Poetry competition CLOSED 21st July 2012 2:57pm
Vixenwings (Butterfly)
View Profile Poems by Vixenwings

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Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Poetry Contest

Welcome to my masquerade
Welcome all DU members!
This is the masquerade. I want you all to put on your masks, and tell me lies. Dance your favorite dance. Disapear in the crowd. Captivate our audience, with the secret side of you. Make them lust for whatever impression you leave.
Show us your beauty or your inner beast.  
1) 200 words, give or take [I'm not counting, just don't want to read forever]

2) 3 entries at most

3) Old or new, no links though

4) Have fun!

PM me your questions.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

The Dark Masquerade

Everyone dress in black
hidden among the night
The masks on their faces
hides their delight

The music is jamming
They dance like the zombies
I see a speck of bright
dancing in front of me

She flees across the sea of dead
I weave my way to her
She dances like the living
dressed in so many colors

We dance all night
I wonder if it was a dream
That here in this black room
joy is in front of me

When the morrow comes
She says she must leave
She runs through the crowd
I run chasing

She disappears in the light
gone before her name, I could ask
All that is left
is a mask, that resembles a cat

Thought Provoker
Tibet 2awards
Joined 2nd July 2012
Forum Posts: 351

Introverted Calamity
I wonder what you see
When you keep your eyes on me
Do I have a poised and charming manifestation?
It appears I’m good at synthetic representation.

Within I’m nothing but a calamity
Scalding with insecurity
Everything stings like a bee
Drowning in oceans of insanity.

Of course I want to grow
Yet attachments won’t let me go
So are you like me
An introverted Calamity?

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Wonderful entries my dear friends. Thank you very much for submitting.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Wow, Kitty. That was very very very good! If people don't start stepping up, there will be little competiton compared to you.

Thank you.

Guardian of Shadows
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 6318

Passion Masquerade

Sunshiny smile, blushes of dawn
Looks exchanged with smouldering eyes
Lips half open, reddish moist
Succulent pomegranates
Ready to be tasted
Heaving bosoms, fluttering fingers
Flirt with minds half-drunk with want

Hands touching like harmonies
Of music in celestial planes
Only heard by discerning ears
Tuned by lovers song sublime
The gentle tapping fingers
On white wrists
Push a moan from thundering hearts

Dance the duo on green carpet
Made by the gods for lovers true
Till the dew of morn did fall
To moist cascading hair of ebony
That swept the green in its liberty
From confining adorning nets
to usher passion out of desire

The lovers are gone, the night is done
The masquerade is over, send in the clown

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

Dani your not suppose to pick a winner until it is closed(or say who won).

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Levi, I didn't exactly say I was picking her, I just said she had little competition. I still have 6 days, who knows? Maybe you might win, or Grace. Lol

Kitty, you're very welcome, and thank you.

Dangerous Mind
United States 9awards
Joined 13th June 2012
Forum Posts: 897


Invitation boldly etched
gold and silver ink
Quills have danced to write
a lifetime dance you seek

Find your place among the waltz
petticoats, tuxedos delight
Jewels and sequins fill
masks adorned with feathers bright

Step off the cliff
into the breeze
Do it now
fly with ease

Disguise not your soul
with masks to divide
To self be true
not fettered by pride

Unyielding is dangerous
causing soul’s demise
If all that you do
is wear a disguise

At the end of the ball
know this is quite true
In the mirror you’ll spy
the one that is you

Dance if you must
in ballroom grace
Show off your feathers
your glorious taste

Hidden at times
necessary a while
let go the facade
the need to beguile

Leave open heart's window
See the mask fall away
Life can emerge
from fool's foray

Tyrant of Words
Joined 20th June 2012
Forum Posts: 506

Purportedly in Cork

From above the streets,
I watch a man
come fumbling
through the dark
along the cobble stones
and lampposts.

His eyes are fixed
and lost
along the angle
of his shoes
and, in the dimly lit
all that he can see
is a single step
at a time
as he falls forward
into the steel cage bed
of a parked truck
that has been
offloading supplies
for the ship I'm on
as we lay sidled up
along the waterfront
at the base
of a magnificent
church topped hill.
we, masquerading
as merchant sailors,
merely children:
of the three of us,
one was draft number 6
and he went to war
the following year,
and when he got home
he went for rehab
from the heroin,
and for sterilization
because he said
that a world
that treated children
like that
did not deserve them.

And then
he deflectively
bounced along
and sort of
righted himself
as he headed on
down the Irish night.


Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2772

The Masque of Shadowy Detail

My legs ache and my mind is strained.   
How far have I come since this expedition began?   
Have I rattled myself so much and so often
that crucial components have fallen off in my stupor?   
Can I continue or have I found a suitable enough place to rest?   
Are these two illusions so comfortable
that my will is only strong enough to find a place in the so-called shade
and sleep away the pain and mania? 

This tale is already nearly at an end
and yet the hero has still to overcome his woes.   
Is this the same tired cliffhanger that you see on every channel
as you sit there, comfortable but bothered,
trying to escape the infomercials and late-night seminars?   
Maybe it's just the story that's had me so enthralled.   
Maybe this numbness is just a loss of endeavor,
tired of searching shadows for the beasts they may hide.   

Oh dear God, where oh where am I?!   
Who is this speaking, reeking of pity and self-defeat?   
This mask fits so perfectly, even around the lips,
you can hardly tell that somewhere underneath lies a real human being.   
No soldier was ever as dutiful,
no God as powerful,
no acolyte as just and righteous as I,
this “I” that I may wear wherever and whenever I please.   
It's just for now, right?   
I can be myself tomorrow?
The "I" that I've always wanted to be?   
The perfect silhouette created by the perfect, soft light?   
Or maybe this can be a starting point,
pointing to some outrageous and wonderful construct of my own somewhere
in the not-so-distant distance.   

Maybe not.   

But this mask fits so well, especially around the lips.   
And if the beasts don't recognize me as their pursuer maybe this time I will catch one.   
But I wonder   
When I catch one by it's so closely guarded tail,
will it's teeth be the last thing I see?   

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

Her Choice

She came to the ball
with three loves
but with all the masks
finding the right one would be tough

She found me
Who was I though?
The liar, the thief, or the right one?
She couldn't know

I asked her to dance
that we would have fun
I just hoped she knew who I was
before we were done

The liar would say he was me
The thief would still her heart
only to break it in the end
If she asks, what shall I remark?

I need an answer
unique on its own
After some thought
I think I have one

After the final twirl
She asked who she was with
I gave my answer
in the form of a kiss

She then knew who I was
I was the one she wanted
We danced the night away
and our love never ended

poet Anonymous

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