Poetry competition CLOSED 6th August 2012 10:32pm
View Profile Poems by JimmBGrace
RUNNER-UP: marielavoue

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Poetry and Art collides

Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about the illustrations.
Here's the rules:
Write a poem about the illustrations, interpret it any way you want but be sure it really has something to do with the pictures.
Poem must be artistic.
Old or new entries allowed
If you make it long be sure you will have the catch to make me read the whole poem.

Have fun and goodluck. <3



Tin man
Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 29th June 2012
Forum Posts: 324


I've created you
Ive painted you
Ive drawn you
from scratch.
I made you a blindfold
to see with.
Your colors are simple,
but your meaning is deep.
I made u see no evil,
nor hear it too.
But speak it is all
you desire to do.
You are the focus,
the main attraction,
the one we want to see.
I make your colors begin to drip
with tears you never shed
and your body unfinished
the detail all but dead.
Something precious wrapped,
and resting on your chest
to complete the masterpiece
the art my very best.
This beautiful work of art,
with it's meaning clear but not.
A painting of my own,
that i created of you.

poet Anonymous


behind a cloth
so thin
i hide
all my thoughts
i keep secret
all these things
to hide
and be hidden

hidden and
maybe diffrent
maybe the same
hide my eyes
dont want to see
the light
of mornings ray

covering myself
i dont want
to be seen
by the eyes
that look
me down
fear controls
this mask

this is my
hidden mask
that hides me
all the same
its a
hidden thing

Gypsy Red
Dangerous Mind
United States 39awards
Joined 18th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 896

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th June 2012
Forum Posts: 101

not enough for her to flee
all she could do is feel
the pain
beneath the blindfold
tears forbidden
behind the scene
her sensation ain't clear  
i call her black rose
its nothing that you could finger paint
for she is like a hammer
it could shudder her fear
engrave on walls that go in all ways
memories drips
raindrops tip toeing in the mist
intermix with tears left unfix
all this while painting her in a daze
whispering were you have been
unfamiliar faces
leaving her in a haze
faint goes the day
and situation still unfix

Twisted Dreamer
Philippines 4awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 79

Thanks for your entries Littlemogirl,Duckling, Gypsy Red, ph8t...

Littlemogirl, I really like this part.. "I made u see no evil, nor hear it too. But speak it is all you desire to do. " you did a good job, keep it up

Duckling, I like your poem, it's very simple. I was kind of confuse on what you want to convey at first but after reading it again I got the message of your poem.. well, I think it talks about what you hide inside. Covering the things you don't want people to know.

Gypsy Red, wow! I really like the way you interpret it.. your poem speaks a lot, I can personally relate to it being an individual and you can connect it to what lies beyond.. made me think about what I am going through and what I am seeing around me.. Brilliant! you really did well, nice flow!!

ph8t, "not enough for her to flee all she could do is feel the pain beneath the blindfold. Tears forbidden behind the scene her sensation ain't clear" I personally like this part, conquered by a certain thing that keeps her away from being happy. well, it reminds me of what am dealing with right now..

Everyone did a good job.. thank you for your entries keep it coming

poet Anonymous

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Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411

                       i dream
                       of water
                       and the seals
                       on the rocks
                       and i dream
                       of a deep lake
                       of navigating
                       the shores
                       of the lap and pound
                       of years of water
                       of willow strands
                       growing in a hidden path
                       of dark waves eating
                       through wet years
                       of escaping
                       and searching
                       for you
                       of the touch
                       of the water
                       of the fossil cliffs
                       rising over us

Dangerous Mind
United States 10awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 995

quote-113385-paolajane16]Here's the rules:
Write a poem about the illustrations, interpret it any way you want but be sure it really has something to do with the pictures.
Poem must be artistic.
Old or new entries allowed
If you make it long be sure you will have the catch to make me read the whole poem.

Have fun and goodluck. <3


This is weird, I don't seem to be able to delete or edit my post. Sorry

Dangerous Mind
United States 10awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 995

Poetryman said:quote-113385-paolajane16]Here's the rules:
Write a poem about the illustrations, interpret it any way you want but be sure it really has something to do with the pictures.
Poem must be artistic.
Old or new entries allowed
If you make it long be sure you will have the catch to make me read the whole poem.

Have fun and goodluck. <3


"Dripping Into Death"

She looks deeply into my eyes
from behind the veil of sanity
as every inch of her injection
pulls me out of myself
I cannot feel my hands and feet
and my mind is going numb
Moments ago this nurse was not so pretty
as she keeps pushing her finger closer to the end
I am dropping to the floor, dripping into death
My body is  excaping me and it's scarring me to life
Though the pain drifts away with the essense of myself
I want to get it back to feel the missing part of me
Soon I will be gone when the injection is complete
And the morphine mingles with the blood inside my brain
While I am seeping into the abyss
I tell her that I don't want to feel like this
But she continues on,
her face as morbid as the thought of what I am becomming
and her smile is reassuring while reeking of evil
as the pain fades with my ability to control my my breath
I ask her three times, is my heart beating in my chest
I don't feel anything, not even alive or dead
I just lay here, assuming I am still laying here
When my back cannot feel what used to be a bed beneath my head
Is this how it feels to journey to Hell once life is lost
Or is this all in my mind to imagine I am melting wax


poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 10awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 995

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>


Dangerous Mind
United States 10awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 995

There must be others with poems to share here...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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