Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd July 2012 5:07pm
siphondarkness (Levi)
View Profile Poems by siphondarkness

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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 3rd July 2012
Forum Posts: 13

Quantum calculations flow
like phased finery
into the void
my mind makes many faceted
micro crystalline images
to refract starlight's iridescent glow
I travel on photonic paths
warp ride to binary reds
and in the nova
I find
a builder
making Mars
not the mars that I know
but a dimensional variant
out of time
as well
I find comfort in Flux.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 186

Thank you for your submission:3

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 91

The Computer Geek,,,,

The Computer Geek,,,
Stares At The Computer Screen,,,
And He Thinks Of His Life,,,In A Series,,,
Of Binary Codes,,,And Digital Scenes,,,

He Runs His Fingers,,,Along Her Touch Screen,,,
To Make Her Hard Drive,,,Kick In,,,
And If He Knows,,,The Right Password,,,
She Will Open Up And Let Him In,,,

And Once She Opens Up To Him,,,
He Can Check Out Her Software,,,
And If It's All In Working Order,,,
Then He Can Plug His Cable In,,,
And Together,,,The Networking Can Begin,,,

After A While,,,When He Is Through,,,
And He Has To Go,,,He Assures Her,,,
That Her Hardware Is Working ,,,Very Well,,,
And Her Software Was'nt Corrupted,,,In Any Way,,,
And There Were No Viruses,,,As Far As He Could Tell,,,
And He Promised Her,,,On That Day,,,He Would Stop By Again,,,
The Next Time ,,,That He Was Out This Way,,,

And She,,,Just Could Not Wait,,,
For Him To Stop Back By,,,And Make Sure,,,
That Her Software,,,Was Up To Date,,,

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2772

You mentioned comic books and this one came to mind.  I'll see if I have anything else to put here:

Bonfire of the Tragedies  

"Flipping through this comic book,  
I remember how badly I wanted to be a superhero  
I could have stopped him from beating my mom  
and beating me.  
Or at least been able to shrug it all off and say to him  
'Hitting us doesn’t make you strong.'”  
There was a long silence  
Then he took a swig of his beer  
and threw the comic book into the bonfire  
I didn’t know what to say  
I couldn’t relate  
My dad was never around to hit me

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2772

OH YEAH!  Here's a ballad I wrote about Lord of The Rings

The Black King

Welcome travelers to the land of Dorwinion
I am a bard and tales are my dominion
Away with your money for they are at no fee  
Just sit a while and listen to me

I tell the tale of a wicked man
Who wore an evil ring upon his hand
Seduced by greed of power was he
Doomed as a wraith for eternity

A warrior-lord with a cold, cruel heart
An evil master of the black arts
His name was feared both near and far
The dreaded Witch King of Angmar

Under the hooves of his black maned horse
Men were trampled without remorse
His glowing eyes filled men with dread
His horrid weapons stained blood-red

The Witch King rode across the land
Then a warrior approached with sword in hand
The dark lord laughed beneath his Iron Crown
And said "No living man may strike me down!"

"No living man am I," she said
And removed the helm which covered her head
The warrior's words rang true and clear
And filled the King's black heart with fear

The Witch King raised his deadly blade
Fully prepared to slay the maid
Both with fear and courage she swung
Then the Witch King's death toll rung

The dark lord's figure fell to the ground
Unmoving lay the Iron Crown
Though the sword was in a quivering hand
One true strike brought peace to the land

If he had not been greedy and accepted the ring
He may have been a benevolent king
So heed these words I impart to thee:
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3008

"The Cool Nerd"
by:  Eric L. Boddie

My entire Life I was always good at taking tests
If you ask my fellow students some will say I'm the best
So I was well on my way to gaining an Urkil bounty
Especially when in 10th grade I was the outstanding math student for my county
But then sex found me, so my shy doubtfulness had to go
But I liked being captains of the academic and math teams you know
But Beautiful ladies seemed to like the bad boys
So I got in trouble on purpose so their company I could enjoy
Graduation was coming and I was told I would be number 5
They said I should have been number 1 if only I had tried
Didn't go right off to college because I truly hated school
Rather I hated the work so I got a job like a fool
No progress was made, at least none that I liked
So I finally went to college and ended my school strike
And what can I say other than those were the best years of my Life
I learned and I partied and I partied and I partied & didn't think about a wife
I started my own business and called it cheaters are us
Easiest money I ever made and in that you can trust
I took math tests for others and guaranteed them an A
If they got anything less, a full refund was coming their way
But alas I didn't finish, school just wasn't for me
It took the death of my roommate for me to truly see
That I had learned all that college could teach
And that is how to teach yourself to expand your mind's reach
And even to this day I write papers and take classes for a fee
If you go by how I look you won't believe it, but that's just the cool nerd in me.....

