Poetry competition CLOSED 21st July 2012 2:57pm
Vixenwings (Butterfly)
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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 85

Mind Your Cues

Chin up, chin up,
There you go,
Don't let them fall,
Don't let them know.

Stand up straight,
Smile now,
Make them believe,
Give them a bow.

Hide all those secrets
Deep in your heart,
Give them a show,
Play your part.

Left, right, left, right,
That's it, keep going,
They don't suspect,
Keep them from knowing

Talk polite,
Look in their eyes,
Don't be rude,
Don't look beyond the disguise

Your almost there,
Don't make a mistake,
Keep them all laughing,
Don't show them your smile is fake

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

So Close

The special occasion arises
Tonight is full of suprises
Who's behind the disguises?
Secretly he fantasizes
About the man behind the exterior
He doesn't think I'm too inferior
His status is far too superior
To pay attention to my interior
No room for first impression faux pas
Our own personal Mardi Gras
Jazz is playing in our minds
It's only a matter of time
I must say he dances devine
His face is aligned with mine
Shadows of our silhouettes
Dancing on moonlit walls
I can't reveal my identity yet
Wait till the end of the ball
My greatest charms must be kept in a vault
At least let me get through this viennese waltz
It's only proper etiquette
The music stops he goes out to smoke a cigarette
This is my chance to catch a glimpse
A once in a lifetime opportunity
Like that of a total eclipse
Of that mysterious face I've been dying to see
The anticipation is mutual he's been dying to see me
So we both agreed
To take off our masks on the count of three
My heart is racing with so much glee
Then the clock strikes midnight that was my cue to flee

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

The best masquerade weds deception to truth, and seduces the will through promises that are irresistible. So it is, when one wears... the "Mask of the Angel"! May I have this dance?

- Mask of the Angel -

Tonight I shall be a beautiful angel once again, not fallen…
And for you, I would move the moon from its’ moorings!
I know the hot yearnings that lie within maidens and men.
Kiss of my lips, and partake of the bliss such a kiss brings!
I offer you my hand, and invite you to join me in mad dance.
Let the world burn and blaze around us as we glide along…
Two angels where one was before, to flit and ever prance!
Kiss of my moist mouth, and let none say this was wrong…
For, to love an angel is not forbidden, when I am the one.
Partake of the apple I offer you, and let it show you truth!
It is but the symbol, for a rapture that is not so easily won.
Listen to my whispers; I am eloquent, and never uncouth…
We shall play with fire, and in the flames taste of ecstasies.
Are not my wings still shining, and is not my halo still fair?
I can grant you, a place higher even than twelve divinities.
We can seize even Olympus for our delights, if we dare…
To embrace the seduction of our unmasked liberties!

david spears
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 6

there is nothing better than to be original
too many people think its cool to be identical
losing yourself to pick up a face of someone else
degrading others just to put a notch in your belt
you might think no one knows your in a costume
the zipper on your neck is bound to show
Soon the sad thing is you forget that your acting
i bet the masquerade must get really distracting
how can you function when you have to pretend
the real word is calling dress up has to end
you do everything just to cover up who you are now
you dont even know the truth youve gone so fa

Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 29th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 48

Welcome all
The dance awaits.
Grab a mask
The night will wake.

Strapping young men
And ladies alike
All shall be shown
Quite a handsome, sweet night.

Around and around
The dancing shall go
As, one by one,
They will be picked for the show.

Dazzled and dangerous
I make myself known
A Phantom of night
I allow myself shown.

My party, you see
Was no party at all.
Just a mere curtain I fear.
Not a real ball.

At least not for them
As they lie there in fright.
I show them my blades,
Oh, what a night.

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Almost over. SEND IN YOUR ENTRIES!!!
Tough decision here, Almost want 5 trophies awarded. But you all know I admire all of your work equally.

poet Anonymous

My masquerade
Dainty cloth over ugliness
Till you undress me

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Thank you Short, but nice.

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

CONGRATS to all, it was a tough choice, but I think the award was much deserved. Thank you all for entering. Lovely poems that were submitted.

poet Anonymous

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