Poetry competition CLOSED 9th August 2012 11:47pm
rayheinrich (Death Plane for Teddy)
View Profile Poems by rayheinrich



Thought Provoker
Finland 3awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 240

Poetry Contest


poet Anonymous

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Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896


“Too white to be black and too black to be considered white”.
Poem Image
I am Creole, too white to be black, too black to be white.
Every day of my life this has been a fight.
Where exactly do I and mine fit in?
Where does the hate stop and the acceptance begin?

The darker brothers and sisters dislike us because we are so light,
And the whites hate us because we are the “dingy white”.
Confusion follows those that are like me,
because our heritage(both) makes no allowances for us to just, be.  

We became an entity on to our selves,  
a people with our own languages and sense of self.
No matter the mix, the pidgin languages we speak
are rich with culture our ancestors lived and breathed.

It is in the dances we sway to and the music we hear,
In the food we love and unique words we hold dear.
Africa is ever present in the percussion of our drums
along with the string instruments we have learned to strum.

We are dingy white to high yellow,
mulatto light to dark black “Moreno”.
We speak French, Spanish and Portuguese
but what we are not is a plague or a disease.

We are cultured and proud, we are learned and free
and where we choose to be, we will be,
I am Creole, too white to be black, too black to be white.
This has been a fight every day of my life.
Where exactly do I and mine fit in? Here!
Where does the hate stop and the acceptance begin? Now!
Educate yourselves; learn who you are without fear,
and embrace your cultures proudly let them always be avowed.

*Note from author: Many people confuse Creole with being Cajun,
Cajun or Acadian are French white settlers in the Louisiana territories,
Appalachia and other places. Creoles are by no means Cajuns;
Creole is black (slave) and white (French, Spanish or Portuguese) mix.
We live in the southern US and Caribbean.
At one time there where even different degrees of black:
1.      Octoroon = One eighth black
2.      Mulatto = One half black
3.      Quadroon = one quarter black
4.      (Spanish) Jabáo = White skinned of Black decent with kinky hair
** Food for thought:
Creoles have no derogatory word for black people,
the word “nigger”(by the way means ignorant, not black) for us does not exist.

Gypsy Red

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Finland 3awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 240

thanx somelikeithot, for beeing the first.
and gypsy, you went above the roor. good poem.

Thought Provoker
Finland 3awards
Joined 13th May 2011
Forum Posts: 240

im a mulato, i know what you mean, i come from a country, where everybody is like rainbow color, and we have so much discrimination. wow. i had been out of the site, like for about two weeks, and all i saw in the hospital was discriminition, people getting better treatment because they know somebody, or they had money, i got so mad, i had to give my bed, like 5 times, because they wanted to take out people because they were running out of bed. thanks for your poem.


Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

RSena said:im a mulato, i know what you mean, i come from a country, where everybody is like rainbow color, and we have so much discrimination. wow. i had been out of the site, like for about two weeks, and all i saw in the hospital was discriminition, people getting better treatment because they know somebody, or they had money, i got so mad, i had to give my bed, like 5 times, because they wanted to take out people because they were running out of bed. thanks for your poem.


Yes I know you are Dominicano, I am Puertoriqueña, Jabá.

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Thanks Kitty, big hugs.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318


You have been excommunicated
Because you have abdicated
Your right in this church
By marrying out of the faith

Your application
Have been rejected
These scholarships are for those
Who are truly native
You don’t belong

Your wares have been rejected
I don’t care if you lose your money
The foods cooked by your hands are not kosher
No we cannot eat them
They are impure

No your child cannot be baptised
She is born out of wedlock
No she cannot play with my child
She is born from immorality
She is a bastard

Excommunications of sinners
To what purpose does it serve
Exclusions of the Poor
Shall the poorer be poorer still, the rich richer
Prejudice, who invented it…

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 10th July 2012
Forum Posts: 10

will post.

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Stop Stopping Me

I'm a high risk
For stop and frisk
I fit the description of someone they're looking for
The police must be bored
Please give me clarity
What's the similarities?
Can you give me something other
Than the skin color
Now I'm being a jerk
Because I did my homework
On my rights
Can't walk the streets at night
I look like a criminal under the street lights
Any excuse to just pull the trigger
And shoot down a nigger
To get their rocks off if it's legible
Harrasing young innocent minorities on their schedule
Patting me down and feeling me up
Asking me what's in my cup
Nothing but soda
Coca Cola
I guess they need to fill their quota
I'm their meal ticket for a promotion
That's why they're hoping
I slip up down the line
In their mind
They're saying "Just give that nigger some time.
He's bound to fuck up sooner or later.
They're all alike thinking the world owes them a favor."
You don't know me or any of my struggles
So why do you all want to give me trouble?
I try to stay subtle
I don't bother anyone
I'm a tax paying citizen I'm not utilizing a gun
Doing it the right way and staying on track
The police don't see that
All they see is black

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411


                          < remember >
                remember to tell anybody who'll listen
                that you know what they mean
                those nights
                small bits blown like the rain
                it won't be long
                remember to tell anyone who'll listen
                that you know what they think
                when they should be sleeping
                their faces
                moved at a touch
                remember to tell them through the window
                you know how they feel
                watching you
                all day
                remember to tell them you know
                that they lie to you
                remember to tell them
                that when they finally come to love you
                they'll do it anyway
                             - - -

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2241

Water of life flows
down this hot from opinion
throat pipe,
and on occasion
a patriotic splash of bourbon

Always in a hole
named Mc-something
or O'-something
always forgetting that we were
slung over sea

Ask a catholic school kid
in the northeast of Philadelphia
in the northeast corner of America
where he's from
and he'll point to a tatoo
of a shamrock
a knot from a celtic history never known
a god-damned fighting leprechaun
that stands as testament
to pride in stereotype

I was born to the clan of the son of donald
and enjoy a stiff drink or three
fighting even has a certain charm
education expansion and the everyone America
thrills me more than the hundred and some year
grudge held over from Ellis Island
and so I am banned

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