alon aLion
Fire of Insight
Bahamas 8awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 299

I`d rather fight
than switch being
a Pacifist,
that doesnt sound quite right,
but you get
the gist,
hold on......
how can the word
defined as
"a peaceful person"


possibly be


WTF ???

which brings me
to my geeky
(an Im not
to the
pointy beaks
of chicken heads
that Sideshow
have historically
with their own

I`m tawkin` bout
the whole
"Duality of Man"
Private Joker
used to
"Full Metal Jacket"
when he`d wear
a Peace-Sign
on his helmet
a viet-cong
in the face


I got this
duality thang
goin` on
(did I mention
that I`m a

well anyways....

Cowardly Lion
and all
of bombs
and bayonets
as I

do LOVE me some
War Movies
and was a geeky
world War Two
mm mm
"demonstrative historian"
thats the ticket
when I wuz
a kid

I loved
1/72nd scale
cause a
was only as big
as a thumbnail
I could take
my blankey
ruffle it up
and stage
HUGE battles
on terrain
supa dope

I had me
some planes
all those
products of
intended pain
but it was
the Armoured Tanks
that drove me INSANE
(you know,
in a good ol`
american child
sorta way"

Ive already
bored you
with tangential
but let's just say
I knew about
all them
treaded terrors
in every conceivable way

for instance : > )

While those evil,
thinkin them superior
enslaving every
homie darker
than a sheet `O
white paper,
working them
to death,
if it was a woman
they`d rape her,
they jailed and
raped Gays as well,
as incinerating
til all remained
was gel,
asshole sniffin,


had dozens
of tank models
for every
terrain on
which to kill
a human.......

Us Yanks
primarily used
but one modestly sized
Jack-of-all-trades tank
Master of None.....

The Sherman....

did I mention
I loved me some
war movies?
Well one
made a big splash
George C Scott
for which he won THE OSCAR!
(and passed)

He played
the famous general
who loved
to kill
he was Tank-tician
that wuz how
he got his thrill

so --- I knew
the big battle scene
was a brewin`
my eight year old self
was viewin
in the back O`
dads impala
at the drive in
just waitin
for that column
of Shermans

but Woi,
the producers
cheaped out
they didnt
get off their ass
and restore shermans
they got themselves
a bunch of

I cried out in
my Dad`s ear:

"thats some
dicked-up bullshit,
those M-47s
were used in
that mother-fuckin
director is

(well, perhaps
the above is
a bit of a paraphrase)


the movies facade
was entertaining
as Hell,
but they failed
they missed
the little details
didnt have the
In which
I ran my
bloody re-enactments

in  1/72 Scale

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 24th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 186

Great poems everyone...and once again thank you so much for your submissions:)

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 91

Tornado:Engineers In Love,,,,

I Love It,,,you obviously did your homework,,,,

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

Danii said:
You look throuhg me
Can't even see

Glasses too big for my face
My room is painted like outer-space

Old worn out converse with mathematical equations
Plaid button up shirt
With a denim short skirt
Call me a freak
I'm really a geek

Thats my girl Shanique
She knows how I roll

Don't mess around
I know exactly where you're coming from

I'm being killed by boredom

Tonight we're gonna party
Bring the books
Some History
Between you and me

I love those braces
And your slicked back hair
The tucked in shirt
With you're combat boots
I wanna see you come undone
Show me you can have fun

So we'll dance and play some video games
And I'll smile in defeat as you win again
Cause this is how geeks have fun

If that is how geeks have fun, then I'm with the geek crew (gothic geek crew, in my case) because I love to dance and play video games quite a bit! Lol. Just yesterday, I was playing Ninja Gaiden 3 for PS3 as a matter of fact. I love that series, and beat part 3 through to the end. Ryu Hayabusa rocks (and if you're uber geeky you'll know who Ryu is)! Later on in the evening, I cranked up some serious Lady Gaga as well as some Anime-themed music and danced like crazy. Having taken dance classes, gymnastics classes, and being a black belt in three different styles of martial arts... I'm a pretty active girl. Lol. A bit wild and crazy sometimes... but always active. In my own gothic, geeky kind of way that is!

