother told me to get better
But they keep feeding me these lies

I am in no shape to give advice
But if I had to, I would say.
Don't think you chose to be crazy.
It just happens that way

poet Anonymous

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