Poetry competition CLOSED 11th July 2012 00:48am
View Profile Poems by Danii


Semi-New Idea

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1593

Poetry Contest

Become The Disease/Disorder
Another DU'er has a competition going where everyone votes with a thumbs up. I decided to do something similar, except at the end of this competition, I will put the titles in a "New Poll Thread" for everyone to vote on for a week. At the end of the week, a trophy will be awarded.

In this poem, I want you to become a disease or a mental disorder. Describe what you are doing to the body or the mind. Describe what medications are doing to you. Be descriptive! If the rules are not followed, I will not put you up for a vote.

-500 words or less
-Two entries only
-New or old
-No collabs

One week to enter, one week to vote.

No unnecessary chatting back and forth please. I welcome praise of all kinds, but it does not need to go further than that. Thank you kindly.

Have fun and good luck!!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5083

Great idea Rachel.   :)

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1593

Thank you Danii :D

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 492



Someone cried out “Oh NO…it’s the Fungus amongst us”
I smiled, grabbed hold to their larynx
Then they tried to text; then I took hold of their fingers next
They fell to the floor; yeah I took charge of their reflex
I done ran amuck through the whole damn complex
COMPLEX…meaning the world that’s now perplexed
My way, my play, today I stacked the decks
Saw scenes of medical doctors grasping for the closest crucifix
No cure, now rubbing monkey manure all hoping for a fix
Witch doctors called in but they already know I’m in the mix…
Heartbeats and bodily functions doing never before seen tricks
Nobody knows how I got in and it don’t make NO sense
Waiting for me to leave and leap over that fence
Tracking me with meters and test tubes but remaining in suspense
But the whole world is now My Lab leaving the living all intense
Yeah call me “A” Fungus because YOU all begun this
I’m just collecting from experimenting “B” cause I’m so pissed!
“C” I’m that genie out the bottle from that “gone wrong” test!
Infecting, call it correcting ALL-LIFE between The East & The West
If I miss you it means I’ll get you after whoever’s numbered next
But know for sure I’m coming while hunting down a pest!


Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1593

Great entries so far...let's get lot's more coming :)

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1593

I extended this comp a week, I sure do hope to see more entries by then :D

Strange Creature
Joined 8th July 2012
Forum Posts: 6

Mine, all mine, and I’ll never let you go
From this prison cell
In which you dwell alone
Back-peddle – plea freedom from the life you alone chose
I am fading, I am weak
Threatening to leave
“Please go, give me reprieve”
But you’ll miss me so
As you scratch, as you tear, even your flesh you’ll sacrifice
For my taste, for my nice feel, and my glow
Your family you don’t know, and it doesn’t bother me
They just make the time go slow, waiting ‘til you I get to see
Let the steel doors shut, your body is all I need
In my greed, I hold
onto the one silently praying to be freed

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

-Invisible Poison-

I repress the brain
I am unseen and unbeatable
No one knows who I am
For I appear different to every person

I haunt many peoples dreams
I can make their dreams run red with blood
Death within the dream can be created by my will alone
My hosts wake up in a cold sweat of fear

I am a parasite on the mind and the body
I sap the stamina of the brain
And there is no medicinal way to kill me
Unless you have the guts to face me

Even though I am a parasite of sorts
I never want to share this host with any other
I try my best to kill any other parasites within
But the white blood cells fight me off

The white blood cells were stronger than I thought
When they hit me it burns
It's like I have been throughen into a bonfire
My molecules start to disintegrate

I fly up the blood stream to hide within the brain
And this is where I will stay forevermore
The other parasites can have the body
I shall wreck havok on the mind

Although you will experience me in your mind
You shall never guess who I am

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 209

If you have a guess of the disease/disorder that is the focus of my poem then send a msg to me and i will comfirm or deny your guess

poet Anonymous

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The Illusionist ofSorrow
Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 10th June 2012
Forum Posts: 341


Remember that cut you got,
As you ran through the woods?
I must confessed I enjoyed it a bit,
Did you think you were Red Riding Hood?
Now, Mother, always knows best,
Clean it out, patch it up,
So little did you worry,
About me, the little cut,
Yet, I start to fester,
Destroying underlying body tissue,
I spread across your hand, first,
Causing new...internal issues,
I take my time with you,
Making sure you can see my reign,
"Mommy my hand hurts..."
But she ignored all your complaints,
Underneath the bandage, I eat,
Away of forms of flesh,
Leaving you to see your bones,
A sense of dieing, refreshed,
Her mother didn't notice,
Until her arm was half-way gone,
But she would of caught it early,
Had she listened all along,
I was removed from her body,
Taking her arm with me,
The only sign that I had been,
Was dripping blood-red rupees,
And take heed in what I say,
For I know you won't detest,
Always listen to Mother,
For mothers always know best...


Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2016

Something I know all to well

Yum, I just love me
some anti-bodies
The platelets they attack
are a bonus treat

This boy, my home for years
is the home of ITP
A disease, that simply
makes it easier to bleed

You see, I eat anti-bodies
and normal pathogens
But the anti-bodies,
reprogrammed, have a new mission

They attach to platelets
your bodies bricks
They stop the bleeding
when you get a prick

I consume them now
because it's my job
I'm the spleen
whether I like it or not

So if my host,
his name is Levi,
gets cut or bruised
he could die

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th June 2012
Forum Posts: 101

father to the son of my cousin

son of incest parents
dysfunctional do to
breakfast lunch and dinner
pill then pill now pill later
no brain cell left living
just an organ beating
just turned 18 and still staying in a mad house
lock in the room just watching my merry go round go round and round to the clocks tune
tick tick tick tick my life's song  
my daily walk that drives me insane hearing this crazy tongue  
the strange look in there eyes thinking i lost it
at this point my medication got me hallucinating
them crystal blue eyes swallowed me hole took me home
where my heart at last stopped beating

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