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

PierreTheMad said:
OH YEAH!  Here's a ballad I wrote about Lord of The Rings

The Black King

Welcome travelers to the land of Dorwinion
I am a bard and tales are my dominion
Away with your money for they are at no fee  
Just sit a while and listen to me

I tell the tale of a wicked man
Who wore an evil ring upon his hand
Seduced by greed of power was he
Doomed as a wraith for eternity

A warrior-lord with a cold, cruel heart
An evil master of the black arts
His name was feared both near and far
The dreaded Witch King of Angmar

Under the hooves of his black maned horse
Men were trampled without remorse
His glowing eyes filled men with dread
His horrid weapons stained blood-red

The Witch King rode across the land
Then a warrior approached with sword in hand
The dark lord laughed beneath his Iron Crown
And said "No living man may strike me down!"

"No living man am I," she said
And removed the helm which covered her head
The warrior's words rang true and clear
And filled the King's black heart with fear

The Witch King raised his deadly blade
Fully prepared to slay the maid
Both with fear and courage she swung
Then the Witch King's death toll rung

The dark lord's figure fell to the ground
Unmoving lay the Iron Crown
Though the sword was in a quivering hand
One true strike brought peace to the land

If he had not been greedy and accepted the ring
He may have been a benevolent king
So heed these words I impart to thee:
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Magnificent, and appropriately chilling! I grew up reading all of Tolkien's novels, and the live-action movies were like an LOTR geek's dream come true. One of the first poems I ever wrote, back when I was only seventeen years old, was an LOTR themed poem called "The Dwarves of Rhun" and it was all about how the Dwarves of Rhun were seduced by an envoy of Sauron who came to secure that land for Mordor. I wish I had saved it, but sadly I gave it to someone who didn't appreciate it and she destroyed it out of jealousy. Absolute power corrupts, indeed! Lol. In any case, well done with that poem! I totally loved it.

Jessica Jennifer Ashton
Dangerous Mind
United States 44awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 1963

Here is a poem I just composed based on The Lord of the Rings. It is a tribute to the character of Sauron... a classic villain if ever there was one. It offers a unique twist on the subject, which will delight fans of Tolkien and his works, as well as fans of the movies which were based on them. I give you... "The Lord of Gifts"!

- The Lord of Gifts -
A Tribute to Sauron, from The Lord of the Rings

The beauty that was in the androgynous one’s heart…
Was beyond that even of the elves, and shone bright!
Like the gods themselves, and containing every part…
Of what is fair in men and women, best of every light.
Had Annatar’s heart not burned in wrath unyielding…
There is no end to the good that he could have done.
But he followed the path of his master, never heeding!
And by the power of darkness, his beauty was gone.
No more the hair that hung in tresses softer than silk,
Nor those lips: as red as the glow from Mount Doom.
Or eyes the color of the azure sky; skin white as milk!
All that had vanished, replaced with a terrible gloom.

So few knew him, before he became the Dark Lord,
Who could in later ages tell of what they could recall.
But of they who had heard his soft voice, its’ word…
Before it became harsh and guttural after his cruel fall,
Little is written: by the scribes of noble elves and men!
So I shall speak for Annatar as I dare utter that name,
Which the councils of the wise, would bold condemn.
Not all who stood before him, burned from his flame!
Some were inspired, to pen darkest poetry and song.
The pride of goblin queens, who delighted in verse…
Set to fell music, amidst the clanging, of many a gong,
Before the War of the Ring took a turn for the worse.

Sauron some called him, and he encouraged this well,
Once beautiful Annatar, and before that older titles…
Robbed of his glory, he came to live in Mordor’s hell.
Whilst people fought wars, over his gifts, those trifles!
The Lord of Gifts, they named him, with much praise,
Before they cursed him with every fiber of their being.
His power ensnared many, and not just by evil ways!
The truth is never simple, when the eye is ever seeing.
In the end his power was broken as he faded entire…
Ushering in another age through the act of his passing,
When his ring was cast back into Mount Doom’s fire.
Annatar was no more, but his legend was everlasting!

Ask not how I came to know the whole of this lore…
Some tales cannot be told lest all secrets be revealed!
Call me the Dark Lady, and ask of me not any more.
I have told this tale, and now, my lips must be sealed!

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4411


        < weather buoy 46035 >
     at 56.91 degrees north latitude
     and 177.81 degrees west longitude
     weather buoy 46035 has served faithfully for 27 years
     reporting each hour to a weather satellite
     (itself in a vacuum subject only to solar storms)
     just what the cold waters of the Bering sea
     (and the mirror sea of air above it) are up to
     all 19 hours of summer days and winter nights
     through gales and calms and passing whales
     through the sea ice as it scrapes
     the yellow paint from its sides
     27 years to meditate
     in the circle of horizon
     in the heartbeat of waves
     in the perfect point
     where all else
     falls away
                 - - -

      National Data Buoy Center:

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